19,836 research outputs found

    Canonical Abstract Syntax Trees

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    This paper presents Gom, a language for describing abstract syntax trees and generating a Java implementation for those trees. Gom includes features allowing the user to specify and modify the interface of the data structure. These features provide in particular the capability to maintain the internal representation of data in canonical form with respect to a rewrite system. This explicitly guarantees that the client program only manipulates normal forms for this rewrite system, a feature which is only implicitly used in many implementations

    Global Numerical Constraints on Trees

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    We introduce a logical foundation to reason on tree structures with constraints on the number of node occurrences. Related formalisms are limited to express occurrence constraints on particular tree regions, as for instance the children of a given node. By contrast, the logic introduced in the present work can concisely express numerical bounds on any region, descendants or ancestors for instance. We prove that the logic is decidable in single exponential time even if the numerical constraints are in binary form. We also illustrate the usage of the logic in the description of numerical constraints on multi-directional path queries on XML documents. Furthermore, numerical restrictions on regular languages (XML schemas) can also be concisely described by the logic. This implies a characterization of decidable counting extensions of XPath queries and XML schemas. Moreover, as the logic is closed under negation, it can thus be used as an optimal reasoning framework for testing emptiness, containment and equivalence

    Very Simple Chaitin Machines for Concrete AIT

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    In 1975, Chaitin introduced his celebrated Omega number, the halting probability of a universal Chaitin machine, a universal Turing machine with a prefix-free domain. The Omega number's bits are {\em algorithmically random}--there is no reason the bits should be the way they are, if we define ``reason'' to be a computable explanation smaller than the data itself. Since that time, only {\em two} explicit universal Chaitin machines have been proposed, both by Chaitin himself. Concrete algorithmic information theory involves the study of particular universal Turing machines, about which one can state theorems with specific numerical bounds, rather than include terms like O(1). We present several new tiny Chaitin machines (those with a prefix-free domain) suitable for the study of concrete algorithmic information theory. One of the machines, which we call Keraia, is a binary encoding of lambda calculus based on a curried lambda operator. Source code is included in the appendices. We also give an algorithm for restricting the domain of blank-endmarker machines to a prefix-free domain over an alphabet that does not include the endmarker; this allows one to take many universal Turing machines and construct universal Chaitin machines from them

    A Lambda Term Representation Inspired by Linear Ordered Logic

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    We introduce a new nameless representation of lambda terms inspired by ordered logic. At a lambda abstraction, number and relative position of all occurrences of the bound variable are stored, and application carries the additional information where to cut the variable context into function and argument part. This way, complete information about free variable occurrence is available at each subterm without requiring a traversal, and environments can be kept exact such that they only assign values to variables that actually occur in the associated term. Our approach avoids space leaks in interpreters that build function closures. In this article, we prove correctness of the new representation and present an experimental evaluation of its performance in a proof checker for the Edinburgh Logical Framework. Keywords: representation of binders, explicit substitutions, ordered contexts, space leaks, Logical Framework.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2011, arXiv:1110.668

    Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook

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    Abstract: Over the past two decades, the study of model-based dependability analysis has gathered significant research interest. Different approaches have been developed to automate and address various limitations of classical dependability techniques to contend with the increasing complexity and challenges of modern safety-critical system. Two leading paradigms have emerged, one which constructs predictive system failure models from component failure models compositionally using the topology of the system. The other utilizes design models - typically state automata - to explore system behaviour through fault injection. This paper reviews a number of prominent techniques under these two paradigms, and provides an insight into their working mechanism, applicability, strengths and challenges, as well as recent developments within these fields. We also discuss the emerging trends on integrated approaches and advanced analysis capabilities. Lastly, we outline the future outlook for model-based dependability analysis

    On Role Logic

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    We present role logic, a notation for describing properties of relational structures in shape analysis, databases, and knowledge bases. We construct role logic using the ideas of de Bruijn's notation for lambda calculus, an encoding of first-order logic in lambda calculus, and a simple rule for implicit arguments of unary and binary predicates. The unrestricted version of role logic has the expressive power of first-order logic with transitive closure. Using a syntactic restriction on role logic formulas, we identify a natural fragment RL^2 of role logic. We show that the RL^2 fragment has the same expressive power as two-variable logic with counting C^2 and is therefore decidable. We present a translation of an imperative language into the decidable fragment RL^2, which allows compositional verification of programs that manipulate relational structures. In addition, we show how RL^2 encodes boolean shape analysis constraints and an expressive description logic.Comment: 20 pages. Our later SAS 2004 result builds on this wor
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