8 research outputs found

    String Matching with Variable Length Gaps

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    We consider string matching with variable length gaps. Given a string TT and a pattern PP consisting of strings separated by variable length gaps (arbitrary strings of length in a specified range), the problem is to find all ending positions of substrings in TT that match PP. This problem is a basic primitive in computational biology applications. Let mm and nn be the lengths of PP and TT, respectively, and let kk be the number of strings in PP. We present a new algorithm achieving time O(nlog⁥k+m+α)O(n\log k + m +\alpha) and space O(m+A)O(m + A), where AA is the sum of the lower bounds of the lengths of the gaps in PP and α\alpha is the total number of occurrences of the strings in PP within TT. Compared to the previous results this bound essentially achieves the best known time and space complexities simultaneously. Consequently, our algorithm obtains the best known bounds for almost all combinations of mm, nn, kk, AA, and α\alpha. Our algorithm is surprisingly simple and straightforward to implement. We also present algorithms for finding and encoding the positions of all strings in PP for every match of the pattern.Comment: draft of full version, extended abstract at SPIRE 201

    String Indexing for Patterns with Wildcards

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    We consider the problem of indexing a string tt of length nn to report the occurrences of a query pattern pp containing mm characters and jj wildcards. Let occocc be the number of occurrences of pp in tt, and σ\sigma the size of the alphabet. We obtain the following results. - A linear space index with query time O(m+σjlog⁥log⁥n+occ)O(m+\sigma^j \log \log n + occ). This significantly improves the previously best known linear space index by Lam et al. [ISAAC 2007], which requires query time Θ(jn)\Theta(jn) in the worst case. - An index with query time O(m+j+occ)O(m+j+occ) using space O(σk2nlog⁥klog⁥n)O(\sigma^{k^2} n \log^k \log n), where kk is the maximum number of wildcards allowed in the pattern. This is the first non-trivial bound with this query time. - A time-space trade-off, generalizing the index by Cole et al. [STOC 2004]. We also show that these indexes can be generalized to allow variable length gaps in the pattern. Our results are obtained using a novel combination of well-known and new techniques, which could be of independent interest

    Gapped Indexing for Consecutive Occurrences

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    The classic string indexing problem is to preprocess a string S into a compact data structure that supports efficient pattern matching queries. Typical queries include existential queries (decide if the pattern occurs in S), reporting queries (return all positions where the pattern occurs), and counting queries (return the number of occurrences of the pattern). In this paper we consider a variant of string indexing, where the goal is to compactly represent the string such that given two patterns P? and P? and a gap range [?, ?] we can quickly find the consecutive occurrences of P? and P? with distance in [?, ?], i.e., pairs of subsequent occurrences with distance within the range. We present data structures that use O?(n) space and query time O?(|P?|+|P?|+n^{2/3}) for existence and counting and O?(|P?|+|P?|+n^{2/3}occ^{1/3}) for reporting. We complement this with a conditional lower bound based on the set intersection problem showing that any solution using O?(n) space must use ??(|P?| + |P?| + ?n) query time. To obtain our results we develop new techniques and ideas of independent interest including a new suffix tree decomposition and hardness of a variant of the set intersection problem

    Comparing Degenerate Strings

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    Uncertain sequences are compact representations of sets of similar strings. They highlight common segments by collapsing them, and explicitly represent varying segments by listing all possible options. A generalized degenerate string (GD string) is a type of uncertain sequence. Formally, a GD string S is a sequence of n sets of strings of total size N, where the ith set contains strings of the same length ki but this length can vary between different sets. We denote by W the sum of these lengths k0, k1,... , kn-1. Our main result is an (N + M)-time algorithm for deciding whether two GD strings of total sizes N and M, respectively, over an integer alphabet, have a non-empty intersection. This result is based on a combinatorial result of independent interest: although the intersection of two GD strings can be exponential in the total size of the two strings, it can be represented in linear space. We then apply our string comparison tool to devise a simple algorithm for computing all palindromes in S in (min{W, n2}N)-time. We complement this upper bound by showing a similar conditional lower bound for computing maximal palindromes in S. We also show that a result, which is essentially the same as our string comparison linear-time algorithm, can be obtained by employing an automata-based approach

    Management of biological sequences using suffix trees

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    The amount of available biological sequences, represented as strings over the DNA and protein alphabets, grows at phenomenal rate. Supporting various search tasks over such data efficiently requires development of sophisticated indexing techniques. Recently, suffix tree (ST) and suffix array (SA) received considerable attention as suitable data structures in this context. However, existing solutions often focus on either efficiency or scalability, but not both. Further, some of the solutions require advanced computational resources or are tailored towards a specific application. We investigate, both theoretically and experimentally, ways to improve efficiency and scalability in management of biological sequence data. Our goal is to develop an indexing technique that is reasonable in construction time and space utilization, and supports efficiently versatile search applications in biological sequences of various sizes, running on a typical desktop computer. The contributions of this research include development of a ST based indexing technique, called HST, together with exact and approximate search algorithms that use the index. The results of our experiments indicate that the index construction cost is comparable to other ST based techniques, such as TDD and Trellis, in terms of construction time and main memory requirement. While HST exhibits slower construction time than Vmatch, the best known SA based solution, with the same amount of main memory HST can handle sequences that are an order of magnitude longer. In terms of the index size, HST is comparable to TDD and Vmatch, which is half of the Trellis index size. We also develop efficient and scalable search applications using HST, including exact match, k-mismatch, and structured motif search. Our experiments using real-life sequences indicated that for short sequences (e.g., human chromosomes), our exact match search is comparable to Vmatch, about 3 times faster than TDD, and more than 10 times faster than Trellis. Further, HST can be used to search directly in longer DNA sequences, as opposed to partitioning such a sequence and search in the parts - the only option to follow with Vmatch. We found that a direct exact match search using HST is twice faster when searching in the entire human genome, compared to using Vmatch on parts. Compared to Trellis, which can handle direct search in human genome, HST was more than 20 times faster. To further compare performance of HST and Vmatch, we considered k-mismatch search. Our results indicated significant improvement of the HST based solution over Vmatch, ranging from 2 to 9 times faster k-mismatch search on average, for short and long sequences, respectively. For structured motif search, HST was about 6 times faster than SMOTIF1, the best known structured motif search tool

    Approximate Matching of Network Expressions with Spacers

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    Two algorithmic results are presented that are pertinent to the matching of patterns of interest in macromolecular sequences. The first result is an output sensitive algorithm for approximately matching network expressions, i.e., regular expressions without Kleene closure. This result generalizes the O (kn ) expected-time algorithm of Ukkonen for approximately matching keywords [Ukk85]. The second result concerns the problem of matching a pattern that is a network expression whose elements are approximate matches to network expressions interspersed with specifiable distance ranges. For this class of patterns, it is shown how to determine a backtracking procedure whose order of evaluation is optimal in the sense that its expected time is minimal over all such procedures. Key words: Approximate Match, Backtracking, Network Expression, Proximity Search January 16, 1992 Department of Computer Science The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 *This work was supported in part by the ..