35 research outputs found

    Applying Thematic Analysis to define an Awareness Interpretation for Collaborative Computer Games

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    Abstract. Collaborative computer games have evolved from single-player to massively multiplayer games, usually involving collaboration to achieve team goals. As a consequence of such evolution, these players should be provided with feedback that enables them to perform collaborative tasks with other team members. The objective of this work is the analysis of current awareness interpretations in order to develop a new one that guides stakeholders while collect the needs of such games. This analysis has been conducted by means of a step-bystep Thematic Analysis of current interpretations that led us to extract the most relevant awareness elements defined in existing interpretations. This has resulted in the definition of Gamespace Awareness, a new interpretation based on a combination of the previously analyzed ones, which is suitable for collaborative computer games. Gamespace Awareness combines the potential awareness elements needed for collaborative computer games, making it possible to identify the awareness requirements of these games from the very beginning

    Adaptive, Multisensorial, Physiological and Social: The Next Generation of Telerehabilitation Systems

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    Some people require special treatments for rehabilitating physical, cognitive or even social capabilities after an accident or degenerative illness. However, the ever-increasing costs of looking after an aging population, many of whom suffer chronic diseases, is straining the finances of healthcare systems around Europe. This situation has given rise to a great deal of attention being paid to the development of telerehabilitation (TR) systems, which have been designed to take rehabilitation beyond hospitals and care centers. In this article, we propose which features should be addressed in the development of TR systems, that is, they should consider adaptive, multisensorial, physiological and social aspects. For this aim, the research project Vi-SMARt is being conducted for evaluating whether and how different technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), multi-sensorial feedback, or telemonitoring, may be exploited for the development of the next generation of TR systems. Beyond traditional aural and visual feedback, the exploitation of haptic sense by using devices such as haptic gloves or wristbands, can provide patients with additional guidance in the rehabilitation process. For telemonitoring, Electroencephalography (EEG) devices show signs of being a promising approach, not only to monitor patients’ emotions, but also to obtain neuro-feedback useful for controlling his/her interaction with the system and thus to provide a better rehabilitation experience

    Assessing the impact of the awareness level on a co-operative game

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    Context: When playing a co-operative game, being aware of your collaborators (where they are playing, what they are doing, the abilities they have, etc.) is essential for achieving the game's goals. This led to the definition of Gamespace Awareness in order to guide in the identification of the awareness needs in the form of a compilation of the awareness elements that a co-operative game should feature. Objective: Gamespace Awareness does not establish how much awareness information players must be provided with. This constitutes the main motivation for this work: to assess the impact of different levels of Gamespace Awareness elements on a co-operative game. Method: A multiplayer action game was developed that supports three different awareness configurations, each one featuring different awareness levels (high, medium and low). The impact of these awareness levels was measured as regards game score, time, players’ happiness while playing, enjoyment and perceived usefulness. Several techniques such as subjective surveys and facial expression analysis were used to measure these factors. Results: The analysis of the results shows that the higher the awareness, the better the game score. However, the highest level of player happiness was not achieved with the most awareness-enabled configuration; we found that the players’ enjoyment depends not only on their awareness level but also on their expertise level. Finally, the awareness elements related to the present and the future were the most useful, as could be expected in a multiplayer action game. Conclusions: The results showed that the medium level awareness obtained the best results. We therefore concluded that a certain level of awareness is necessary, but that excessive awareness could negatively affect the game experience

    Valuation Strategies for Small Businesses\u27 Intangible Assets

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    Small business owners who attempt to sell their businesses may not receive full value if they do not adequately value their intangible assets. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore effective strategies business leaders used to value intangible assets when considering the sale of their businesses. The participants for this study were 5 business owners in a metropolitan area in the southeastern United States who had successful valuation experiences during the sale of their businesses. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with participants, methodological triangulation, observations, and review of company documents. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, coding narrative segments, and reviewing secondary data. The themes that emerged from data analysis include collecting and using company data concerning intangible assets; hiring a reputable accounting firm to assist in valuation; understanding the values of brand, customer base, and goodwill; and choosing the appropriate asset valuation approach. To accurately value the intangible assets of their businesses, the most significant and recurring theme in the participants\u27 responses was the need for assistance from a reputable accounting firm. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential to enhance the economic investment in local areas where business owners appropriately value intangible assets

    Internal Control Strategies to Mitigate Fraud in Small Manufacturing Businesses in Cameroon

