5 research outputs found

    Approximate and reinforcement learning techniques to solve non-convex economic dispatch problems

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    Economic Dispatch is one of the power systems management tools. It is used to allocate an amount of power generation to the generating units to meet the active load demands. The Economic Dispatch problem is a large-scale nonlinear constrained optimization problem. In this paper, two novel techniques are developed to solve the non-convex Economic Dispatch problem. Firstly, a novel approximation of the non-convex generation cost function is developed to solve non-convex Economic Dispatch problem with the transmission losses. This approximation enables the use of gradient and Newton techniques to solve the non-convex Economic Dispatch problem. Secondly, Q-Learning with eligibility traces technique is adopted to solve the non-convex Economic Dispatch problem with valve point loading effects, multiple fuel options, and power transmission losses. The eligibility traces are used to speed up the Q-Learning process. This technique showed superior results compared to other heuristic techniques

    Approximate and reinforcement learning techniques to solve non-convex economic dispatch problems

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    Economic Dispatch is one of the power systems management tools. It is used to allocate an amount of power generation to the generating units to meet the active load demands. The Economic Dispatch problem is a large-scale nonlinear constrained optimization problem. In this paper, two novel techniques are developed to solve the non-convex Economic Dispatch problem. Firstly, a novel approximation of the non-convex generation cost function is developed to solve non-convex Economic Dispatch problem with the transmission losses. This approximation enables the use of gradient and Newton techniques to solve the non-convex Economic Dispatch problem. Secondly, Q-Learning with eligibility traces technique is adopted to solve the non-convex Economic Dispatch problem with valve point loading effects, multiple fuel options, and power transmission losses. The eligibility traces are used to speed up the Q-Learning process. This technique showed superior results compared to other heuristic techniques

    Desarrollo de un algoritmo de aprendizaje por refuerzo profundo para resolver el despacho hidrot茅rmico colombiano considerando escenarios hidrol贸gicos y de demanda bajo incertidumbre

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    El despacho econ贸mico es un problema de optimizaci贸n ampliamente analizado en el sector el茅ctrico, que busca hacer el mejor uso de los recursos disponibles para satisfacer la demanda a m铆nimo costo. Este problema presenta un gran reto en su soluci贸n debido a la incertidumbre de m煤ltiples par谩metros, como la demanda de energ铆a el茅ctrica, y para el caso colombiano es de especial inter茅s la incertidumbre hidrol贸gica por su alta dependencia en centrales hidroel茅ctricas. Dado que el despacho econ贸mico se asemeja a un problema de decisiones secuenciales, es posible modelar el problema como un proceso de decisi贸n de Markov, lo que permite incorporar en la modelaci贸n la incertidumbre de los par谩metros de inter茅s. El presente proyecto propone una modelaci贸n del modelo de despacho econ贸mico colombiano como un proceso de decisi贸n de Markov, considerando la incertidumbre en la demanda y la hidrolog铆a. Luego, a trav茅s de algoritmos de aprendizaje reforzado profundo se determina una pol铆tica 贸ptima y robusta para dar un mejor manejo a los recursos disponibles frente al manejo de la demanda energ茅tica.Economic dispatch is a widely analyzed optimization problem in the electricity sector, which seeks to make the best use of available resources to meet demand at minimum cost. This problem has a great complexity in its solution due to the uncertainty of multiple parameters, being of special interest the hydrological uncertainty for the Colombian case due to its high dependence on hydroelectric plants. In this paper, we view economic dispatch as a multistage decision making problem and propose a Reinforcement Learning to solve the Colombian economic dispatch problem considering hydrological scenarios, due to its ability to handle uncertainty and sequential decisions. The policy performance of our algorithm is compared with classic deterministic method. The main advantage of our method is it can learn from a robust policy to deal the inflow and load demand scenarios