3 research outputs found

    Aphis fabae Scop. : en aanverwante soorten in Nederland

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    The black beanfly was known as Aphis rumicus L. until the studies of Börner and Janisch began in 1915. They distinguished 9 spp. with little morphological difference but with great biological differences. The group were of great economic importance because of direct damage through sucking and because of indirect damage by virus transfer.A new method was used for rapid preparation of microscopic slides. The studies confirmed the observations of Börner and Janisch. The group was enlarged to 11 spp. The spp. differed in hair pattern and length, proportional length of antennal segments, distribution of lateral tubercles and of secondary rhinaria, habit of the hind tibia of oviparous types and winged or wingless habit of the male. Attempts at infestation with pure colonies showed great differences in host range. The most important sp. was A. faba Scop., which overwintered on Euonymus spp., especially E. europeus L., and also on Deutzia crenata Sieb. & Z ucc., Philadelphus coronarius L and Viburnum opulus L. In spring the blackfly migrated to such plants as broad, French or dwarf bean and beet. Other species were A. cardui L., A. viburni Scop. (em. CB), A. ilicis Kalt., A. rumicis L. (em. CB), A. hederae Kalt. (em. v. d. Goot & Franssen), A. euonymi Fabr. (em. CB), A. mordwilkoi B. & L, A. philadelphi CB, A. podagrariae Schrank and A. börneri Franssen

    Aphis fabae scop. En aanverwante soorten in Nederland

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