3 research outputs found

    Collusion-resistant broadcast encryption based on hidden RSA subgroups

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    Public key broadcast encryption enables computations of ciphertexts, in which a single ciphertext is encrypted with regard to a set of recipients, and only the intended recipients can decrypt that ciphertext independently of each other and without interactions. A significant shortcoming of existing broadcast encryption schemes are long decryption keys comprising the public keys of pertaining recipients. Decryption therefore necessitates access to public keys, which requires key management and impacts computational and transmission overhead, accessibility, and storage. Moreover, a user description list referencing the pertaining recipients and their public keys must be appended to each ciphertext, which leads to the privacy implication of disclosing user/content-relations. Predominantly all broadcast encryption schemes are based on bilinear pairings. In this paper, we propose a collusion-resistant broadcast encryption scheme that is the first broadcast encryption scheme based on the factorization problem and hidden RSA subgroups. A novel feature is that the decryption key consists of a single element only, which leads to significantly reduced key management, improved computational efficiency, and elimination of the mentioned privacy issue

    Lattice-Based Dual Receiver Encryption and More

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    Dual receiver encryption (DRE), proposed by Diament et al. at ACM CCS 2004, is a special extension notion of public-key encryption, which enables two independent receivers to decrypt a ciphertext into a same plaintext. This primitive is quite useful in designing combined public key cryptosystems and denial of service attack-resilient protocols. Up till now, a series of DRE schemes are constructed from bilinear pairing groups and lattices. In this work, we introduce a construction of lattice-based DRE. Our scheme is indistinguishable against chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA) from the standard Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption with a public key of bit-size about 2nmlogq2nm\log q, where mm and qq are small polynomials in nn. Additionally, for the DRE notion in the identity-based setting, identity-based DRE (IB-DRE), we also give a lattice-based IB-DRE scheme that achieves chosen-plaintext and adaptively chosen identity security based on the LWE assumption with public parameter size about (2+1)nmlogq(2\ell +1)nm\log q, where \ell is the bit-size of the identity in the scheme

    Anonymous Lattice-Based Broadcast Encryption

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    Part 2: Asian Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (AsiaARES)International audienceIn this paper we propose a lattice-based anonymous broadcast encryption scheme obtained by translating the broadcast encryption scheme of Paterson et al. [7] into the lattices environment. We use two essential cryptographic primitives for our construction: tag-based hint systems secure under Ring-LWE hardness and IND-CCA secure cryptosystem under LWE-hardness. We show that it is feasible to construct anonymous tag-based hint systems from Ring-LWE problem for which we use a variant with ”small” secrets known to be as hard as regular Ring-LWE. We employ an IND-CCA-secure public key encryption scheme from LWE [12] for the PKE component of the anonymous broadcast encryption scheme