3,028 research outputs found

    Slicing of Web Applications Using Source Code Analysis

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    Program slicing revealed a useful way to limit the search of software defects during debugging and to better understand the decomposition of the application into computations. The web application is very widely used for spreading business throughout the world. To meet the desire of the customers, web applications should have more quality and robustness. Slicing, in the ?eld of web application, helps disclosing relevant information and understanding the internal system structure. This in turn helps in debugging, testing and in improving the program comprehensibility. The system dependence graph is an appropriate data structure for slice computation, in that it explicitly represents all dependencies that have to be taken into account in slice determination. We have extended the system dependence graph to Web-Application Dependence Graph (WADG). We have developed a partial tool for automatic generation of the WADG and computation of slices. In our literature survey, we found that most of the automatic graph generation tools are byte-code based. But, our tool uses the dependency analysis from the source code of the given program. We have presented three case studies by taking open source web programs and applying our techniques and slicing algorithm. We have found that the slices computed is correct and precise, which will be help full for program debugging and testing. Construction of the system dependence graph for Web applications is complicated by the presence of dynamic code. In fact, a Web application builds the HTML code to be transmitted to the browser at run time. Knowledge of such code is essential for slicing

    Dynamic slicing of aspect oriented programs

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    As software application grows larger and become more complex, program maintenance activities such as adding new functionality, debugging and testing consume increasing amount of available resources for software development. In order to cope with this increased complexity, programmer need effective computer supported methods for decomposition and dependence analysis of programs. Program slicing is one method for such decomposition and dependence analysis. Program slicing is a decomposition technique which extracts program elements related to a particular computation from a program. A program slice consists of those parts of a program that may directly or indirectly affect the values computed at some program point of interest, referred to as a slicing criterion. A program slice can be static or dynamic. Static slice contains all the statements that may affect the slicing criterion for every possible inputs to the program. Dynamic slice contains only those statements that actually affect the slicing criterion for a particular input to the program. Aspect-oriented programming is a new programming technique proposed for cleanly modularizing the cross- cutting structure of concerns. An aspect is an area of concern that cuts across the structure of a program. The main idea behind aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is to allow a program to be constructed by describing each concern separately. Aspect J is an aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language. Aspect J adds new concepts and associated constructs called join points, pointcuts, advices, introductions, and aspects to Java. Zhao developed the aspect-oriented system dependence graph (ASDG) to represent aspect-oriented programs and used two-pass slicing algorithm to compute static slice of aspect-oriented programs. But the disadvantage of his ASDG is that the weaving process is not represented correctly and this graph cannot be used for dynamic slicing. Our objective was to develop a suitable intermediate representation of an aspectoriented program and to develop suitable dynamic slicing technique

    Slicing-based debugging of web applications in rewriting logic

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    The pervasiveness of computing on the Internet has led to an explosive growth of Web applications that, together with their ever-increasing complexity, have turned their design and development in a major challenge. Unfortunately, the huge expansion of development and utilization of Web computation has not been paired by the development of methods, models and debugging tools to help the developer diagnose, quickly and easily, potential problems in a Web application. There is an urgent demand of analysis and verification facilities capable to prevent insecure software that could cause unavailability of systems or services, or provide access to private data or internal resources of a given organization. The main goal of this MSc thesis is to improve the debugging of Web applications by embedding novel analysis and verification techniques that rely on the program semantics. As a practical realization of the ideas, we use Web-TLR that is a verification engine for dynamic Web applications based on Rewrite Logic. We extend Web-TLR with a novel functionality that supports effective Web debugging for realistic Web applications involving complex execution traces. This functionality is based on a backward trace slicing technique that is based on dynamic labeling. In order to extend the class of programs covered by the debugging methodology we formalize a generalization of the slicer to Conditional Rewriting Logic theories, greatly simplifying the debugging task by providing a novel and sophisticated form of pattern matching.Frechina Navarro, F. (2011). Slicing-based debugging of web applications in rewriting logic. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15637Archivo delegad

    Bringing Back-in-Time Debugging Down to the Database

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    With back-in-time debuggers, developers can explore what happened before observable failures by following infection chains back to their root causes. While there are several such debuggers for object-oriented programming languages, we do not know of any back-in-time capabilities at the database-level. Thus, if failures are caused by SQL scripts or stored procedures, developers have difficulties in understanding their unexpected behavior. In this paper, we present an approach for bringing back-in-time debugging down to the SAP HANA in-memory database. Our TARDISP debugger allows developers to step queries backwards and inspecting the database at previous and arbitrary points in time. With the help of a SQL extension, we can express queries covering a period of execution time within a debugging session and handle large amounts of data with low overhead on performance and memory. The entire approach has been evaluated within a development project at SAP and shows promising results with respect to the gathered developer feedback.Comment: 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineerin