483 research outputs found

    A Multidimensional Dataset Based on Crowdsourcing for Analyzing and Detecting News Bias

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    The automatic detection of bias in news articles can have a high impact on society because undiscovered news bias may influence the political opinions, social views, and emotional feelings of readers. While various analyses and approaches to news bias detection have been proposed, large data sets with rich bias annotations on a fine-grained level are still missing. In this paper, we firstly aggregate the aspects of news bias in related works by proposing a new annotation schema for labeling news bias. This schema covers the overall bias, as well as the bias dimensions (1) hidden assumptions, (2) subjectivity, and (3) representation tendencies. Secondly, we propose a methodology based on crowdsourcing for obtaining a large data set for news bias analysis and identification. We then use our methodology to create a dataset consisting of more than 2,000 sentences annotated with 43,000 bias and bias dimension labels. Thirdly, we perform an in-depth analysis of the collected data. We show that the annotation task is difficult with respect to bias and specific bias dimensions. While crowdworkers\u27 labels of representation tendencies correlate with experts\u27 bias labels for articles, subjectivity and hidden assumptions do not correlate with experts\u27 bias labels and, thus, seem to be less relevant when creating data sets with crowdworkers. The experts\u27 article labels better match the inferred crowdworkers\u27 article labels than the crowdworkers\u27 sentence labels. The crowdworkers\u27 countries of origin seem to affect their judgements. In our study, non-Western crowdworkers tend to annotate more bias either directly or in the form of bias dimensions (e.g., subjectivity) than Western crowdworkers do

    Neural Based Statement Classification for Biased Language

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    Biased language commonly occurs around topics which are of controversial nature, thus, stirring disagreement between the different involved parties of a discussion. This is due to the fact that for language and its use, specifically, the understanding and use of phrases, the stances are cohesive within the particular groups. However, such cohesiveness does not hold across groups. In collaborative environments or environments where impartial language is desired (e.g. Wikipedia, news media), statements and the language therein should represent equally the involved parties and be neutrally phrased. Biased language is introduced through the presence of inflammatory words or phrases, or statements that may be incorrect or one-sided, thus violating such consensus. In this work, we focus on the specific case of phrasing bias, which may be introduced through specific inflammatory words or phrases in a statement. For this purpose, we propose an approach that relies on a recurrent neural networks in order to capture the inter-dependencies between words in a phrase that introduced bias. We perform a thorough experimental evaluation, where we show the advantages of a neural based approach over competitors that rely on word lexicons and other hand-crafted features in detecting biased language. We are able to distinguish biased statements with a precision of P=0.92, thus significantly outperforming baseline models with an improvement of over 30%. Finally, we release the largest corpus of statements annotated for biased language.Comment: The Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, February 11--15, 2019, Melbourne, VIC, Australi

    Empirical Methodology for Crowdsourcing Ground Truth

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    The process of gathering ground truth data through human annotation is a major bottleneck in the use of information extraction methods for populating the Semantic Web. Crowdsourcing-based approaches are gaining popularity in the attempt to solve the issues related to volume of data and lack of annotators. Typically these practices use inter-annotator agreement as a measure of quality. However, in many domains, such as event detection, there is ambiguity in the data, as well as a multitude of perspectives of the information examples. We present an empirically derived methodology for efficiently gathering of ground truth data in a diverse set of use cases covering a variety of domains and annotation tasks. Central to our approach is the use of CrowdTruth metrics that capture inter-annotator disagreement. We show that measuring disagreement is essential for acquiring a high quality ground truth. We achieve this by comparing the quality of the data aggregated with CrowdTruth metrics with majority vote, over a set of diverse crowdsourcing tasks: Medical Relation Extraction, Twitter Event Identification, News Event Extraction and Sound Interpretation. We also show that an increased number of crowd workers leads to growth and stabilization in the quality of annotations, going against the usual practice of employing a small number of annotators.Comment: in publication at the Semantic Web Journa

    Exploiting Transformer-based Multitask Learning for the Detection of Media Bias in News Articles

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    Media has a substantial impact on the public perception of events. A one-sided or polarizing perspective on any topic is usually described as media bias. One of the ways how bias in news articles can be introduced is by altering word choice. Biased word choices are not always obvious, nor do they exhibit high context-dependency. Hence, detecting bias is often difficult. We propose a Transformer-based deep learning architecture trained via Multi-Task Learning using six bias-related data sets to tackle the media bias detection problem. Our best-performing implementation achieves a macro F1F_{1} of 0.776, a performance boost of 3\% compared to our baseline, outperforming existing methods. Our results indicate Multi-Task Learning as a promising alternative to improve existing baseline models in identifying slanted reporting

