1,158 research outputs found

    Classifying malicious windows executables using anomaly based detection

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    A malicious executable is broadly defined as any program or piece of code designed to cause damage to a system or the information it contains, or to prevent the system from being used in a normal manner. A generic term used to describe any kind of malicious software is Maiware, which includes Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Backdoors, Root-kits, Spyware and Exploits. Anomaly detection is technique which builds a statistical profile of the normal and malicious data and classifies unseen data based on these two profiles. A detection system is presented here which is anomaly based and focuses on the Windows® platform. Several file infection techniques were studied to understand what particular features in the executable binary are more susceptible to being used for the malicious code propagation. A framework is presented for collecting data for both static (non-execution based) as well as dynamic (execution based) analysis of the malicious executables. Two specific features are extracted using static analysis, Windows API (from the Import Address Table of the Portable Executable Header) and the hex byte frequency count (collected using Hexdump utility) which have been explained in detail. Dynamic analysis features which were extracted are briefly mentioned and the major challenges faced using this data is explained. Classification results using Support Vector Machines for anomaly detection is shown for the two static analysis features. Experimental results have provided classification results with up to 94% accuracy for new, previously unseen executables

    Enhancing the Efficiency of Attack Detection System Using Feature selection and Feature Discretization Methods

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    Intrusion detection technologies have grown in popularity in recent years using machine learning. The variety of new security attacks are increasing, necessitating the development of effective and intelligent countermeasures. The existing intrusion detection system (IDS) uses Signature or Anomaly based detection systems with machine learning algorithms to detect malicious activities. The Signature-based detection rely only on signatures that have been pre-programmed into the systems, detect known attacks and cannot detect any new or unusual activity. The Anomaly based detection using supervised machine learning algorithm detects only known threats. To address this issue, the proposed model employs an unsupervised machine learning approach for detecting attacks. This approach combines the Sub Space Clustering and One Class Support Vector Machine algorithms and utilizes feature selection methods such as Chi-square, as well as Feature Discretization Methods like Equal Width Discretization to identify both known and undiscovered assaults. The results of the experiments using proposed model outperforms several of the existing system in terms of detection rate and accuracy and decrease in the computational time

    Unsupervised Anomaly-based Malware Detection using Hardware Features

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    Recent works have shown promise in using microarchitectural execution patterns to detect malware programs. These detectors belong to a class of detectors known as signature-based detectors as they catch malware by comparing a program's execution pattern (signature) to execution patterns of known malware programs. In this work, we propose a new class of detectors - anomaly-based hardware malware detectors - that do not require signatures for malware detection, and thus can catch a wider range of malware including potentially novel ones. We use unsupervised machine learning to build profiles of normal program execution based on data from performance counters, and use these profiles to detect significant deviations in program behavior that occur as a result of malware exploitation. We show that real-world exploitation of popular programs such as IE and Adobe PDF Reader on a Windows/x86 platform can be detected with nearly perfect certainty. We also examine the limits and challenges in implementing this approach in face of a sophisticated adversary attempting to evade anomaly-based detection. The proposed detector is complementary to previously proposed signature-based detectors and can be used together to improve security.Comment: 1 page, Latex; added description for feature selection in Section 4, results unchange

    Stochastic Tools for Network Intrusion Detection

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    With the rapid development of Internet and the sharp increase of network crime, network security has become very important and received a lot of attention. We model security issues as stochastic systems. This allows us to find weaknesses in existing security systems and propose new solutions. Exploring the vulnerabilities of existing security tools can prevent cyber-attacks from taking advantages of the system weaknesses. We propose a hybrid network security scheme including intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and honeypots scattered throughout the network. This combines the advantages of two security technologies. A honeypot is an activity-based network security system, which could be the logical supplement of the passive detection policies used by IDSs. This integration forces us to balance security performance versus cost by scheduling device activities for the proposed system. By formulating the scheduling problem as a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (DEC-POMDP), decisions are made in a distributed manner at each device without requiring centralized control. The partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) is a useful choice for controlling stochastic systems. As a combination of two Markov models, POMDPs combine the strength of hidden Markov Model (HMM) (capturing dynamics that depend on unobserved states) and that of Markov decision process (MDP) (taking the decision aspect into account). Decision making under uncertainty is used in many parts of business and science.We use here for security tools.We adopt a high-quality approximation solution for finite-space POMDPs with the average cost criterion, and their extension to DEC-POMDPs. We show how this tool could be used to design a network security framework.Comment: Accepted by International Symposium on Sensor Networks, Systems and Security (2017

    Different Techniques to Detect Botnet

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    Botnets are now considered as one of the most serious security threats. In contrast to previous malware, botnets have the characteristics of command and control (C&C) channel. Botnets usually use existing common protocols, eg IRC, HTTP and in protocol conforming manners, this makes the detection of botnet C&C a difficult problem. In this paper we tend to proposed 3 techniques specifically signature based detection, firewall IP blocking and anomaly based detection so as to detect bot and provide secure network services to the users