4 research outputs found

    Energy-Latency Tradeoff for In-Network Function Computation in Random Networks

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    The problem of designing policies for in-network function computation with minimum energy consumption subject to a latency constraint is considered. The scaling behavior of the energy consumption under the latency constraint is analyzed for random networks, where the nodes are uniformly placed in growing regions and the number of nodes goes to infinity. The special case of sum function computation and its delivery to a designated root node is considered first. A policy which achieves order-optimal average energy consumption in random networks subject to the given latency constraint is proposed. The scaling behavior of the optimal energy consumption depends on the path-loss exponent of wireless transmissions and the dimension of the Euclidean region where the nodes are placed. The policy is then extended to computation of a general class of functions which decompose according to maximal cliques of a proximity graph such as the kk-nearest neighbor graph or the geometric random graph. The modified policy achieves order-optimal energy consumption albeit for a limited range of latency constraints.Comment: A shorter version appears in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 201

    Application-driven data processing in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are composed of spatially distributed, low-cost, low-power, resource-constrained devices using sensors and actuators to cooperatively monitor and operate into the environment. These systems are being used in a wide range of applications. The design and implementation of an effective WSN requires dealing with several challenges involving multiple disciplines, such as wireless communications and networking, software engineering, embedded systems and signal processing. Besides, the technical solutions found to these issues are closely interconnected and determine the capability of the system to successfully fulfill the requirements posed by each application domain. The large and heterogeneous amount of data collected in a WSN need to be efficiently processed in order to improve the end-user comprehension and control of the observed phenomena. The thesis focuses on a) the development of centralized and distributed data processing methods optimized for the requirements and characteristics of the considered application domains, and b) the design and implementation of suitable system architectures and protocols with respect to critical application-specific parameters. The thesis comprehends a summary and nine publications, equally divided over three different application domains, i.e. wireless automation, structural health monitoring (SHM) and indoor situation awareness (InSitA). In the first one, a wireless joystick control system for human adaptive mechatronics is developed. Also, the effect of packet losses on the performance of a wireless control system is analyzed and validated with an unstable process. A remotely reconfigurable, time synchronized wireless system for SHM enables a precise estimation of the modal properties of the monitored structure. Furthermore, structural damages are detected and localized through a distributed data processing method based on the Goertzel algorithm. In the context of InSitA, the short-time, low quality acoustic signals collected by the nodes composing the network are processed in order to estimate the number of people located in the monitored indoor environment. In a second phase, text- and language-independent speaker identification is performed. Finally, device-free localization and tracking of the movements of people inside the monitored indoor environment is achieved by means of distributed processing of the radio signal strength indicator (RSSI) signals. The results presented in the thesis demonstrate the adaptability of WSNs to different application domains and the importance of an optimal co-design of the system architecture and data processing methods

    Analyzing the Energy-Latency Trade-off during the Deployment of Sensor Networks

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    Abstract — The inherent trade-off between energy-efficiency and rapidity of event dissemination is characteristic for wireless sensor networks. Scarcity of energy renders it necessary for nodes to spend a large portion of their lifetime in an energyefficient sleep mode during which they do neither receive nor send messages. On the other hand, the longer nodes stay in sleep mode, the slower will be the reaction time for disseminating an external event. The trade-off is prominently exhibited during the deployment phase of sensor networks, if some nodes are deployed earlier than others. In this paper, we study this fundamental trade-off by giving a formal model that enables us to compare the performance of different protocols and algorithms. Based on this model, we propose, analyze, and simulate two novel algorithms which significantly outperform existing solutions. I

    Indoor wireless metering networks - A collection of algorithms enabling low power / low duty-cycle operations