    Methods for detecting and mitigating linguistic bias in text corpora

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    Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Ausbreitung des Webs in alle Aspekte des täglichen Lebens wird Bias in Form von Voreingenommenheit und versteckten Meinungen zu einem zunehmend herausfordernden Problem. Eine weitverbreitete Erscheinungsform ist Bias in Textdaten. Um dem entgegenzuwirken hat die Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia das Prinzip des neutralen Standpunkts (Englisch: Neutral Point of View, kurz: NPOV) eingeführt, welcher die Verwendung neutraler Sprache und die Vermeidung von einseitigen oder subjektiven Formulierungen vorschreibt. Während Studien gezeigt haben, dass die Qualität von Wikipedia-Artikel mit der Qualität von Artikeln in klassischen Enzyklopädien vergleichbar ist, zeigt die Forschung gleichzeitig auch, dass Wikipedia anfällig für verschiedene Typen von NPOV-Verletzungen ist. Bias zu identifizieren, kann eine herausfordernde Aufgabe sein, sogar für Menschen, und mit Millionen von Artikeln und einer zurückgehenden Anzahl von Mitwirkenden wird diese Aufgabe zunehmend schwieriger. Wenn Bias nicht eingedämmt wird, kann dies nicht nur zu Polarisierungen und Konflikten zwischen Meinungsgruppen führen, sondern Nutzer auch negativ in ihrer freien Meinungsbildung beeinflussen. Hinzu kommt, dass sich Bias in Texten und in Ground-Truth-Daten negativ auf Machine Learning Modelle, die auf diesen Daten trainiert werden, auswirken kann, was zu diskriminierendem Verhalten von Modellen führen kann. In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit Bias, indem wir uns auf drei zentrale Aspekte konzentrieren: Bias-Inhalte in Form von geschriebenen Aussagen, Bias von Crowdworkern während des Annotierens von Daten und Bias in Word Embeddings Repräsentationen. Wir stellen zwei Ansätze für die Identifizierung von Aussagen mit Bias in Textsammlungen wie Wikipedia vor. Unser auf Features basierender Ansatz verwendet Bag-of-Word Features inklusive einer Liste von Bias-Wörtern, die wir durch das Identifizieren von Clustern von Bias-Wörtern im Vektorraum von Word Embeddings zusammengestellt haben. Unser verbesserter, neuronaler Ansatz verwendet Gated Recurrent Neural Networks, um Kontext-Abhängigkeiten zu erfassen und die Performance des Modells weiter zu verbessern. Unsere Studie zum Thema Crowd Worker Bias deckt Bias-Verhalten von Crowdworkern mit extremen Meinungen zu einem bestimmten Thema auf und zeigt, dass dieses Verhalten die entstehenden Ground-Truth-Label beeinflusst, was wiederum Einfluss auf die Erstellung von Datensätzen für Aufgaben wie Bias Identifizierung oder Sentiment Analysis hat. Wir stellen Ansätze für die Abschwächung von Worker Bias vor, die Bewusstsein unter den Workern erzeugen und das Konzept der sozialen Projektion verwenden. Schließlich beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Problem von Bias in Word Embeddings, indem wir uns auf das Beispiel von variierenden Sentiment-Scores für Namen konzentrieren. Wir zeigen, dass Bias in den Trainingsdaten von den Embeddings erfasst und an nachgelagerte Modelle weitergegeben wird. In diesem Zusammenhang stellen wir einen Debiasing-Ansatz vor, der den Bias-Effekt reduziert und sich positiv auf die produzierten Label eines nachgeschalteten Sentiment Classifiers auswirkt

    Connotation Frames: A Data-Driven Investigation

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    Through a particular choice of a predicate (e.g., "x violated y"), a writer can subtly connote a range of implied sentiments and presupposed facts about the entities x and y: (1) writer's perspective: projecting x as an "antagonist"and y as a "victim", (2) entities' perspective: y probably dislikes x, (3) effect: something bad happened to y, (4) value: y is something valuable, and (5) mental state: y is distressed by the event. We introduce connotation frames as a representation formalism to organize these rich dimensions of connotation using typed relations. First, we investigate the feasibility of obtaining connotative labels through crowdsourcing experiments. We then present models for predicting the connotation frames of verb predicates based on their distributional word representations and the interplay between different types of connotative relations. Empirical results confirm that connotation frames can be induced from various data sources that reflect how people use language and give rise to the connotative meanings. We conclude with analytical results that show the potential use of connotation frames for analyzing subtle biases in online news media.Comment: 11 pages, published in Proceedings of ACL 201

    Predicting Sentence-Level Factuality of News and Bias of Media Outlets

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    Predicting the factuality of news reporting and bias of media outlets is surely relevant for automated news credibility and fact-checking. While prior work has focused on the veracity of news, we propose a fine-grained reliability analysis of the entire media. Specifically, we study the prediction of sentence-level factuality of news reporting and bias of media outlets, which may explain more accurately the overall reliability of the entire source. We first manually produced a large sentence-level dataset, titled "FactNews", composed of 6,191 sentences expertly annotated according to factuality and media bias definitions from AllSides. As a result, baseline models for sentence-level factuality prediction were presented by fine-tuning BERT. Finally, due to the severity of fake news and political polarization in Brazil, both dataset and baseline were proposed for Portuguese. However, our approach may be applied to any other language
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