2 research outputs found

    An investigation of novel approaches for optimising retail shelf space allocation

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    This thesis is concerned with real-world shelf space allocation problems that arise due to the conflict of limited shelf space availability and the large number of products that need to be displayed. Several important issues in the shelf space allocation problem are identified and two mathematical models are developed and studied. The first model deals with a general shelf space allocation problem while the second model specifically concerns shelf space allocation for fresh produce. Both models are closely related to the knapsack and bin packing problem. The thesis firstly studies a recently proposed generic search technique, hyper-heuristics, and introduces a simulated annealing acceptance criterion in order to improve its performance. The proposed algorithm, called simulated annealing hyper-heuristics, is initially tested on the one-dimensional bin packing problem, with very promising and competitive results being produced. The algorithm is then applied to the general shelf space allocation problem. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to a general simulated annealing algorithm and other types of hyper-heuristics. For the test data sets used in the thesis, the new approach solves every instance to over 98% of the upper bound which was obtained via a two-stage relaxation method. The thesis also studies and formulates a deterministic shelf space allocation and inventory model specifically for fresh produce. The model, for the first time, considers the freshness condition as an important factor in influencing a product's demand. Further analysis of the model shows that the search space of the problem can be reduced by decomposing the problem into a nonlinear knapsack problem and a single-item inventory problem that can be solved optimally by a binary search. Several heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches are utilised to optimise the model, including four efficient gradient based constructive heuristics, a multi-start generalised reduced gradient (GRG) algorithm, simulated annealing, a greedy randomised adaptive search procedure (GRASP) and three different types of hyper-heuristics. Experimental results show that the gradient based constructive heuristics are very efficient and all meta-heuristics can only marginally improve on them. Among these meta-heuristics, two simulated annealing based hyper-heuristic performs slightly better than the other meta-heuristic methods. Across all test instances of the three problems, it is shown that the introduction of simulated annealing in the current hyper-heuristics can indeed improve the performance of the algorithms. However, the simulated annealing hyper-heuristic with random heuristic selection generally performs best among all the other meta-heuristics implemented in this thesis. This research is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant reference GR/R60577. Our industrial collaborators include Tesco Retail Vision and SpaceIT Solutions Ltd