9 research outputs found

    Video analytics for security systems

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    This study has been conducted to develop robust event detection and object tracking algorithms that can be implemented in real time video surveillance applications. The aim of the research has been to produce an automated video surveillance system that is able to detect and report potential security risks with minimum human intervention. Since the algorithms are designed to be implemented in real-life scenarios, they must be able to cope with strong illumination changes and occlusions. The thesis is divided into two major sections. The first section deals with event detection and edge based tracking while the second section describes colour measurement methods developed to track objects in crowded environments. The event detection methods presented in the thesis mainly focus on detection and tracking of objects that become stationary in the scene. Objects such as baggage left in public places or vehicles parked illegally can cause a serious security threat. A new pixel based classification technique has been developed to detect objects of this type in cluttered scenes. Once detected, edge based object descriptors are obtained and stored as templates for tracking purposes. The consistency of these descriptors is examined using an adaptive edge orientation based technique. Objects are tracked and alarm events are generated if the objects are found to be stationary in the scene after a certain period of time. To evaluate the full capabilities of the pixel based classification and adaptive edge orientation based tracking methods, the model is tested using several hours of real-life video surveillance scenarios recorded at different locations and time of day from our own and publically available databases (i-LIDS, PETS, MIT, ViSOR). The performance results demonstrate that the combination of pixel based classification and adaptive edge orientation based tracking gave over 95% success rate. The results obtained also yield better detection and tracking results when compared with the other available state of the art methods. In the second part of the thesis, colour based techniques are used to track objects in crowded video sequences in circumstances of severe occlusion. A novel Adaptive Sample Count Particle Filter (ASCPF) technique is presented that improves the performance of the standard Sample Importance Resampling Particle Filter by up to 80% in terms of computational cost. An appropriate particle range is obtained for each object and the concept of adaptive samples is introduced to keep the computational cost down. The objective is to keep the number of particles to a minimum and only to increase them up to the maximum, as and when required. Variable standard deviation values for state vector elements have been exploited to cope with heavy occlusion. The technique has been tested on different video surveillance scenarios with variable object motion, strong occlusion and change in object scale. Experimental results show that the proposed method not only tracks the object with comparable accuracy to existing particle filter techniques but is up to five times faster. Tracking objects in a multi camera environment is discussed in the final part of the thesis. The ASCPF technique is deployed within a multi-camera environment to track objects across different camera views. Such environments can pose difficult challenges such as changes in object scale and colour features as the objects move from one camera view to another. Variable standard deviation values of the ASCPF have been utilized in order to cope with sudden colour and scale changes. As the object moves from one scene to another, the number of particles, together with the spread value, is increased to a maximum to reduce any effects of scale and colour change. Promising results are obtained when the ASCPF technique is tested on live feeds from four different camera views. It was found that not only did the ASCPF method result in the successful tracking of the moving object across different views but also maintained the real time frame rate due to its reduced computational cost thus indicating that the method is a potential practical solution for multi camera tracking applications

    Calibration of DART Radiative Transfer Model with Satellite Images for Simulating Albedo and Thermal Irradiance Images and 3D Radiative Budget of Urban Environment

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    Remote sensing is increasingly used for managing urban environment. In this context, the H2020 project URBANFLUXES aims to improve our knowledge on urban anthropogenic heat fluxes, with the specific study of three cities: London, Basel and Heraklion. Usually, one expects to derive directly 2 major urban parameters from remote sensing: the albedo and thermal irradiance. However, the determination of these two parameters is seriously hampered by complexity of urban architecture. For example, urban reflectance and brightness temperature are far from isotropic and are spatially heterogeneous. Hence, radiative transfer models that consider the complexity of urban architecture when simulating remote sensing signals are essential tools. Even for these sophisticated models, there is a major constraint for an operational use of remote sensing: the complex 3D distribution of optical properties and temperatures in urban environments. Here, the work is conducted with the DART (Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer) model. It is a comprehensive physically based 3D radiative transfer model that simulates optical signals at the entrance of imaging spectro-radiometers and LiDAR scanners on board of satellites and airplanes, as well as the 3D radiative budget, of urban and natural landscapes for any experimental (atmosphere, topography,…) and instrumental (sensor altitude, spatial resolution, UV to thermal infrared,…) configuration. Paul Sabatier University distributes free licenses for research activities. This paper presents the calibration of DART model with high spatial resolution satellite images (Landsat 8, Sentinel 2, etc.) that are acquired in the visible (VIS) / near infrared (NIR) domain and in the thermal infrared (TIR) domain. Here, the work is conducted with an atmospherically corrected Landsat 8 image and Bale city, with its urban database. The calibration approach in the VIS/IR domain encompasses 5 steps for computing the 2D distribution (image) of urban albedo at satellite spatial resolution. (1) DART simulation of satellite image at very high spatial resolution (e.g., 50cm) per satellite spectral band. Atmosphere conditions are specific to the satellite image acquisition. (2) Spatial resampling of DART image at the coarser spatial resolution of the available satellite image, per spectral band. (3) Iterative derivation of the urban surfaces (roofs, walls, streets, vegetation,…) optical properties as derived from pixel-wise comparison of DART and satellite images, independently per spectral band. (4) Computation of the band albedo image of the city, per spectral band. (5) Computation of the image of the city albedo and VIS/NIR exitance, as an integral over all satellite spectral bands. In order to get a time series of albedo and VIS/NIR exitance, even in the absence of satellite images, ECMWF information about local irradiance and atmosphere conditions are used. A similar approach is used for calculating the city thermal exitance using satellite images acquired in the thermal infrared domain. Finally, DART simulations that are conducted with the optical properties derived from remote sensing images give also the 3D radiative budget of the city at any date including the date of the satellite image acquisition

    Automatic road network extraction from high resolution satellite imagery using spectral classification methods

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    Road networks play an important role in a number of geospatial applications, such as cartographic, infrastructure planning and traffic routing software. Automatic and semi-automatic road network extraction techniques have significantly increased the extraction rate of road networks. Automated processes still yield some erroneous and incomplete results and costly human intervention is still required to evaluate results and correct errors. With the aim of improving the accuracy of road extraction systems, three objectives are defined in this thesis: Firstly, the study seeks to develop a flexible semi-automated road extraction system, capable of extracting roads from QuickBird satellite imagery. The second objective is to integrate a variety of algorithms within the road network extraction system. The benefits of using each of these algorithms within the proposed road extraction system, is illustrated. Finally, a fully automated system is proposed by incorporating a number of the algorithms investigated throughout the thesis. CopyrightDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    Object Recognition

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    Vision-based object recognition tasks are very familiar in our everyday activities, such as driving our car in the correct lane. We do these tasks effortlessly in real-time. In the last decades, with the advancement of computer technology, researchers and application developers are trying to mimic the human's capability of visually recognising. Such capability will allow machine to free human from boring or dangerous jobs