30 research outputs found

    3D modeling cloth in cad OPTITEX

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    В статті представлені дослідження в області 3D моделювання одягу. Увагу зосереджено на продукті під назвою OptiTex. Дана програма являється одним із лідерів на ринку САПР одягу. До складу продукту входить багато модулів, які дозволяють ефективно використовувати даний САПР на багатьох етапах виготовлення одягу, в тому числі двомірному моделюванні. Випробувано даний програмний продукт для візуального відтворення народного костюму на віртуальному манекені.The article presents the results of a study in 3D modeling of clothes. It focuses on CAD product Optitex. This program is one of the leaders in CAD clothing. The product includes many modules that can effectively use this CAD in many stages of the manufacture of clothing, including a two-and three dimensional modelling. This program tested for modelling the national costume and embroidery on a virtual model

    Human Body Shape Variation of Bangladeshi Young Men Aged 20 -25 Years

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    Introduction: Describing the varieties of the human body shape is in a general sense essential to numerous applications going from liveliness to item plan. This research is aimed to develop the types of men’s human body shapes available in Bangladesh. Methods: Bangladesh has more than 5000 garment factories. To create a loyal customer and own brand in Bangladesh it is very much important to have a specific size chart for this country. To develop a specific size chart, the 1st attempts to detect the body shape variation. Results: In this research, the authors took 500 men’s human body from different regions of Bangladesh to detect the human shape. Most of the body age is limit to 20-25 years old. After putting all the summarized data in the X and Y graph the author tries to detect the body shape types available in Bangladesh. Conclusion: The final results of this research will help to develop the size chart individually for different types of men’s body.Introducción: Describir las variedades de la forma del cuerpo humano es, en un sentido general, esencial para numerosas aplicaciones que van desde la vitalidad hasta el diseño de elementos. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo desarrollar los tipos de formas del cuerpo humano de los hombres disponibles en Bangladesh. Métodos: Bangladesh tiene más de 5000 fábricas de ropa. Para crear un cliente fiel y una marca propia en Bangladesh, es muy importante tener una tabla de tallas específica para este país. Para desarrollar una tabla de tallas específica, el primero intenta detectar la variación de la forma del cuerpo. Resultados: En esta investigación, los autores tomaron el cuerpo humano de 500 hombres de diferentes regiones de Bangladesh para detectar la forma humana. La mayor parte de la edad del cuerpo está limitada a 20-25 años. Después de poner todos los datos resumidos en el gráfico X e Y, el autor trata de detectar los tipos de formas corporales disponibles en Bangladesh. Conclusiones: Los resultados finales de esta investigación ayudarán a desarrollar la tabla de tallas individualmente para diferentes tipos de cuerpo masculino

    Three-dimensional garment-size change modeled considering vertical proportions

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    Apparel Fit Evaluations of 3D Scans via Eye-Tracking

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    The primary objective of this study is to identify the differences in apparel fit ratings when represented by a 2D or 3D display in an effort to increase customer satisfaction and reduce the rate of returns, as well as develop an understanding of consumer shopping behavior. Phase I of data collection involved participants wearing apparel that fit properly and apparel that did not fit properly. 2D images were captured of the front, side, and back, along with 3D body scans for each category of apparel. In phase II of data collection, participants were asked to examine the 2D images and 3D scans collected and evaluate the fit of each while considering the overall fit, bust, waist, and hip regions. Simultaneously, the participants gaze, and fixation was recorded via eye-tracking technology. Participants then completed a survey regarding their online shopping preferences. When analyzing online shopping behavior, 70% of participants stated they purchased clothing online through online shopping. 80% of these participants stated they had returned an apparel item due to misfit within the last year. When asked what regions participants were primarily concerned with in terms of proper fit, the waist and pant length regions were most common follower by the hip and thigh regions. When analyzing the difference between 2D and 3D fit ratings, the waist region showed the greatest difference. When instructed to evaluate the fit of the given apparel item, participants focused mostly on the bust, underbust, waist, and hip regions. The sleeve length, shoulder, neck, and pant length regions were not considered by the participants. The current online shopping experience has several limitations and often misrepresents the fit of the apparel items. Customers typically only see 2D images of the apparel worn by a fit model. According to the study, a 3D display of the garment with a 360-degree rotation was highly preferred by the participants when evaluating the apparel fit. This offers a better understanding of the apparel fit upfront which would likely reduce the customers dissatisfaction after purchasing. As a result, there would be a potential decreased in the rate of returns

