5 research outputs found

    A tight quasi-polynomial bound for Global Label Min-Cut

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    We study a generalization of the classic Global Min-Cut problem, called Global Label Min-Cut (or sometimes Global Hedge Min-Cut): the edges of the input (multi)graph are labeled (or partitioned into color classes or hedges), and removing all edges of the same label (color or from the same hedge) costs one. The problem asks to disconnect the graph at minimum cost. While the stst-cut version of the problem is known to be NP-hard, the above global cut version is known to admit a quasi-polynomial randomized nO(logOPT)n^{O(\log \mathrm{OPT})}-time algorithm due to Ghaffari, Karger, and Panigrahi [SODA 2017]. They consider this as ``strong evidence that this problem is in P''. We show that this is actually not the case. We complete the study of the complexity of the Global Label Min-Cut problem by showing that the quasi-polynomial running time is probably optimal: We show that the existence of an algorithm with running time (np)o(logn/(loglogn)2)(np)^{o(\log n/ (\log \log n)^2)} would contradict the Exponential Time Hypothesis, where nn is the number of vertices, and pp is the number of labels in the input. The key step for the lower bound is a proof that Global Label Min-Cut is W[1]-hard when parameterized by the number of uncut labels. In other words, the problem is difficult in the regime where almost all labels need to be cut to disconnect the graph. To turn this lower bound into a quasi-polynomial-time lower bound, we also needed to revisit the framework due to Marx [Theory Comput. 2010] of proving lower bounds assuming Exponential Time Hypothesis through the Subgraph Isomorphism problem parameterized by the number of edges of the pattern. Here, we provide an alternative simplified proof of the hardness of this problem that is more versatile with respect to the choice of the regimes of the parameters

    Combinatorial optimization in networks with Shared Risk Link Groups

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    International audienceThe notion of Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLG) captures survivability issues when a set of links of a network may fail simultaneously. The theory of survivable network design relies on basic combinatorial objects that are rather easy to compute in the classical graph models: shortest paths, minimum cuts, or pairs of disjoint paths. In the SRLG context, the optimization criterion for these objects is no longer the number of edges they use, but the number of SRLGs involved. Unfortunately, computing these combinatorial objects is NP-hard and hard to approximate with this objective in general. Nevertheless some objects can be computed in polynomial time when the SRLGs satisfy certain structural properties of locality which correspond to practical ones, namely the star property (all links affected by a given SRLG are incident to a unique node) and the span 1 property (the links affected by a given SRLG form a connected component of the network). The star property is defined in a multi-colored model where a link can be affected by several SRLGs while the span property is defined only in a mono-colored model where a link can be affected by at most one SRLG. In this paper, we extend these notions to characterize new cases in which these optimization problems can be solved in polynomial time. We also investigate the computational impact of the transformation from the multi-colored model to the mono-colored one. Experimental results are presented to validate the proposed algorithms and principles