7 research outputs found

    Approximate message-passing for convex optimization with non-separable penalties

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    We introduce an iterative optimization scheme for convex objectives consisting of a linear loss and a non-separable penalty, based on the expectation-consistent approximation and the vector approximate message-passing (VAMP) algorithm. Specifically, the penalties we approach are convex on a linear transformation of the variable to be determined, a notable example being total variation (TV). We describe the connection between message-passing algorithms-typically used for approximate inference-and proximal methods for optimization, and show that our scheme is, as VAMP, similar in nature to the Peaceman-Rachford splitting, with the important difference that stepsizes are set adaptively. Finally, we benchmark the performance of our VAMP-like iteration in problems where TV penalties are useful, namely classification in task fMRI and reconstruction in tomography, and show faster convergence than that of state-of-the-art approaches such as FISTA and ADMM in most settings

    Tree-AMP: Compositional Inference with Tree Approximate Message Passing

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    We introduce Tree-AMP, standing for Tree Approximate Message Passing, a python package for compositional inference in high-dimensional tree-structured models. The package provides a unifying framework to study several approximate message passing algorithms previously derived for a variety of machine learning tasks such as generalized linear models, inference in multi-layer networks, matrix factorization, and reconstruction using non-separable penalties. For some models, the asymptotic performance of the algorithm can be theoretically predicted by the state evolution, and the measurements entropy estimated by the free entropy formalism. The implementation is modular by design: each module, which implements a factor, can be composed at will with other modules to solve complex inference tasks. The user only needs to declare the factor graph of the model: the inference algorithm, state evolution and entropy estimation are fully automated.Comment: Source code available at https://github.com/sphinxteam/tramp and documentation at https://sphinxteam.github.io/tramp.doc