713 research outputs found

    Security in Peer-to-Peer SIP VoIP

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    VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world. It is used by people all over the world for communication. But with the growing popularity of internet, security is one of the biggest concerns. It is important that the intruders are not able to sniff the packets that are transmitted over the internet through VoIP. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is the most popular and commonly used protocol of VoIP. Now days, companies like Skype are using Peer-to-Peer SIP VoIP for faster and better performance. Through this project I am improving an already existing Peer-to-Peer SIP VoIP called SOSIMPLE P2P VoIP by adding confidentiality in the protocol with the help of public key cryptography

    Security aspects in voice over IP systems

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    Security has become a major concern with the rapid growth of interest in the internet. This project deals with the security aspects of VoIP systems. Various supporting protocols and technologies are considered to provide solutions to the security problems. This project stresses on the underlying VoIP protocols like Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Secure Real-time Transport Procotol (SRTP), H.323 and Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP). The project further discusses the Network Address Translation (NAT) devices and firewalls that perform NAT. A firewall provides a point of defense between two networks. This project considers issues regarding the firewalls and the problems faced in using firewalls for VoIP; it further discusses the solutions about how firewalls can be used in a more secured way and how they provide security

    Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP): Overview, Direction And Challenges

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    Voice will remain a fundamental communication media that cuts across people of all walks of life. It is therefore important to make it cheap and affordable. To be reliable and affordable over the common Public Switched Telephone Network, change is therefore inevitable to keep abreast with the global technological change. It is on this basis that this paper tends to critically review this new technology VoIP, x-raying the different types. It further more discusses in detail the VoIP system, VoIP protocols, and a comparison of different VoIP protocols. The compression algorithm used to save network bandwidth in VoIP, advantages of VoIP and problems associated with VoIP implementation were also critically examined. It equally discussed the trend in VoIP security and Quality of Service challenges. It concludes by reiterating the need for a cheap, reliable and affordable means of communication that would not only maximize cost but keep abreast with the global technological change. Keywords: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Session Initiation Protocol (SIP),  multipoint control uni

    Signaling For Multimedia Conferencing in Stand-Alone Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are infrastructure-less and can be set up anywhere, anytime. They can host a wide range of applications in rescue operations, military, private, and commercial settings. Multimedia conferencing is the basis of a wealth of “killer†applications that can be deployed in MANETs. Some examples are audio/video conferencing, multiplayer games, and online public debating. Signaling is the nerve center of multimedia conferences—it establishes, modifies, and tears down conferences. This paper focuses on signaling for multimedia conferences in MANETs. We review the state of the art and propose a novel architecture based on application-level clusters. Our validation employed SIP as the implementation technology and OPNET as our simulation tool. Our clusters are constructed dynamically and the nodes that act as cluster heads are elected based on their capabilities. The capabilities are published and discovered using a simple application-level protocol. The architectural principles and the clustering operations are discussed. Our SIP-based implementation is also presented along with the performance evaluation. Keywords: MANET, SIP-technology, OPNET-simulation tool, cluste