2,634 research outputs found

    Limitations of semidefinite programs for separable states and entangled games

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    Semidefinite programs (SDPs) are a framework for exact or approximate optimization that have widespread application in quantum information theory. We introduce a new method for using reductions to construct integrality gaps for SDPs. These are based on new limitations on the sum-of-squares (SoS) hierarchy in approximating two particularly important sets in quantum information theory, where previously no ω(1)\omega(1)-round integrality gaps were known: the set of separable (i.e. unentangled) states, or equivalently, the 2→42 \rightarrow 4 norm of a matrix, and the set of quantum correlations; i.e. conditional probability distributions achievable with local measurements on a shared entangled state. In both cases no-go theorems were previously known based on computational assumptions such as the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) which asserts that 3-SAT requires exponential time to solve. Our unconditional results achieve the same parameters as all of these previous results (for separable states) or as some of the previous results (for quantum correlations). In some cases we can make use of the framework of Lee-Raghavendra-Steurer (LRS) to establish integrality gaps for any SDP, not only the SoS hierarchy. Our hardness result on separable states also yields a dimension lower bound of approximate disentanglers, answering a question of Watrous and Aaronson et al. These results can be viewed as limitations on the monogamy principle, the PPT test, the ability of Tsirelson-type bounds to restrict quantum correlations, as well as the SDP hierarchies of Doherty-Parrilo-Spedalieri, Navascues-Pironio-Acin and Berta-Fawzi-Scholz.Comment: 47 pages. v2. small changes, fixes and clarifications. published versio

    Lower bounds on the size of semidefinite programming relaxations

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    We introduce a method for proving lower bounds on the efficacy of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations for combinatorial problems. In particular, we show that the cut, TSP, and stable set polytopes on nn-vertex graphs are not the linear image of the feasible region of any SDP (i.e., any spectrahedron) of dimension less than 2nc2^{n^c}, for some constant c>0c > 0. This result yields the first super-polynomial lower bounds on the semidefinite extension complexity of any explicit family of polytopes. Our results follow from a general technique for proving lower bounds on the positive semidefinite rank of a matrix. To this end, we establish a close connection between arbitrary SDPs and those arising from the sum-of-squares SDP hierarchy. For approximating maximum constraint satisfaction problems, we prove that SDPs of polynomial-size are equivalent in power to those arising from degree-O(1)O(1) sum-of-squares relaxations. This result implies, for instance, that no family of polynomial-size SDP relaxations can achieve better than a 7/8-approximation for MAX-3-SAT

    Transforms of pseudo-Boolean random variables

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    As in earlier works, we consider {0, 1}n as a sample space with a probability measure on it, thus making pseudo-Boolean functions into random variables. Under the assumption that the coordinate random variables are independent, we show it is very easy to give an orthonormal basis for the space of pseudo-Boolean random variables of degree at most k. We use this orthonormal basis to find the transform of a given pseudo-Boolean random variable and to answer various least squares minimization questions. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Formulas for approximating pseudo-Boolean random variables

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    We consider { 0, 1 }n as a sample space with a probability measure on it, thus making pseudo-Boolean functions into random variables. We then derive explicit formulas for approximating a pseudo-Boolean random variable by a linear function if the measure is permutation-invariant, and by a function of degree at most k if the measure is a product measure. These formulas generalize results due to Hammer-Holzman and Grabisch-Marichal-Roubens. We also derive a formula for the best faithful linear approximation that extends a result due to Charnes-Golany-Keane-Rousseau concerning generalized Shapley values. We show that a theorem of Hammer-Holzman that states that a pseudo-Boolean function and its best approximation of degree at most k have the same derivatives up to order k does not generalize to this setting for arbitrary probability measures, but does generalize if the probability measure is a product measure. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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