50,168 research outputs found

    AxOMaP: Designing FPGA-based Approximate Arithmetic Operators using Mathematical Programming

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    With the increasing application of machine learning (ML) algorithms in embedded systems, there is a rising necessity to design low-cost computer arithmetic for these resource-constrained systems. As a result, emerging models of computation, such as approximate and stochastic computing, that leverage the inherent error-resilience of such algorithms are being actively explored for implementing ML inference on resource-constrained systems. Approximate computing (AxC) aims to provide disproportionate gains in the power, performance, and area (PPA) of an application by allowing some level of reduction in its behavioral accuracy (BEHAV). Using approximate operators (AxOs) for computer arithmetic forms one of the more prevalent methods of implementing AxC. AxOs provide the additional scope for finer granularity of optimization, compared to only precision scaling of computer arithmetic. To this end, designing platform-specific and cost-efficient approximate operators forms an important research goal. Recently, multiple works have reported using AI/ML-based approaches for synthesizing novel FPGA-based AxOs. However, most of such works limit usage of AI/ML to designing ML-based surrogate functions used during iterative optimization processes. To this end, we propose a novel data analysis-driven mathematical programming-based approach to synthesizing approximate operators for FPGAs. Specifically, we formulate mixed integer quadratically constrained programs based on the results of correlation analysis of the characterization data and use the solutions to enable a more directed search approach for evolutionary optimization algorithms. Compared to traditional evolutionary algorithms-based optimization, we report up to 21% improvement in the hypervolume, for joint optimization of PPA and BEHAV, in the design of signed 8-bit multipliers.Comment: 23 pages, Under review at ACM TRET

    Boosting Variational Inference: an Optimization Perspective

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    Variational inference is a popular technique to approximate a possibly intractable Bayesian posterior with a more tractable one. Recently, boosting variational inference has been proposed as a new paradigm to approximate the posterior by a mixture of densities by greedily adding components to the mixture. However, as is the case with many other variational inference algorithms, its theoretical properties have not been studied. In the present work, we study the convergence properties of this approach from a modern optimization viewpoint by establishing connections to the classic Frank-Wolfe algorithm. Our analyses yields novel theoretical insights regarding the sufficient conditions for convergence, explicit rates, and algorithmic simplifications. Since a lot of focus in previous works for variational inference has been on tractability, our work is especially important as a much needed attempt to bridge the gap between probabilistic models and their corresponding theoretical properties
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