544 research outputs found

    Approximate k-space models and Deep Learning for fast photoacoustic reconstruction

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    We present a framework for accelerated iterative reconstructions using a fast and approximate forward model that is based on k-space methods for photoacoustic tomography. The approximate model introduces aliasing artefacts in the gradient information for the iterative reconstruction, but these artefacts are highly structured and we can train a CNN that can use the approximate information to perform an iterative reconstruction. We show feasibility of the method for human in-vivo measurements in a limited-view geometry. The proposed method is able to produce superior results to total variation reconstructions with a speed-up of 32 times

    Fourier Neural Operator Networks: A Fast and General Solver for the Photoacoustic Wave Equation

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    Simulation tools for photoacoustic wave propagation have played a key role in advancing photoacoustic imaging by providing quantitative and qualitative insights into parameters affecting image quality. Classical methods for numerically solving the photoacoustic wave equation relies on a fine discretization of space and can become computationally expensive for large computational grids. In this work, we apply Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) networks as a fast data-driven deep learning method for solving the 2D photoacoustic wave equation in a homogeneous medium. Comparisons between the FNO network and pseudo-spectral time domain approach demonstrated that the FNO network generated comparable simulations with small errors and was several orders of magnitude faster. Moreover, the FNO network was generalizable and can generate simulations not observed in the training data

    On Learned Operator Correction in Inverse Problems

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    We discuss the possibility of learning a data-driven explicit model correction for inverse problems and whether such a model correction can be used within a variational framework to obtain regularized reconstructions. This paper discusses the conceptual difficulty of learning such a forward model correction and proceeds to present a possible solution as a forward-adjoint correction that explicitly corrects in both data and solution spaces. We then derive conditions under which solutions to the variational problem with a learned correction converge to solutions obtained with the correct operator. The proposed approach is evaluated on an application to limited view photoacoustic tomography and compared to the established framework of the Bayesian approximation error method

    Inverse Problems with Learned Forward Operators

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    Solving inverse problems requires knowledge of the forward operator, but accurate models can be computationally expensive and hence cheaper variants are desired that do not compromise reconstruction quality. This chapter reviews reconstruction methods in inverse problems with learned forward operators that follow two different paradigms. The first one is completely agnostic to the forward operator and learns its restriction to the subspace spanned by the training data. The framework of regularisation by projection is then used to find a reconstruction. The second one uses a simplified model of the physics of the measurement process and only relies on the training data to learn a model correction. We present the theory of these two approaches and compare them numerically. A common theme emerges: both methods require, or at least benefit from, training data not only for the forward operator, but also for its adjoint