22 research outputs found

    Antimagic Labelings of Caterpillars

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    A kk-antimagic labeling of a graph GG is an injection from E(G)E(G) to {1,2,…,∣E(G)∣+k}\{1,2,\dots,|E(G)|+k\} such that all vertex sums are pairwise distinct, where the vertex sum at vertex uu is the sum of the labels assigned to edges incident to uu. We call a graph kk-antimagic when it has a kk-antimagic labeling, and antimagic when it is 0-antimagic. Hartsfield and Ringel conjectured that every simple connected graph other than K2K_2 is antimagic, but the conjecture is still open even for trees. Here we study kk-antimagic labelings of caterpillars, which are defined as trees the removal of whose leaves produces a path, called its spine. As a general result, we use constructive techniques to prove that any caterpillar of order nn is (⌊(n−1)/2⌋−2)(\lfloor (n-1)/2 \rfloor - 2)-antimagic. Furthermore, if CC is a caterpillar with a spine of order ss, we prove that when CC has at least ⌊(3s+1)/2⌋\lfloor (3s+1)/2 \rfloor leaves or ⌊(s−1)/2⌋\lfloor (s-1)/2 \rfloor consecutive vertices of degree at most 2 at one end of a longest path, then CC is antimagic. As a consequence of a result by Wong and Zhu, we also prove that if pp is a prime number, any caterpillar with a spine of order pp, p−1p-1 or p−2p-2 is 11-antimagic.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Caterpillars have antimagic orientations

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    An antimagic labeling of a directed graph D with m arcs is a bijection from the set of arcs of D to {1, . . . , m} such that all oriented vertex sums of vertices in D are pairwise distinct, where the oriented vertex sum of a vertex u is the sum of labels of all arcs entering u minus the sum of labels of all arcs leaving u. Hefetz, Mütze, and Schwartz [3] conjectured that every connected graph admits an antimagic orientation, where an antimagic orientation of a graph G is an orientation of G which has an antimagic labeling. We use a constructive technique to prove that caterpillars, a well-known subclass of trees, have antimagic orientations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Proof of a local antimagic conjecture

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    An antimagic labelling of a graph GG is a bijection f:E(G)→{1,…,E(G)}f:E(G)\to\{1,\ldots,E(G)\} such that the sums Sv=∑e∋vf(e)S_v=\sum_{e\ni v}f(e) distinguish all vertices. A well-known conjecture of Hartsfield and Ringel (1994) is that every connected graph other than K2K_2 admits an antimagic labelling. Recently, two sets of authors (Arumugam, Premalatha, Ba\v{c}a \& Semani\v{c}ov\'a-Fe\v{n}ov\v{c}\'ikov\'a (2017), and Bensmail, Senhaji \& Lyngsie (2017)) independently introduced the weaker notion of a local antimagic labelling, where only adjacent vertices must be distinguished. Both sets of authors conjectured that any connected graph other than K2K_2 admits a local antimagic labelling. We prove this latter conjecture using the probabilistic method. Thus the parameter of local antimagic chromatic number, introduced by Arumugam et al., is well-defined for every connected graph other than K2K_2 .Comment: Final version for publication in DMTCS. Changes from previous version are formatting to journal style and correction of two minor typographical error