582 research outputs found

    On approximate halfspace range counting and relative epsilon-approximations

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    On Geometric Range Searching, Approximate Counting and Depth Problems

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    In this thesis we deal with problems connected to range searching, which is one of the central areas of computational geometry. The dominant problems in this area are halfspace range searching, simplex range searching and orthogonal range searching and research into these problems has spanned decades. For many range searching problems, the best possible data structures cannot offer fast (i.e., polylogarithmic) query times if we limit ourselves to near linear storage. Even worse, it is conjectured (and proved in some cases) that only very small improvements to these might be possible. This inefficiency has encouraged many researchers to seek alternatives through approximations. In this thesis we continue this line of research and focus on relative approximation of range counting problems. One important problem where it is possible to achieve significant speedup through approximation is halfspace range counting in 3D. Here we continue the previous research done and obtain the first optimal data structure for approximate halfspace range counting in 3D. Our data structure has the slight advantage of being Las Vegas (the result is always correct) in contrast to the previous methods that were Monte Carlo (the correctness holds with high probability). Another series of problems where approximation can provide us with substantial speedup comes from robust statistics. We recognize three problems here: approximate Tukey depth, regression depth and simplicial depth queries. In 2D, we obtain an optimal data structure capable of approximating the regression depth of a query hyperplane. We also offer a linear space data structure which can answer approximate Tukey depth queries efficiently in 3D. These data structures are obtained by applying our ideas for the approximate halfspace counting problem. Approximating the simplicial depth turns out to be much more difficult, however. Computing the simplicial depth of a given point is more computationally challenging than most other definitions of data depth. In 2D we obtain the first data structure which uses near linear space and can answer approximate simplicial depth queries in polylogarithmic time. As applications of this result, we provide two non-trivial methods to approximate the simplicial depth of a given point in higher dimension. Along the way, we establish a tight combinatorial relationship between the Tukey depth of any given point and its simplicial depth. Another problem investigated in this thesis is the dominance reporting problem, an important special case of orthogonal range reporting. In three dimensions, we solve this problem in the pointer machine model and the external memory model by offering the first optimal data structures in these models of computation. Also, in the RAM model and for points from an integer grid we reduce the space complexity of the fastest known data structure to optimal. Using known techniques in the literature, we can use our results to obtain solutions for the orthogonal range searching problem as well. The query complexity offered by our orthogonal range reporting data structures match the most efficient query complexities known in the literature but our space bounds are lower than the previous methods in the external memory model and RAM model where the input is a subset of an integer grid. The results also yield improved orthogonal range searching in higher dimensions (which shows the significance of the dominance reporting problem). Intersection searching is a generalization of range searching where we deal with more complicated geometric objects instead of points. We investigate the rectilinear disjoint polygon counting problem which is a specialized intersection counting problem. We provide a linear-size data structure capable of counting the number of disjoint rectilinear polygons intersecting any rectilinear polygon of constant size. The query time (as well as some other properties of our data structure) resembles the classical simplex range searching data structures

    Approximate Maximum Halfspace Discrepancy

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    Consider the geometric range space (X, H_d) where X ? ?^d and H_d is the set of ranges defined by d-dimensional halfspaces. In this setting we consider that X is the disjoint union of a red and blue set. For each halfspace h ? H_d define a function ?(h) that measures the "difference" between the fraction of red and fraction of blue points which fall in the range h. In this context the maximum discrepancy problem is to find the h^* = arg max_{h ? (X, H_d)} ?(h). We aim to instead find an h? such that ?(h^*) - ?(h?) ? ?. This is the central problem in linear classification for machine learning, in spatial scan statistics for spatial anomaly detection, and shows up in many other areas. We provide a solution for this problem in O(|X| + (1/?^d) log? (1/?)) time, for constant d, which improves polynomially over the previous best solutions. For d = 2 we show that this is nearly tight through conditional lower bounds. For different classes of ? we can either provide a ?(|X|^{3/2 - o(1)}) time lower bound for the exact solution with a reduction to APSP, or an ?(|X| + 1/?^{2-o(1)}) lower bound for the approximate solution with a reduction to 3Sum. A key technical result is a ?-approximate halfspace range counting data structure of size O(1/?^d) with O(log (1/?)) query time, which we can build in O(|X| + (1/?^d) log? (1/?)) time
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