4 research outputs found

    How the Sando Search Tool Recommends Queries

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    Developers spend a significant amount of time searching their local codebase. To help them search efficiently, researchers have proposed novel tools that apply state-of-the-art information retrieval algorithms to retrieve relevant code snippets from the local codebase. However, these tools still rely on the developer to craft an effective query, which requires that the developer is familiar with the terms contained in the related code snippets. Our empirical data from a state-of-the-art local code search tool, called Sando, suggests that developers are sometimes unacquainted with their local codebase. In order to bridge the gap between developers and their ever-increasing local codebase, in this paper we demonstrate the recommendation techniques integrated in Sando

    Management Aspects of Software Clone Detection and Analysis

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    Copying a code fragment and reusing it by pasting with or without minor modifications is a common practice in software development for improved productivity. As a result, software systems often have similar segments of code, called software clones or code clones. Due to many reasons, unintentional clones may also appear in the source code without awareness of the developer. Studies report that significant fractions (5% to 50%) of the code in typical software systems are cloned. Although code cloning may increase initial productivity, it may cause fault propagation, inflate the code base and increase maintenance overhead. Thus, it is believed that code clones should be identified and carefully managed. This Ph.D. thesis contributes in clone management with techniques realized into tools and large-scale in-depth analyses of clones to inform clone management in devising effective techniques and strategies. To support proactive clone management, we have developed a clone detector as a plug-in to the Eclipse IDE. For clone detection, we used a hybrid approach that combines the strength of both parser-based and text-based techniques. To capture clones that are similar but not exact duplicates, we adopted a novel approach that applies a suffix-tree-based k-difference hybrid algorithm, borrowed from the area of computational biology. Instead of targeting all clones from the entire code base, our tool aids clone-aware development by allowing focused search for clones of any code fragment of the developer's interest. A good understanding on the code cloning phenomenon is a prerequisite to devise efficient clone management strategies. The second phase of the thesis includes large-scale empirical studies on the characteristics (e.g., proportion, types of similarity, change patterns) of code clones in evolving software systems. Applying statistical techniques, we also made fairly accurate forecast on the proportion of code clones in the future versions of software projects. The outcome of these studies expose useful insights into the characteristics of evolving clones and their management implications. Upon identification of the code clones, their management often necessitates careful refactoring, which is dealt with at the third phase of the thesis. Given a large number of clones, it is difficult to optimally decide what to refactor and what not, especially when there are dependencies among clones and the objective remains the minimization of refactoring efforts and risks while maximizing benefits. In this regard, we developed a novel clone refactoring scheduler that applies a constraint programming approach. We also introduced a novel effort model for the estimation of efforts needed to refactor clones in source code. We evaluated our clone detector, scheduler and effort model through comparative empirical studies and user studies. Finally, based on our experience and in-depth analysis of the present state of the art, we expose avenues for further research and development towards a versatile clone management system that we envision

    Big Code Search: A Bibliography

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    peer reviewedCode search is an essential task in software development. Developers often search the internet and other code databases for necessary source code snippets to ease the development efforts. Code search techniques also help learn programming as novice programmers or students can quickly retrieve (hopefully good) examples already used in actual software projects. Given the recurrence of the code search activity in software development, there is an increasing interest in the research community. To improve the code search experience, the research community suggests many code search tools and techniques. These tools and techniques leverage several different ideas and claim a better code search performance. However, it is still challenging to illustrate a comprehensive view of the field considering that existing studies generally explore narrow and limited subsets of used components. This study aims to devise a grounded approach to understanding the procedure for code search and build an operational taxonomy capturing the critical facets of code search techniques. Additionally, we investigate evaluation methods, benchmarks, and datasets used in the field of code search

    Source Code Similarity and Clone Search

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    Historically, clone detection as a research discipline has focused on devising source code similarity measurement and search solutions to cancel out effects of code reuse in software maintenance. However, it has also been observed that identifying duplications and similar programming patterns can be exploited for pragmatic reuse. Identifying such patterns requires a source code similarity model for detection of Type-1, 2, and 3 clones. Due to the lack of such a model, ad-hoc pattern detection models have been devised as part of state of the art solutions that support pragmatic reuse via code search. In this dissertation, we propose a clone search model which is based on the clone detection principles and satisfies the fundamental requirements for supporting pragmatic reuse. Our research presents a clone search model that not only supports scalability, short response times, and Type-1, 2 and 3 detection, but also emphasizes the need for supporting ranking as a key functionality. Our model takes advantage of a multi-level (non-positional) indexing approach to achieve a scalable and fast retrieval with high recall. Result sets are ranked using two ranking approaches: Jaccard similarity coefficient and the cosine similarity (vector space model) which exploits the code patterns’ local and global frequencies. We also extend the model by adapting a form of semantic search to cover bytecode code. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed clone search model can be applied for spotting working code examples in the context of pragmatic reuse. Further evidence of the applicability of the clone search model is provided through performance evaluation