3 research outputs found

    Parallel detrended fluctuation analysis for fast event detection on massive PMU data

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    ("(c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are being rapidly deployed in power grids due to their high sampling rates and synchronized measurements. The devices high data reporting rates present major computational challenges in the requirement to process potentially massive volumes of data, in addition to new issues surrounding data storage. Fast algorithms capable of processing massive volumes of data are now required in the field of power systems. This paper presents a novel parallel detrended fluctuation analysis (PDFA) approach for fast event detection on massive volumes of PMU data, taking advantage of a cluster computing platform. The PDFA algorithm is evaluated using data from installed PMUs on the transmission system of Great Britain from the aspects of speedup, scalability, and accuracy. The speedup of the PDFA in computation is initially analyzed through Amdahl's Law. A revision to the law is then proposed, suggesting enhancements to its capability to analyze the performance gain in computation when parallelizing data intensive applications in a cluster computing environment

    Big data analytics on PMU measurements

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    Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are being rapidly deployed in power grids due to their high sampling rates. PMUs offer a more current and accurate visibility of the power grids than traditional SCADA systems. However, the high sampling rates of PMUs bring in two major challenges that need to be addressed to fully benefit from these PMU measurements. On one hand, any transient events captured in the PMU measurements can negatively impact the performance of steady state analysis. On the other hand, processing the high volumes of PMU data in a timely manner poses another challenge in computation. This paper presents PDFA, a parallel detrended fluctuation analysis approach for fast detection of transient events on massive PMU measurements utilizing a computer cluster. The performance of PDFA is evaluated from the aspects of speedup, scalability and accuracy in comparison with the standalone DFA approach