17 research outputs found

    Anisotropic Fast-Marching on cartesian grids using Lattice Basis Reduction

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    We introduce a modification of the Fast Marching Algorithm, which solves the generalized eikonal equation associated to an arbitrary continuous riemannian metric, on a two or three dimensional domain. The algorithm has a logarithmic complexity in the maximum anisotropy ratio of the riemannian metric, which allows to handle extreme anisotropies for a reduced numerical cost. We prove the consistence of the algorithm, and illustrate its efficiency by numerical experiments. The algorithm relies on the computation at each grid point of a special system of coordinates: a reduced basis of the cartesian grid, with respect to the symmetric positive definite matrix encoding the desired anisotropy at this point.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Sub-Riemannian Fast Marching in SE(2)

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    We propose a Fast Marching based implementation for computing sub-Riemanninan (SR) geodesics in the roto-translation group SE(2), with a metric depending on a cost induced by the image data. The key ingredient is a Riemannian approximation of the SR-metric. Then, a state of the art Fast Marching solver that is able to deal with extreme anisotropies is used to compute a SR-distance map as the solution of a corresponding eikonal equation. Subsequent backtracking on the distance map gives the geodesics. To validate the method, we consider the uniform cost case in which exact formulas for SR-geodesics are known and we show remarkable accuracy of the numerically computed SR-spheres. We also show a dramatic decrease in computational time with respect to a previous PDE-based iterative approach. Regarding image analysis applications, we show the potential of considering these data adaptive geodesics for a fully automated retinal vessel tree segmentation.Comment: CIARP 201

    Manitest: Are classifiers really invariant?

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    Invariance to geometric transformations is a highly desirable property of automatic classifiers in many image recognition tasks. Nevertheless, it is unclear to which extent state-of-the-art classifiers are invariant to basic transformations such as rotations and translations. This is mainly due to the lack of general methods that properly measure such an invariance. In this paper, we propose a rigorous and systematic approach for quantifying the invariance to geometric transformations of any classifier. Our key idea is to cast the problem of assessing a classifier's invariance as the computation of geodesics along the manifold of transformed images. We propose the Manitest method, built on the efficient Fast Marching algorithm to compute the invariance of classifiers. Our new method quantifies in particular the importance of data augmentation for learning invariance from data, and the increased invariance of convolutional neural networks with depth. We foresee that the proposed generic tool for measuring invariance to a large class of geometric transformations and arbitrary classifiers will have many applications for evaluating and comparing classifiers based on their invariance, and help improving the invariance of existing classifiers.Comment: BMVC 201

    Nilpotent Approximations of Sub-Riemannian Distances for Fast Perceptual Grouping of Blood Vessels in 2D and 3D

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    We propose an efficient approach for the grouping of local orientations (points on vessels) via nilpotent approximations of sub-Riemannian distances in the 2D and 3D roto-translation groups SE(2)SE(2) and SE(3)SE(3). In our distance approximations we consider homogeneous norms on nilpotent groups that locally approximate SE(n)SE(n), and which are obtained via the exponential and logarithmic map on SE(n)SE(n). In a qualitative validation we show that the norms provide accurate approximations of the true sub-Riemannian distances, and we discuss their relations to the fundamental solution of the sub-Laplacian on SE(n)SE(n). The quantitative experiments further confirm the accuracy of the approximations. Quantitative results are obtained by evaluating perceptual grouping performance of retinal blood vessels in 2D images and curves in challenging 3D synthetic volumes. The results show that 1) sub-Riemannian geometry is essential in achieving top performance and 2) that grouping via the fast analytic approximations performs almost equally, or better, than data-adaptive fast marching approaches on Rn\mathbb{R}^n and SE(n)SE(n).Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, in review at JMI

    A PDE Approach to Data-driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)

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    We present a new flexible wavefront propagation algorithm for the boundary value problem for sub-Riemannian (SR) geodesics in the roto-translation group SE(2)=R2⋊S1SE(2) = \mathbb{R}^2 \rtimes S^1 with a metric tensor depending on a smooth external cost C:SE(2)→[δ,1]\mathcal{C}:SE(2) \to [\delta,1], δ>0\delta>0, computed from image data. The method consists of a first step where a SR-distance map is computed as a viscosity solution of a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) system derived via Pontryagin's Maximum Principle (PMP). Subsequent backward integration, again relying on PMP, gives the SR-geodesics. For C=1\mathcal{C}=1 we show that our method produces the global minimizers. Comparison with exact solutions shows a remarkable accuracy of the SR-spheres and the SR-geodesics. We present numerical computations of Maxwell points and cusp points, which we again verify for the uniform cost case C=1\mathcal{C}=1. Regarding image analysis applications, tracking of elongated structures in retinal and synthetic images show that our line tracking generically deals with crossings. We show the benefits of including the sub-Riemannian geometry.Comment: Extended version of SSVM 2015 conference article "Data-driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)

    Worst case and average case cardinality of strictly acute stencils for two dimensional anisotropic fast marching

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    We study a one dimensional approximation-like problem arising in the discretization of a class of Partial Differential Equations, providing worst case and average case complexity results. The analysis is based on the Stern-Brocot tree of rationals, and on a non-Euclidean notion of angles. The presented results generalize and improve on earlier work

    Monotone and Consistent discretization of the Monge-Ampere operator

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    We introduce a novel discretization of the Monge-Ampere operator, simultaneously consistent and degenerate elliptic, hence accurate and robust in applications. These properties are achieved by exploiting the arithmetic structure of the discrete domain, assumed to be a two dimensional cartesian grid. The construction of our scheme is simple, but its analysis relies on original tools seldom encountered in numerical analysis, such as the geometry of two dimensional lattices, and an arithmetic structure called the Stern-Brocot tree. Numerical experiments illustrate the method's efficiency