31 research outputs found

    Web Content Extraction - a Meta-Analysis of its Past and Thoughts on its Future

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    In this paper, we present a meta-analysis of several Web content extraction algorithms, and make recommendations for the future of content extraction on the Web. First, we find that nearly all Web content extractors do not consider a very large, and growing, portion of modern Web pages. Second, it is well understood that wrapper induction extractors tend to break as the Web changes; heuristic/feature engineering extractors were thought to be immune to a Web site's evolution, but we find that this is not the case: heuristic content extractor performance also tends to degrade over time due to the evolution of Web site forms and practices. We conclude with recommendations for future work that address these and other findings.Comment: Accepted for publication in SIGKDD Exploration

    Compositional Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables

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    Two important aspects of semantic parsing for question answering are the breadth of the knowledge source and the depth of logical compositionality. While existing work trades off one aspect for another, this paper simultaneously makes progress on both fronts through a new task: answering complex questions on semi-structured tables using question-answer pairs as supervision. The central challenge arises from two compounding factors: the broader domain results in an open-ended set of relations, and the deeper compositionality results in a combinatorial explosion in the space of logical forms. We propose a logical-form driven parsing algorithm guided by strong typing constraints and show that it obtains significant improvements over natural baselines. For evaluation, we created a new dataset of 22,033 complex questions on Wikipedia tables, which is made publicly available

    Table2Vec: Neural Word and Entity Embeddings for Table Population and Retrieval

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    Tables contain valuable knowledge in a structured form. We employ neural language modeling approaches to embed tabular data into vector spaces. Specifically, we consider different table elements, such caption, column headings, and cells, for training word and entity embeddings. These embeddings are then utilized in three particular table-related tasks, row population, column population, and table retrieval, by incorporating them into existing retrieval models as additional semantic similarity signals. Evaluation results show that table embeddings can significantly improve upon the performance of state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '19), 201

    On-the-fly Table Generation

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    Many information needs revolve around entities, which would be better answered by summarizing results in a tabular format, rather than presenting them as a ranked list. Unlike previous work, which is limited to retrieving existing tables, we aim to answer queries by automatically compiling a table in response to a query. We introduce and address the task of on-the-fly table generation: given a query, generate a relational table that contains relevant entities (as rows) along with their key properties (as columns). This problem is decomposed into three specific subtasks: (i) core column entity ranking, (ii) schema determination, and (iii) value lookup. We employ a feature-based approach for entity ranking and schema determination, combining deep semantic features with task-specific signals. We further show that these two subtasks are not independent of each other and can assist each other in an iterative manner. For value lookup, we combine information from existing tables and a knowledge base. Using two sets of entity-oriented queries, we evaluate our approach both on the component level and on the end-to-end table generation task.Comment: The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieva

    Finding Patterns in a Knowledge Base using Keywords to Compose Table Answers

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    We aim to provide table answers to keyword queries against knowledge bases. For queries referring to multiple entities, like "Washington cities population" and "Mel Gibson movies", it is better to represent each relevant answer as a table which aggregates a set of entities or entity-joins within the same table scheme or pattern. In this paper, we study how to find highly relevant patterns in a knowledge base for user-given keyword queries to compose table answers. A knowledge base can be modeled as a directed graph called knowledge graph, where nodes represent entities in the knowledge base and edges represent the relationships among them. Each node/edge is labeled with type and text. A pattern is an aggregation of subtrees which contain all keywords in the texts and have the same structure and types on node/edges. We propose efficient algorithms to find patterns that are relevant to the query for a class of scoring functions. We show the hardness of the problem in theory, and propose path-based indexes that are affordable in memory. Two query-processing algorithms are proposed: one is fast in practice for small queries (with small patterns as answers) by utilizing the indexes; and the other one is better in theory, with running time linear in the sizes of indexes and answers, which can handle large queries better. We also conduct extensive experimental study to compare our approaches with a naive adaption of known techniques.Comment: VLDB 201