12,067 research outputs found

    Designing Conducting Polymers Using Bioinspired Ant Algorithms

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    Ant algorithms are inspired in real ants and the main idea is to create virtual ants that travel into the space of possible solution depositing virtual pheromone proportional to how good a specific solution is. This creates a autocatalytic (positive feedback) process that can be used to generate automatic solutions to very difficult problems. In the present work we show that these algorithms can be used coupled to tight-binding hamiltonians to design conducting polymers with pre-specified properties. The methodology is completely general and can be used for a large number of optimization problems in materials science

    Deadline Constrained Cloud Computing Resources Scheduling through an Ant Colony System Approach

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    Cloud computing resources scheduling is essential for executing workflows in the cloud platform because it relates to both execution time and execution cost. In this paper, we adopt a model that optimizes the execution cost while meeting deadline constraints. In solving this problem, we propose an Improved Ant Colony System (IACS) approach featuring two novel strategies. Firstly, a dynamic heuristic strategy is used to calculate a heuristic value during an evolutionary process by taking the workflow topological structure into consideration. Secondly, a double search strategy is used to initialize the pheromone and calculate the heuristic value according to the execution time at the beginning and to initialize the pheromone and calculate heuristic value according to the execution cost after a feasible solution is found. Therefore, the proposed IACS is adaptive to the search environment and to different objectives. We have conducted extensive experiments based on workflows with different scales and different cloud resources. We compare the result with a particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach and a dynamic objective genetic algorithm (DOGA) approach. Experimental results show that IACS is able to find better solutions with a lower cost than both PSO and DOGA do on various scheduling scales and deadline conditions

    Ant colony optimization and its application to the vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a population-based metaheuristic that can be used to find approximate solutions to difficult optimization problems. It was first introduced for solving the Traveling Salesperson Problem. Since then many implementations of ACO have been proposed for a variety of combinatorial optimization. In this chapter, ACO is applied to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery (VRPPD). VRPPD determines a set of vehicle routes originating and ending at a single depot and visiting all customers exactly once. The vehicles are not only required to deliver goods but also to pick up some goods from the customers. The objective is to minimize the total distance traversed. The chapter first provides an overview of ACO approach and presents several implementations to various combinatorial optimization problems. Next, VRPPD is described and the related literature is reviewed, Then, an ACO approach for VRPPD is discussed. The approach proposes a new visibility function which attempts to capture the “delivery” and “pickup” nature of the problem. The performance of the approach is tested using well-known benchmark problems from the literature

    A Study of AI Population Dynamics with Million-agent Reinforcement Learning

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    We conduct an empirical study on discovering the ordered collective dynamics obtained by a population of intelligence agents, driven by million-agent reinforcement learning. Our intention is to put intelligent agents into a simulated natural context and verify if the principles developed in the real world could also be used in understanding an artificially-created intelligent population. To achieve this, we simulate a large-scale predator-prey world, where the laws of the world are designed by only the findings or logical equivalence that have been discovered in nature. We endow the agents with the intelligence based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). In order to scale the population size up to millions agents, a large-scale DRL training platform with redesigned experience buffer is proposed. Our results show that the population dynamics of AI agents, driven only by each agent's individual self-interest, reveals an ordered pattern that is similar to the Lotka-Volterra model studied in population biology. We further discover the emergent behaviors of collective adaptations in studying how the agents' grouping behaviors will change with the environmental resources. Both of the two findings could be explained by the self-organization theory in nature.Comment: Full version of the paper presented at AAMAS 2018 (International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

    Ant-Inspired Density Estimation via Random Walks

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    Many ant species employ distributed population density estimation in applications ranging from quorum sensing [Pra05], to task allocation [Gor99], to appraisal of enemy colony strength [Ada90]. It has been shown that ants estimate density by tracking encounter rates -- the higher the population density, the more often the ants bump into each other [Pra05,GPT93]. We study distributed density estimation from a theoretical perspective. We prove that a group of anonymous agents randomly walking on a grid are able to estimate their density within a small multiplicative error in few steps by measuring their rates of encounter with other agents. Despite dependencies inherent in the fact that nearby agents may collide repeatedly (and, worse, cannot recognize when this happens), our bound nearly matches what would be required to estimate density by independently sampling grid locations. From a biological perspective, our work helps shed light on how ants and other social insects can obtain relatively accurate density estimates via encounter rates. From a technical perspective, our analysis provides new tools for understanding complex dependencies in the collision probabilities of multiple random walks. We bound the strength of these dependencies using local mixing propertieslocal\ mixing\ properties of the underlying graph. Our results extend beyond the grid to more general graphs and we discuss applications to size estimation for social networks and density estimation for robot swarms

    Planning and Scheduling Transportation Vehicle Fleet in a Congested Traffic Environment

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    Transportation is a main component of supply chain competitiveness since it plays a major role in the inbound, inter-facility, and outbound logistics. In this context, assigning and scheduling vehicle routing is a crucial management problem. Despite numerous publications dealing with efficient scheduling methods for vehicle routing, very few addressed the inherent stochastic nature of travel times in this problem. In this paper, a vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic travel times due to potential traffic congestion is considered. The approach developed introduces mainly the traffic congestion component based on queueing theory. This is an innovative modeling scheme to capture the stochastic behavior of travel times. A case study is used both to illustrate the appropriateness of the approach as well as to show that time-independent solutions are often unrealistic within a congested traffic environment which is often the case on the european road networkstransportation; vehicle fleet; planning; scheduling; congested traffic

    Approximately counting semismooth integers

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    An integer nn is (y,z)(y,z)-semismooth if n=pmn=pm where mm is an integer with all prime divisors y\le y and pp is 1 or a prime z\le z. arge quantities of semismooth integers are utilized in modern integer factoring algorithms, such as the number field sieve, that incorporate the so-called large prime variant. Thus, it is useful for factoring practitioners to be able to estimate the value of Ψ(x,y,z)\Psi(x,y,z), the number of (y,z)(y,z)-semismooth integers up to xx, so that they can better set algorithm parameters and minimize running times, which could be weeks or months on a cluster supercomputer. In this paper, we explore several algorithms to approximate Ψ(x,y,z)\Psi(x,y,z) using a generalization of Buchstab's identity with numeric integration.Comment: To appear in ISSAC 2013, Boston M