3 research outputs found

    Internet of Everything in the Teaching-Learning Approach: An Integrative Review

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    Introduction: The fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0聽has brought a variety of technologies to different societies. One聽of these technologies is the Internet of Things (IoT), primarily聽conceptualized in engineering fields and then found its way to the聽field of education. Internet of Everything (IoE) has been discussed聽in the evolution of the IoT concept. IoE mainly focuses on things,聽people, processes, and data. This paper aims to investigate different聽studies from the emergence of IoT concept and its development to聽IoE based teaching-learning process.Methods: The integrative review was applied as the research聽method, Web of Science and Scopus databases were directly聽investigated and 139 articles were finalized as the result of this聽integrative review.Results: Findings of this study demonstrated that the teaching learning process with the focus on IoE could be categorized into聽logic models, including inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and聽external factors. Based on extracted components, the final model聽showed that the teaching-learning approach with the focus on IoE聽is a process that mainly occurs through integration and connection聽of IoT-based infrastructures, stakeholder鈥檚 interactions, teaching聽and learning activities. Eventually, this has brought personal and聽general outputs to achieve sustainability, Green IoT, and meeting聽the needs of industry. Simultaneously with the implementation聽or application of this system, several challenges can arise in the聽process, namely Security, Privacy, Financing, Reliable connectivity,聽and Cloud infrastructure.Conclusion: Therefore, this model can help policymakers or聽educators to be aware of the different parts of an IoE-based education聽system

    La incidencia de la herramienta virtual canva en la creaci贸n e integraci贸n de los contenidos digitales en los estudiantes de la Universidad Ricardo Palma - 2021

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    En un escenario de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, se propuso determinar incidencia de la herramienta canva y la creaci贸n e integraci贸n de los contenidos digitales. Fue una investigaci贸n de enfoque cuantitativo, de corte transversal. Se empleo un instrumento validado, encuestas, los cuales se aplicaron a 124 estudiantes de la Universidad Ricardo Palma. Se emple贸 un modelo de an谩lisis mediante regresi贸n log铆stica ordinal para medir la incidencia de las variables la herramienta canva y la creaci贸n e integraci贸n de los contenidos digitales. Se concluy贸 que la herramienta canva incidi贸 significativamente en la creaci贸n e integraci贸n de los contenidos digitales. Demostr谩ndose que la mayor incidencia la tuvo la herramienta canva sobre la creaci贸n e integraci贸n de los contenidos digitales. Por otra parte, tambi茅n se demostr贸 que la variable independiente incidi贸 significativamente en el desarrollo de contenidos en la creaci贸n e integraci贸n de los contenidos digitales, observando que ambas variables tuvieron el mismo nivel de incidencia en esta dimensi贸n. Observando que la incidencia fue mayoritaria por parte de la variable creaci贸n e integraci贸n de los contenidos digitales, en los estudiantes. Finalmente se vio que la herramienta canva y la creaci贸n e integraci贸n de los contenidos digitales incidieron significativamente en el desarrollo de los contenidos digitales. Observ谩ndose que la incidencia fue similar en la variable herramienta canva siendo determinantes en la incidencia del desarrollo de contenidos digitales