10 research outputs found

    Model Based Prioritization Technique for Component Testing

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    To test modified system through outdated test suite regression test process is required. However, this process of retesting takes lot of time and resources because test suite size has been large. Due to this time, consuming nature this process is not efficient for large test suite. Therefore, there is need of best test case prioritization technique to solve issue regarding retesting for large test suite. This technique has been use to evaluate test cases like higher priority test cases executed before lower priority. Main motive behind this work is to recognize faults at earlier stage so that the debuggers can begin their work earlier. In this paper, we propose a new prioritization technique for test cases to perform regression testing for Component Specific Software System (CBSS). Prim’s and Kruskal Algorithm are used

    A Survey on Software Testing Techniques using Genetic Algorithm

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    The overall aim of the software industry is to ensure delivery of high quality software to the end user. To ensure high quality software, it is required to test software. Testing ensures that software meets user specifications and requirements. However, the field of software testing has a number of underlying issues like effective generation of test cases, prioritisation of test cases etc which need to be tackled. These issues demand on effort, time and cost of the testing. Different techniques and methodologies have been proposed for taking care of these issues. Use of evolutionary algorithms for automatic test generation has been an area of interest for many researchers. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one such form of evolutionary algorithms. In this research paper, we present a survey of GA approach for addressing the various issues encountered during software testing.Comment: 13 Page

    Feature Prioritization-A Novel Method for Prioritization

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    One of the most important activities during features engineering is the selection and prioritization of features satisfying various explicit and implicit objectives and constraints. One of the most important steps in incremental software development is the Selection and Prioritization of features satisfying various constraints like stakeholder preference, resources, cost of development etc. As it is practically impossible to implement all the available features in the coming release there is a need to prioritize and choose only those features satisfying these technical and non-technical constraints? In addition, Stakeholder’s interest should also be considered in selecting the features that has to be included in the current version. After analyzing the different prioritization techniques, clearly understanding the drawbacks of traditional methods, the proposed algorithm for Feature prioritization can handle multiple stakeholders, feature dependency; a large feature set and provides an ordering of the generated optimum features.

    Generation and Prioritization of test sequences using UML activity diagram

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    Software testing is one of the most important part in software development life cycle. Generation of test sequences which is essential for software testing is one of the challenging task. Testing can be done either manually or automatically. Automated testing is better than manual testing as it reduces cost as well as time. UML activity diagram are used to show the workflow of dynamic and behavioural aspects of the software system. Test sequences can be generated using the UML activity diagram and different prioritization techniques can be applied to select the effective paths. In this project, first we generate test sequences using the activity diagram. Then, we prioritize test sequences using Ant colony optimization. We have implemented the proposed algorithm. We have compared the proposed prioritization technique with the existing prioritization technique. Experimental results shows that our result is better than that of the existing technique

    Pembangkit Test Case (Kasus Uji) Menggunakan Model UML (Unified Modeling Language) Sequence Diagram dengan Metode Algoritma Genetika

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    INDONESIA: Pengujian perangkat lunak memainkan peran utama dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak karena ini bertanggung jawab atas sebagian besar biaya pengembangan apalagi jika pengujiannya dilakukan secara manual. Pengujian Perangkat Lunak membutuhkan proses yang memakan waktu yang lama dan juga biaya yang tidak sedikit dalam siklus kehidupan pengembangan perangkat lunak. Maka dari itu, diperlukan pembangkitan kasus uji secara otomatis dengan tujuan untuk menurunkan biaya pembangunan sistem perangkat lunak karena kesalahan bisa dihilangkan lebih awal dan juga dapat menghemat waktu selama proses pembangkitan kasus ujinya. Penelitian ini berupaya membuat pembangkit kasus uji menggunakan UML Sequence Diagram dengan menerapkan metode Algoritma Genetika. Metode ini digunakan untuk membangkitkan test path berdasarkan data uji yang ada. Adapun data uji yang digunakan yaitu Sistem Konsultasi Kesehatan atau Medical Consultation System, Sistem ATM atau ATM System, Sistem Aktivitas Keberangan Pesawat atau Aircraft Departure Activity dan Sistem Evaluasi atau Penilaian Pembelajaran sebagai studi kasusnya