1,135 research outputs found

    An inside analysis of a genetic-programming based optimizer

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    The use of evolutionary algorithms has been proposed as a powerful random search strategy to solve the join order problem. Specifically, genetic programming used in query optimization has been proposed as an alternative to the limitations of dynamic programming with large join queries. However, very little is known about the impact and behavior of the genetic operations used in this type of algorithms. In this paper, we present an analysis that helps us to understand the effect of these operations during the optimization execution. Specifically, we study five different aspects: the age of the members in the population in terms of generations, the number of query execution plans (QEP) discarded without producing new offsprings, the average QEP life time in generations, the efficiency of the genetic operations and the evolution of the best cost. All in all, our analysis allows us to understand the impact of crossovers compared to mutation operations and the dynamically changing effects of these operations.Peer Reviewe

    Framework and Benchmarks for Combinatorial and Mixed-variable Bayesian Optimization

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    This paper introduces a modular framework for Mixed-variable and Combinatorial Bayesian Optimization (MCBO) to address the lack of systematic benchmarking and standardized evaluation in the field. Current MCBO papers often introduce non-diverse or non-standard benchmarks to evaluate their methods, impeding the proper assessment of different MCBO primitives and their combinations. Additionally, papers introducing a solution for a single MCBO primitive often omit benchmarking against baselines that utilize the same methods for the remaining primitives. This omission is primarily due to the significant implementation overhead involved, resulting in a lack of controlled assessments and an inability to showcase the merits of a contribution effectively. To overcome these challenges, our proposed framework enables an effortless combination of Bayesian Optimization components, and provides a diverse set of synthetic and real-world benchmarking tasks. Leveraging this flexibility, we implement 47 novel MCBO algorithms and benchmark them against seven existing MCBO solvers and five standard black-box optimization algorithms on ten tasks, conducting over 4000 experiments. Our findings reveal a superior combination of MCBO primitives outperforming existing approaches and illustrate the significance of model fit and the use of a trust region. We make our MCBO library available under the MIT license at \url{https://github.com/huawei-noah/HEBO/tree/master/MCBO}

    Edge Potential Functions (EPF) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) for Edge-Based Matching of Visual Objects

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    Edges are known to be a semantically rich representation of the contents of a digital image. Nevertheless, their use in practical applications is sometimes limited by computation and complexity constraints. In this paper, a new approach is presented that addresses the problem of matching visual objects in digital images by combining the concept of Edge Potential Functions (EPF) with a powerful matching tool based on Genetic Algorithms (GA). EPFs can be easily calculated starting from an edge map and provide a kind of attractive pattern for a matching contour, which is conveniently exploited by GAs. Several tests were performed in the framework of different image matching applications. The results achieved clearly outline the potential of the proposed method as compared to state of the art methodologies. (c) 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works
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