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    Approximately 51.3% of small manufacturing businesses lack effective internal controls to deter fraud. Internal control strategies, when adequately implemented, can mitigate fraud and improve profitability in small manufacturing businesses. The objective of this single qualitative case study was to explore the internal control strategies used in a small manufacturing business to mitigate assets misappropriation fraud and improve profitability. Agency theory was the conceptual framework for this study. Five business managers in a small manufacturing firm in Cameroon participated in face-to-face semistructured interviews. The data analysis process included Yin\u27s 5-step process. Identified themes included (a) governance at a higher management level, (b) vendor-related management approach, and (c) operational practices at the department level. Business leaders in small manufacturing firms could benefit from implementing the internal controls and procedures highlighted in this study to deter fraudulent billing from vendors, deceitful payment disbursement to vendors, and misrepresentation of financial statements by company executives. Fraud reduction might help business leaders to safeguard the company\u27s assets and improve production goals by streamlining operational practices, leading to company profitability. In turn, business profitability would result in company leaders paying more taxes, which government officials may use for social amenities and change benefiting people in the community

    Organizational Strategies to Reduce Hospital Readmissions

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    Reducing hospital readmissions is critical to the success and sustainability of both hospitals and the communities in which they reside. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore organizational strategies hospital leaders use to reduce hospital readmissions. The study was limited to hospitals in Southwest Missouri with readmission rates below the state average. Complex adaptive systems was the conceptual framework for the study because of the complex nature and numerous stakeholders of the healthcare system. Data were collected from a purposive sample of 15 hospital leaders via semistructured interviews and an analysis of organizational artifacts. Member checking was used to increase reliability and validity of the results. Data analysis was conducted using Yin\u27s 5 step process including qualitative analysis software to identify major and core themes. The major themes identified in the study included population health, hospital operations and patient interactions, leadership and mission, and barriers to reducing readmissions. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve services hospital team members provide to patients, which may improve the overall health of the communities they serve. By promoting improved health outcomes for local communities, society benefits through reduction of costs to the federal government and an overall improvement in the health of communities

    Strategies for Used Car Dealership Owners to Sustain Business in a Competitive Environment

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    Small used car dealership ventures experience high business failures in the marketplace. Grounded in the resource-based view (RBV) theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies used car dealership owners and managers employ to remain profitable and sustain operations for longer than 5 years. In this study, 10 participants, including 5 owners and 5 managers from small used car dealerships in Colorado participated in face-to-face semistructured interviews. These participants have developed successful strategies to remain profitable for at least 5 years. Using methodological triangulation, field notes and documentary evidence supplemented the data collected through semistructured interviews. Through thematic analysis, 3 themes emerged from the research findings: customer care, aggressive marketing, and business knowledge. The findings showed the need for managers and owners of used car dealerships to employ strategies to compete in the marketplace and sustain growth. The positive social change resulting from this study includes the potential to increase small business successes, which could increase employment opportunities and the potential for job creation. The success of these small businesses could contribute positively to the economic empowerment of other related businesses and improve the economic wellbeing of communities through an increase in tax revenues and contributions to local nonprofit organizations

    Employment Barriers for TANF Recipients in Kentucky

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    Though Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) beneficiaries receive appropriate training and education within a 5-year time limit, many encounter challenges finding and maintaining employment. In this qualitative case study, constraints hindering the employability of TANF benefits recipients were explored to understand how some TANF program benefit recipients find and keep a job after completing 5-year term limits. The central research question examined the types of constraints that recipients of TANF benefits in the state of Kentucky experienced in finding and maintaining employment after completing a five-year term limit, and how some TANF recipients overcome such constraints. The conceptual framework for this study was a theory of constraints and punctuated equilibrium theory. The sample included seven TANF benefit recipients from Kentucky who found a job after completing the 5-year term limit and successfully held the position for a minimum of 5 years. The data sources included semistructured interviews and documents provided by the partner organization. Yin’s five-step data analysis approach resulted in three themes: workplace norms and skillsets, barriers to employment, and case managers’ competency. The study findings could result in positive social change through strategies that TANF recipients could use to find and maintain work. Employment opportunities could decrease poverty and improve the standard of living of TANF beneficiaries

    Effective Internal Controls for Recognizing Contracting Revenues

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    Business leaders of contracting companies in Qatar struggle to develop appropriate internal controls over revenue estimates to mitigate the risk of financial statement manipulation. Grounded in the internal control framework of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that business leaders responsible for financial reporting use to develop and implement effective internal controls for recognizing contracting revenues. Nine participants from 3 private contracting companies in Qatar who had implemented strategies to develop and implement effective internal controls for recognizing contracting revenues participated in face-to-face semistructured interviews. Through a process of methodological triangulation as described by Yin, observations and documentary evidence supplemented data collected through semistructured interviews. Different themes emerged through the analysis of data that involved coding narrative segments. The research findings included themes of control environment, control activities, systemized project budget, accounting standards compliance, and risk assessment and monitoring. Business leaders of contracting companies may benefit from the findings of this study by gaining awareness of the need to develop and implement effective internal controls for recognizing contracting revenues. Implications for positive social change could come from identifying internal controls that increase financial statement reliability, which could lead to increased access to capital and debt financing and improved employment opportunities in Qatar