24 research outputs found

    Evaluating Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Cost Metrics for P2P Multimedia Streaming

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    To help users of P2P communication systems perform better-than-random selection of communication peers, Internet Engineering Task Force standardized the"br/"Application Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) protocol. The ALTO provided data-routing cost metric, can be used to rank peers in P2P communication systems. However, the method to derive the data-routing cost metric is undefined by the standard. This paper proposes and evaluates three methods to derive the data-routing cost metric for use in ALTO servers

    Content delivery network for secure of software defined networking by using IPv4, OpenFlow, and ALTO

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    Software defined networking is a programmability function network by easiness for maintenance and configuration. The administrators of network can change the traffic rules during the commuting process. SDN is an arising network structure with programmability and centralization and this leads to introduce potential security concerns. Though the TLS ability support secure for control plane but computationally aggravating and complex to configure as well as not compatible with OpenFlow protocol. For this reason, a content delivery network can be used to increase the ability of network services dynamically and automatically. In order that relieve the threat we proposed architecture for SDN depending on CDN. In our proposed architecture, we use application layer traffic optimization (ALTO) protocol to be as servers enable mapping for the network to produce a summarized vision. We also hide the identity of the forwarding devices by take advantage of IPv4 and OpenFlow transaction identification fields into the control packets through implement of two authentication structures via efficient Salsa20 stream cipher. Finally, the work results explain the proposed architecture can efficiently eliminate of attack types and provide more detectability to attackers

    Deployment of Secure Machine Learning Pipelines for Near-Real-Time Control of 6G Network Services

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    This paper has been submitted at : Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2024A ML function orchestrator deploying secure ML pipelines to support near-real-time control of network services is demonstrated. A distributed ledger supports the initial key exchange to establish secure connectivity among the agents in the pipelineThe research leading to these results has received funding from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under G.A. No. 101096466 (DESIRE6G) from the MICINN IBON (PID2020-114135RB-I00) projects and from the ICREA Institutio

    Traffic optimization at the Application Level Proof of Concept, development and usefulness evaluation of the ALTO solution

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    This paper presents an overview, proof of concept, and a preliminary demonstrative benchmarking study of the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) architecture proposed by the IETF ALTO Working Group. The main ALTO system purpose is to allow applications to get a more complete view of the underlying network infrastructure, allowing for wellreasoned connection decisions in situations of service redundancy. This paper first begins with a technical description of the ALTO project, and afterwards evaluates how P2P applications, guided by our proposed prototype implementation of the ALTO architecture, perform in comparison to traditional peer selection algorithms on the task of downloading a file in a typical file-sharing P2P network environment. The obtained results from our developed ALTO prototype system state that an application guided by the ALTO solution reduced overall network usage by around 40% with no significant impact in the application performance.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/202

    Software Defined Networking Opportunities for Intelligent Security Enhancement of Industrial Control Systems

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    In the last years, cyber security of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) has become an important issue due to the discovery of sophisticated malware that by attacking Critical Infrastructures, could cause catastrophic safety results. Researches have been developing countermeasures to enhance cyber security for pre-Internet era systems, which are extremely vulnerable to threats. This paper presents the potential opportunities that Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides for the security enhancement of Industrial Control Networks. SDN permits a high level of configuration of a network by the separation of control and data planes. In this work, we describe the affinities between SDN and ICSs and we discuss about implementation strategies

    Wide area network autoscaling for cloud applications

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    Modern cloud orchestrators like Kubernetes provide a versatile and robust way to host applications at scale. One of their key features is autoscaling, which automatically adjusts cloud resources (compute, memory, storage) in order to adapt to the demands of applications. However, the scope of cloud autoscaling is limited to the datacenter hosting the cloud and it doesn't apply uniformly to the allocation of network resources. In I/O-constrained or data-in-motion use cases this can lead to severe performance degradation for the application. For example, when the load on a cloud service increases and the Wide Area Network (WAN) connecting the datacenter to the Internet becomes saturated, the application flows experience an increase in delay and loss. In many cases this is dealt with overprovisioning network capacity, which introduces additional costs and inefficiencies. On the other hand, thanks to the concept of "Network as Code", the WAN exposes a set of APIs that can be used to dynamically allocate and de-allocate capacity on-demand. In this paper we propose extending the concept of cloud autoscaling into the network to address this limitation. This way, applications running in the cloud can communicate their networking requirements, like bandwidth or traffic profile, to a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) controller or Network as a Service (NaaS) platform. Moreover, we aim to define the concepts of vertical and horizontal autoscaling applied to networking. We present a prototype that automatically allocates bandwidth to the underlay network, according to the requirements of the applications hosted in Kubernetes. Finally, we discuss open research challenges.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO under contract TEC2017-90034-C2-1-R (ALLIANCE), the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Efficiency gains due to network function sharing in CDN-as-a-Service slicing scenarios

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    Proceedings of: IEEE 7th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 28 June-2 July 2021, Tokyo, Japan.The consumption of video contents is currently dominating the traffic observed in ISP networks. The distribution of that content is usually performed leveraging on CDN caches storing and delivering multimedia. The advent of virtualization is bringing attention to the CDN as use case for virtualizing the cache function. In parallel, there is a trend on sharing network infrastructures as a way of reducing deployment costs by ISPs. Then, an interesting scenario emerges when considering the possibility of sharing virtualized cache functions among ISPs sharing a common physical infrastructure, mostly considering that usually those ISPs offer similar content catalogues to final end users. This paper investigates through simulations the potential efficiencies that can be achieved when sharing a virtual cache function if compared to the classical approach of independent virtual caches operated per ISP.This work has been partly funded by the project 5GROWTH (Grant Agreement no. 856709)

    QoE-centric service delivery: A collaborative approach among OTTs and ISPs

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    The provisioning of the quality to end users is a major objective for the successful deployment of multimedia services over the Internet. It is more and more evident from past research and service deployments that such an objective often requires a collaboration among the different parties that are involved in the delivery of the service. This paper specifically focuses on the cooperation between the Over-The-Top (OTTs) and the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and proposes a novel service delivery approach that is purely driven by the Quality of Experience (QoE) provided to the final common users. Initially, we identify the need of the collaboration among the OTTs and the ISPs where we not only highlight some of the enterprise level motivations (revenue generation) but also the technical aspects which require collaboration. Later, we provide a reference architecture with the required modules and vertical interfaces for the interaction among the OTTs and the ISPs. Then, we provide a collaboration model where we focus on the modeling of the revenue, whose maximization drives the collaboration. The revenue is considered to be dependent on the user churn, which in turn is affected by the QoE and is modeled using the Sigmoid function. We illustrate simulation results based on our proposed collaboration approach which highlight how the proposed strategy increases the revenue generation and QoE for the OTTs and the ISPs hence providing a ground for ISP to join the loop of revenue generation between OTTs and users