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    Die Bezeichnung Wireless Metering Network (WMN) identifiziert eine spezifische Klasse von drahtlosen Sensornetzwerken. Solche Netze bestehen aus einer Vielzahl von kleinen, kostengünstigen batteriebetriebenen Knoten und bieten eine mögliche Lösung für unterschiedliche Aufgaben in der Gebäudeautomatisierung, vorausgesetzt dass die erwartete Lebensdauer des Netzes mindestens 10 Jahre betragt, um die Netzwerkwartung im selben Raster mit den Gebäudewartungsarbeiten planen zu können. Die starken Energieeinschränkungen erfordern die Einführung von Energiesparmaßnahmen und insbesondere die Auswahl einer durch einen extrem geringen Arbeitszyklus charakterisierten Aktivierungsstrategie. Schlüsselelemente für den Erfolg eines WMN-Projektes sind die Existenz eines energieeffizienten MAC-Protokolls, der Einsatz eines robusten Zeitsynchronisationsmechanismus und die Implementierung von effizienten Strategien für die Netzwerkinitialisierung und die Netzwerkwartung. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Algorithmen und Protokollen, mit denen der energieeffiziente Betrieb einer spezifischen Familie von WSN ermöglicht wird. Die Entwicklung und die Validierung eines Ausbreitungsmodells für den Indoor-Funkkanal war ein erforderlicher Schritt, um die Untersuchung der entwickelten Verfahren zu ermöglichen. Das erste im Rahmen des Projektes entstandene Ergebnis war ein heuristischer, robuster verteilter Algorithmus, der eine energieeffiziente Integration aller Sensorknoten und die Bildung einer robusten baumförmigen Routingstruktur ermöglicht. Derselbe Algorithmus ermöglicht eine begrenzte Anpassung der Netzstruktur an die wechselnden Charakteristiken des Funkkanals. Einfache Erweiterungen des ursprünglichen Algorithmus wurden hinzugefügt, um die Selbstheilungsfähigkeiten des Netzes zu verbessern. Ein auf einer neuen Formulierung des Synchronisationsproblems basierendes Verfahren wurde entwickelt. Es gewährleistet eine energieeffiziente und robuste Zeitsynchronisation zwischen Nachbarnknoten und, indirekt, die Synchronisation aller Netzelemente. Obwohl die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen für eine spezifische Netzkategorie entwickelt wurden, ist der Autor überzeugt, dass sich die Lösungsansätze auf ein weites Spektrum von Problemen anwenden lassen.Wireless Metering Networks (WMN), a special class of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), consisting of a large number of tiny inexpensive sensor nodes are a viable solution for many problems in the field of building automation especially if the expected lifetime of the network permits to synchronize the network maintenance with the schedule for routine maintenance of the building. In order to meet the resulting energy constraints, the nodes have to operate according to an extremely low duty cycle schedule. The existence of an energy efficient MAC Layer protocol, the adoption of a robust time synchronization mechanism and the implementation of effective network discovery and maintenance strategies are key elements for the success of a WMN project. The main goal of this work was the development of a set of algorithms and protocols which enable the low energy / low power operation in the considered family of WMNs. The development and validation of a propagation model reproducing the characteristics of the indoor radio environment was a necessary step in order to obtain appropriate instruments for the evaluation of the quality of the proposed solutions. The author suggests a simple localized heuristic algorithm which permits the integration of all sensor nodes into a tree-like failure tolerant routing structure and also provides some basic continuous adaptation capabilities of the network structure.\\ A subsequent extension of the basic algorithm makes the network able of self healing. An innovative approach to the solution of the synchronization problem based on a reformulation of the original problem into an estimation problem permitted the development of an efficient time synchronization mechanism. This mechanism, which makes an opportunistic usage of the beacon signals generated by the MAC layer protocol, permits an effective reduction of the synchronization error between directly communicating nodes and, indirectly, introduces a global synchronization among all nodes. All the proposed solutions have been developed for a specific network class. However, since the presence of a low duty cycle scheduling, the adoption of a beacon enabled MAC protocol and the presence of limited hardware resources are quite general assumptions, the author feels confident about the applicability of the proposed solution to a much wider spectrum of problems