5 research outputs found

    Object oriented framework for character animation and design

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 16).Three-dimensional computer character animation is becoming more and more prevalent in the entertainment industry. As the demand grows, so does the need for tools that allow animators to create animations quickly. In this thesis, we present a framework for animating with the goals of minimizing the time to train new animators, the time to develop new characters, and the time to make a finished animation. We propose a system that is analogous to object oriented paradigms in software development - namely reuse and encapsulation. We then demonstrate the feasibility of the model by describing the prototype developed during the course of this research


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    U radu se opisuje utjecaj multimedije posredovane tehnologijom virtualne realnosti na komunikaciju i komuniciranje. Tehnologije virtualne realnosti označavaju skup tehnologija koja omogućuje razgovore između ljudi koji su fizički odvojeni tj. prostorno dislocirani. Cilj takve tehnologije je omogućiti razgovor između ljudi koji se nalaze na različitim zemljopisnim mjestima na svijetu, a povezani su poslovno, obiteljski ili prijateljskim odnosima i vezama. Zapravo, pod pojmom „tehnologije virtualne realnosti“ u ovom radu se podrazumijeva skup tehnologija tehnologije za videokonferenciju, videotelefoniju i telerobotiku, koje obavljaju komunikaciju preko virtualnog utjelovljenja odnosno holograma. Tehnologije virtualne realnosti pružaju jeftin i brz način komuniciranja bez obzira na prostornu udaljenost. S komunikološkog aspekta gledano samo su telekonferencije napravile veliki pomak u smislu održavanja stalne i kvalitetne komunikacije koju je lako uspostaviti, ali je skoro u potpunosti eliminiran pristup „licem u lice“, što se može smatrati jednom od „manjkavosti“ u njihovoj primjeni.This paper describes the impact of multimedia mediated virtual reality technology to communication. Technology of virtual reality are a set of technologies that enables conversations between people who are physicaly dislocated. The goal of this technology is to enable conversation between people who are located in different geographic areas of the world and are related to business, family or friendly relations. In fact the term "technology of virtual reality" in this paper meant as a set of technologies for videoconferencing technology, videophones and telerobotics, which perform communication via a virtual incarnation or holograms. Technology of virtual reality provide an inexpensive and fast way to communicate regardless of geographical distance. With the point of communication view only teleconference made great progress in terms of maintaining the quality and continuous communication that is easy to set up, but is almost completely eliminated access "face to face", which can be considered one of the "deficiencies" in their application

    Vision based interactive toys environment

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    Animating Athletic Motion Planning By Example

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    Character animation is usually reserved for highly skilled animators and computer programmers because few of the available tools allow the novice or casual user to create compelling animated content. In this paper, we explore a partial solution to this problem which lets the user coach animated characters by sketching their trajectories on the ground plane. The details of the motion are then computed with simulation. We create memory-based control functions for the high-level behaviors from examples supplied by the user and from real-world data of the behavior. The control function for the desired behavior is implemented through a lookup table using a nearest neighbor approximation algorithm. To demonstrate this approach, we present a system for defining the behaviors of defensive characters playing American football. The characters are implemented using either point-masses or dynamically simulated biped robots. We evaluate the quality of the coached behaviors by comparing the resulting trajectories to data from human players. We also assess the influence of the user's coaching examples by demonstrating that a user can construct a particular style of play