21,703 research outputs found

    State-of-the-art in aerodynamic shape optimisation methods

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    Aerodynamic optimisation has become an indispensable component for any aerodynamic design over the past 60 years, with applications to aircraft, cars, trains, bridges, wind turbines, internal pipe flows, and cavities, among others, and is thus relevant in many facets of technology. With advancements in computational power, automated design optimisation procedures have become more competent, however, there is an ambiguity and bias throughout the literature with regards to relative performance of optimisation architectures and employed algorithms. This paper provides a well-balanced critical review of the dominant optimisation approaches that have been integrated with aerodynamic theory for the purpose of shape optimisation. A total of 229 papers, published in more than 120 journals and conference proceedings, have been classified into 6 different optimisation algorithm approaches. The material cited includes some of the most well-established authors and publications in the field of aerodynamic optimisation. This paper aims to eliminate bias toward certain algorithms by analysing the limitations, drawbacks, and the benefits of the most utilised optimisation approaches. This review provides comprehensive but straightforward insight for non-specialists and reference detailing the current state for specialist practitioners

    Insight into High-quality Aerodynamic Design Spaces through Multi-objective Optimization

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    An approach to support the computational aerodynamic design process is presented and demonstrated through the application of a novel multi-objective variant of the Tabu Search optimization algorithm for continuous problems to the aerodynamic design optimization of turbomachinery blades. The aim is to improve the performance of a specific stage and ultimately of the whole engine. The integrated system developed for this purpose is described. This combines the optimizer with an existing geometry parameterization scheme and a well- established CFD package. The system’s performance is illustrated through case studies – one two-dimensional, one three-dimensional – in which flow characteristics important to the overall performance of turbomachinery blades are optimized. By showing the designer the trade-off surfaces between the competing objectives, this approach provides considerable insight into the design space under consideration and presents the designer with a range of different Pareto-optimal designs for further consideration. Special emphasis is given to the dimensionality in objective function space of the optimization problem, which seeks designs that perform well for a range of flow performance metrics. The resulting compressor blades achieve their high performance by exploiting complicated physical mechanisms successfully identified through the design process. The system can readily be run on parallel computers, substantially reducing wall-clock run times – a significant benefit when tackling computationally demanding design problems. Overall optimal performance is offered by compromise designs on the Pareto trade-off surface revealed through a true multi-objective design optimization test case. Bearing in mind the continuing rapid advances in computing power and the benefits discussed, this approach brings the adoption of such techniques in real-world engineering design practice a ste

    The NASA/industry design analysis methods for vibrations (DAMVIBS) program: Accomplishments and contributions

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    A NASA Langley-sponsored rotorcraft structural dynamics program, known as Design Analysis Methods for VIBrationS (DAMVIBS), has been under development since 1984. The objective of this program was to establish the technology base needed by the industry to develop an advanced finite-element-based dynamics design analysis capability for vibrations. Under the program, teams from the four major helicopter manufacturers have formed finite-element models, conducted ground vibration tests, made test/analysis comparisons of both metal and composite airframes, performed 'difficult components' studies on airframes to identify components which need more complete finite-element representation for improved correlation, and evaluated industry codes for computing coupled rotor-airframe vibrations. Studies aimed at establishing the role that structural optimization can play in airframe vibrations design work have also been initiated. Five government/industry meetings were held in connection with these activities during the course of the program. Because the DAMVIBS Program is coming to an end, the fifth meeting included a brief assessment of the program and its benefits to the industry

    A Government/Industry Summary of the Design Analysis Methods for Vibrations (DAMVIBS) Program

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    The NASA Langley Research Center in 1984 initiated a rotorcraft structural dynamics program, designated DAMVIBS (Design Analysis Methods for VIBrationS), with the objective of establishing the technology base needed by the rotorcraft industry for developing an advanced finite-element-based dynamics design analysis capability for vibrations. An assessment of the program showed that the DAMVIBS Program has resulted in notable technical achievements and major changes in industrial design practice, all of which have significantly advanced the industry's capability to use and rely on finite-element-based dynamics analyses during the design process

    Adjoint-Based Design of a Distributed Propulsion Concept with a Power Objective

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    The adjoint-based design capability in FUN3D is extended to allow efficient gradient-based optimization and design of concepts with highly integrated and distributed aero-propulsive systems. Calculations of propulsive power, along with the derivatives needed to perform adjoint-based design, have been implemented in FUN3D. The design capability is demonstrated by the shape optimization and propulsor sizing of NASAs PEGASUS aircraft concept. The optimization objective is the minimization of flow power at the aerodynamic interface planes for the wing-mounted propulsors, as well as the tail-cone boundary layer ingestion propulsor, subject to vehicle performance and propulsive constraints

    Application of computational physics within Northrop

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    An overview of Northrop programs in computational physics is presented. These programs depend on access to today's supercomputers, such as the Numerical Aerodynamical Simulator (NAS), and future growth on the continuing evolution of computational engines. Descriptions here are concentrated on the following areas: computational fluid dynamics (CFD), computational electromagnetics (CEM), computer architectures, and expert systems. Current efforts and future directions in these areas are presented. The impact of advances in the CFD area is described, and parallels are drawn to analagous developments in CEM. The relationship between advances in these areas and the development of advances (parallel) architectures and expert systems is also presented

    Experiences at Langley Research Center in the application of optimization techniques to helicopter airframes for vibration reduction

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    A NASA/industry rotorcraft structural dynamics program known as Design Analysis Methods for VIBrationS (DAMVIBS) was initiated at Langley Research Center in 1984 with the objective of establishing the technology base needed by the industry for developing an advanced finite-element-based vibrations design analysis capability for airframe structures. As a part of the in-house activities contributing to that program, a study was undertaken to investigate the use of formal, nonlinear programming-based, numerical optimization techniques for airframe vibrations design work. Considerable progress has been made in connection with that study since its inception in 1985. This paper presents a unified summary of the experiences and results of that study. The formulation and solution of airframe optimization problems are discussed. Particular attention is given to describing the implementation of a new computational procedure based on MSC/NASTRAN and CONstrained function MINimization (CONMIN) in a computer program system called DYNOPT for the optimization of airframes subject to strength, frequency, dynamic response, and fatigue constraints. The results from the application of the DYNOPT program to the Bell AH-1G helicopter are presented and discussed

    Multidisciplinary computational aerosciences

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    As the challenges of single disciplinary computational physics are met, such as computational fluid dynamics, computational structural mechanics, computational propulsion, computational aeroacoustics, computational electromagnetics, etc., scientists have begun investigating the combination of these single disciplines into what is being called multidisciplinary computational aerosciences (MCAS). The combination of several disciplines not only offers simulation realism but also formidable computational challenges. The solution of such problems will require computers orders of magnitude larger than those currently available. Such computer power can only be supplied by massively parallel machines because of the current speed-of-light limitation of conventional serial systems. Even with such machines, MCAS problems will require hundreds of hours for their solution. To efficiently utilize such a machine, research is required in three areas that include parallel architectures, systems software, and applications software. The main emphasis of this paper is the applications software element. Examples that demonstrate application software for multidisciplinary problems currently being solved at NASA Ames Research Center are presented. Pacing items for MCAS are discussed such as solution methodology, physical modeling, computer power, and multidisciplinary validation experiments