    Personalized 3D mannequin reconstruction based on 3D scanning

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    Purpose Currently, a common method of reconstructing mannequin is based on the body measurements or body features, which only preserve the body size lacking of the accurate body geometric shape information. However, the same human body measurement does not equal to the same body shape. This may result in an unfit garment for the target human body. The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel scanning-based pipeline to reconstruct the personalized mannequin, which preserves both body size and body shape information. Design/methodology/approach The authors first capture the body of a subject via 3D scanning, and a statistical body model is fit to the scanned data. This results in a skinned articulated model of the subject. The scanned body is then adjusted to be pose-symmetric via linear blending skinning. The mannequin part is then extracted. Finally, a slice-based method is proposed to generate a shape-symmetric 3D mannequin. Findings A personalized 3D mannequin can be reconstructed from the scanned body. Compared to conventional methods, the method can preserve both the size and shape of the original scanned body. The reconstructed mannequin can be imported directly into the apparel CAD software. The proposed method provides a step for digitizing the apparel manufacturing. Originality/value Compared to the conventional methods, the main advantage of the authors’ system is that the authors can preserve both size and geometry of the original scanned body. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: decompose the process of the mannequin reconstruction into pose symmetry and shape symmetry; propose a novel scanning-based pipeline to reconstruct a 3D personalized mannequin; and present a slice-based method for the symmetrization of the 3D mesh. </jats:sec

    Study on 3D modeling and pattern-making for upper garment(上衣の三次元モデルの構築およびパターンメーキングに関する研究)

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    信州大学(Shinshu university)博士(工学)ThesisZHANG JUN. Study on 3D modeling and pattern-making for upper garment(上衣の三次元モデルの構築およびパターンメーキングに関する研究). 信州大学, 2017, 博士論文. 博士(工学), 甲第663号, 平成29年03月20日授与.doctoral thesi

    Experiencing the difference between a virtual and in-person fit session

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    This research explored the concept of using avatars as fit models. Participants who had 2D/3D computer-aided design skills developed two basic garments and virtually draped the garments on two avatars, one was the program’s default avatar and the second was a personal avatar captured through a 3D body scan. The garments were also assembled in muslin and fit during a live session. Photographs of the three scenarios documented the static fit of the garments. Overall, the participants were satisfied with the evaluation of the virtual garment on their personal avatar, though disappointed that the avatar itself was not a cleaner image. There was some difference in the fit results between the personal avatar and the live session which was due to fabric appearance and difference in draping. Further research, and advancement in virtual textile rendering, needs to take place as this affects the visual fit on the avatar. Virtual fit has the potential to be a time- and cost-saving practice for industry.Design, Housing and Merchandisin

    Remodelando o design do vestuário com tecnologias digitais de produção

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    O artigo apresenta novas perspectivas para o processo de desenvolvimento de objetos do vestuário com a aplicação de tecnologias digitais de produção. Abordar-se-á a aplicação de tecnologias interativas para o projeto de vestuário customizável digitalmente a partir da combinação de sistemas de digitalização e manufatura aditiva. Para tal, a pesquisa descreve o processo de digitalização corporal 3D, ferramenta indispensável para o novo modelo de manufatura, que tem a customização em massa como expressão da criatividade individual; e o potencial da manufatura aditiva, mudando a lógica de desenvolvimento do produto, com a materialização de modelos digitais. O desafio da inovação irá conduzir uma transformação sistêmica global. Uma cultura de maior eficiência dos recursos e de inovação disruptiva. Como tecnologias emergentes podem mudar a forma como a roupa é produzida hoje? Isso pode levar a melhorias no desempenho das peças do vestuário

    Algorithm to Automatically Extract Body Sizes and Shapes

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    This study presents an algorithm to automatically extract the size and body shape of a 3D scanned model. The methods used in this research include factor analysis, linear regression equation, cluster analysis, and discriminant analysis. These are used to analyze the body’s shape and choose the best primary dimensions for establishing the sizing system table. Authors use fuzzy logic to establish the mathematical model. In this model, the input variables are the inseam height and the neck girth measurements, and the output variables are the numbers of the human size coding and body shape. In addition, the rotation matrix and the optimal function are used to write an algorithm to estimate the neck girth and inseam measurements. Furthermore, a simple approach based on vertices and surface normal vector data, together with optimal searching, is adapted to estimate the primary dimensions. This estimation algorithm, combined with the fuzzy logic model, makes the automated process of extracting the size and body shape possible. The findings of the study suggest a new research method for quickly informing people about their body shape. This supports purchasing clothes and designing tailored clothing. The automatic algorithm will be very useful for buying clothes face-to-face or online