1 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Akuntansi Dasar Kd 3.4 Berbasis Wordpress Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X Di SMKN 1 Boyolali

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    The aim of this research are: (1) To develop Basic Accountancy K.D 3.4 Learning Media based on Wordpress for X class students in SMKN 1 Boyolali with Assumption, Principal, and Concept of Basic Accounting subject material (2) To describe students' study results at Basic Accounting 3.4 lesson using Accountancy Learning Media based on Wordpress. The subject of this research are students from X AKL 1 and X AKL 3 class. This research is a research and pretest-posttest control group design development. The analysis from this research points out that the development of product properness could be categorized as proper to use with material expert score 4,15 and media expert score 4,23. The result of students post-test points out the average score are 85.29 for experiment class and 80.06 for control class. The result from the independent sample t-test is t-arithmetic 1.994 or significant standard < 0.05 which has a score of 0.003 < 0,05. It means that there is a difference between students' study results from experiment class and control class. The conclusion from this research is learning media based on Wordpress could increase students' study results in Basic Accountancy subject of Assumption, Principle, and Concept