7 research outputs found

    The Effect of Explicit Structure Encoding of Deep Neural Networks for Symbolic Music Generation

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    With recent breakthroughs in artificial neural networks, deep generative models have become one of the leading techniques for computational creativity. Despite very promising progress on image and short sequence generation, symbolic music generation remains a challenging problem since the structure of compositions are usually complicated. In this study, we attempt to solve the melody generation problem constrained by the given chord progression. This music meta-creation problem can also be incorporated into a plan recognition system with user inputs and predictive structural outputs. In particular, we explore the effect of explicit architectural encoding of musical structure via comparing two sequential generative models: LSTM (a type of RNN) and WaveNet (dilated temporal-CNN). As far as we know, this is the first study of applying WaveNet to symbolic music generation, as well as the first systematic comparison between temporal-CNN and RNN for music generation. We conduct a survey for evaluation in our generations and implemented Variable Markov Oracle in music pattern discovery. Experimental results show that to encode structure more explicitly using a stack of dilated convolution layers improved the performance significantly, and a global encoding of underlying chord progression into the generation procedure gains even more.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Artificial Intelligence Music Generators in Real Time Jazz Improvisation: a performer’s view

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    Μια αμφιλεγόμενη είσοδος γεννητριών μουσικής τεχνητής νοημοσύνης στον κόσμο της μουσικής σύνθεσης και ερμηνείας καλπάζει επί του παρόντος. Γόνιμη έρευνα που πηγάζει απο τομείς όπως η ανάκτηση πληροφοριών μουσικής, τα νευρονικά δίκτυα και η βαθιά μάθηση, μεταξύ άλλων, διαμορφώνει αυτό το μέλλον. Ενσωματωμένα και μη ενσωματωμένα συστήματα τεχνητής νοημοσύνης έχουν εισέλθει στον κόσμο της τζαζ προκειμένου να συνδημιουργήσουν ιδιωματικούς μουσικούς αυτοσχεδιασμούς. Αυτή η διπλωματική εξετάζει τους προκύπτοντες μελωδικούς αυτοσχεδιασμούς που παράγονται από τις γεννήτριες OMax, ImproteK και Djazz (OID) μέσω του φακού των στοιχείων της μουσικής και το κάνει από την άποψη ενός ερμηνευτή. Η ανάλυση βασίζεται κυρίως στην αξιολόγηση των ήδη δημοσιευμένων αποτελεσμάτων, καθώς και σε μια μελέτη περίπτωσης που πραγματοποίηθηκε κατά την ολοκλήρωση αυτής της εργασίας που περιλαμβάνει την απόδοση, την ακρόαση και την αξιολόγηση των παραγόμενων αυτοσχεδιασμών του OMax. Επίσης, η εργασία ασχολείται με φιλοσοφικά ζητήματα, με τα γνωστικά θεμέλια του συναισθήματος και του νοήματος και παρέχει μια ολοκληρωμένη ανάλυση της λειτουργικότητας του OID.A highly controversial entrance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) music generators in the world of music composition and performance is currently advancing. A fruitful research from Music Information Retrieval, Neural Networks and Deep Learning, among other areas, are shaping this future. Embodied and non-embodied AI systems have stepped into the world of jazz in order to co-create idiomatic music improvisations. But how musical these improvisations are? This dissertation looks at the resulted melodic improvisations produced by OMax, ImproteK and Djazz (OID) AI generators through the lens of the elements of music and it does so from a performer’s point of view. The analysis is based mainly on the evaluation of already published results as well as on a case study I carried out during the completion of this essay which includes performance, listening and evaluation of generated improvisations of OMax. The essay also reflects upon philosophical issues, cognitive foundations of emotion and meaning and provides a comprehensive analysis of the functionality of OID