72 research outputs found

    Analyzing the video popularity characteristics of large-scale user generated content systems

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    Abstract—User generated content (UGC), now with millions of video producers and consumers, is re-shaping the way people watch video and TV. In particular, UGC sites are creating new viewing patterns and social interactions, empowering users to be more creative, and generating new business opportunities. Compared to traditional video-on-demand (VoD) systems, UGC services allow users to request videos from a potentially unlimited selection in an asynchronous fashion. To better understand the impact of UGC services, we have analyzed the world’s largest UGC VoD system, YouTube, and a popular similar system in Korea, Daum Videos. In this paper, we first empirically show how UGC services are fundamentally different from traditional VoD services. We then analyze the intrinsic statistical properties of UGC popularity distributions and discuss opportunities to leverage the latent demand for niche videos (or the so-called “the Long Tail ” potential), which is not reached today due to informa-tion filtering or other system scarcity distortions. Based on traces collected across multiple days, we study the popularity lifetime of UGC videos and the relationship between requests and video age. Finally, we measure the level of content aliasing and illegal content in the system and show the problems aliasing creates in ranking the video popularity accurately. The results presented in this paper are crucial to understanding UGC VoD systems and may have major commercial and technical implications for site administrators and content owners. Index Terms—Interactive TV, human factors, exponential distri-butions, log normal distributions, pareto distributions, probability, copyright protection. I

    The Untold Story of the Clones: Content-agnostic Factors that Impact YouTube Video Popularity

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    Video dissemination through sites such as YouTube can have widespread impacts on opinions, thoughts, and cultures. Not all videos will reach the same popularity and have the same impact. Popularity differences arise not only because of differences in video content, but also because of other "content-agnostic" factors. The latter factors are of considerable interest but it has been difficult to accurately study them. For example, videos uploaded by users with large social networks may tend to be more popular because they tend to have more interesting content, not because social network size has a substantial direct impact on popularity. In this paper, we develop and apply a methodology that is able to accurately assess, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the impacts of various content-agnostic factors on video popularity. When controlling for video content, we observe a strong linear "rich-get-richer" behavior, with the total number of previous views as the most important factor except for very young videos. The second most important factor is found to be video age. We analyze a number of phenomena that may contribute to rich-get-richer, including the first-mover advantage, and search bias towards popular videos. For young videos we find that factors other than the total number of previous views, such as uploader characteristics and number of keywords, become relatively more important. Our findings also confirm that inaccurate conclusions can be reached when not controlling for content.Comment: Dataset available at: http://www.ida.liu.se/~nikca/papers/kdd12.htm

    Differential Games of Competition in Online Content Diffusion

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    Access to online contents represents a large share of the Internet traffic. Most such contents are multimedia items which are user-generated, i.e., posted online by the contents' owners. In this paper we focus on how those who provide contents can leverage online platforms in order to profit from their large base of potential viewers. Actually, platforms like Vimeo or YouTube provide tools to accelerate the dissemination of contents, i.e., recommendation lists and other re-ranking mechanisms. Hence, the popularity of a content can be increased by paying a cost for advertisement: doing so, it will appear with some priority in the recommendation lists and will be accessed more frequently by the platform users. Ultimately, such acceleration mechanism engenders a competition among online contents to gain popularity. In this context, our focus is on the structure of the acceleration strategies which a content provider should use in order to optimally promote a content given a certain daily budget. Such a best response indeed depends on the strategies adopted by competing content providers. Also, it is a function of the potential popularity of a content and the fee paid for the platform advertisement service. We formulate the problem as a differential game and we solve it for the infinite horizon case by deriving the structure of certain Nash equilibria of the game

    Emergence of Equilibria from Individual Strategies in Online Content Diffusion

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    Social scientists have observed that human behavior in society can often be modeled as corresponding to a threshold type policy. A new behavior would propagate by a procedure in which an individual adopts the new behavior if the fraction of his neighbors or friends having adopted the new behavior exceeds some threshold. In this paper we study the question of whether the emergence of threshold policies may be modeled as a result of some rational process which would describe the behavior of non-cooperative rational members of some social network. We focus on situations in which individuals take the decision whether to access or not some content, based on the number of views that the content has. Our analysis aims at understanding not only the behavior of individuals, but also the way in which information about the quality of a given content can be deduced from view counts when only part of the viewers that access the content are informed about its quality. In this paper we present a game formulation for the behavior of individuals using a meanfield model: the number of individuals is approximated by a continuum of atomless players and for which the Wardrop equilibrium is the solution concept. We derive conditions on the problem's parameters that result indeed in the emergence of threshold equilibria policies. But we also identify some parameters in which other structures are obtained for the equilibrium behavior of individuals
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