20,063 research outputs found

    (De)convergence in TV: a comparative analysis of the development of Smart TV

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    Against the backdrop of media convergence, Smart TVs are developing rapidly in large parts of the world. Smart TV refers to the integration of broadband Internet and social media features into TV sets. From a media business perspective, the proliferation of Smart TV services may put pressure on the market structure of the TV landscape, and urge for new business models in order to capture the dynamics of media convergence. By means of a comparative analysis in four European markets (Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom), the development of Smart TV is sketched in terms of viewing patterns, business models and standardization. The conclusion is that national TV markets are evolving quite differently, so that service providers must adapt their marketing strategies to reflect local market conditions. Hence, the success of Smart TV ultimately depends on the local package of value-added services and the amount of strategic partnerships with content owners, TV broadcasters and pay-TV operators

    Mobile Communications Industry Scenarios and Strategic Implications for Network Equipment Vendors

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    Mobile infrastructure markets have changed dramatically during the past years. The industry is experiencing a shift from traditional large-scale, hardware-driven system roll-outs to software and services -driven business models. Also, the telecommunications and internet worlds are colliding in both mobile infrastructure and services domains requiring established network equipment vendors and mobile operators to transform and adapt to the new business environment. This paper utilizes Schoemaker's scenario planning process to reveal critical uncertain elements shaping the future of the industry. Four possible scenarios representing different value systems between industry's key stakeholders are created. After this, five strategic options with differing risk and cost factors for established network equipment vendors are discussed in order to aid firm's strategic planning process. --

    Investigating an Open Source based platform strategy at Sony Ericsson

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    Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate whether the future development of the Digital Home creates incentives for Sony Ericsson to initiate an Open Source based platform strategy. Issues: The main issues presented: To create future scenarios of the Digital Home environment and describe its ecosystem of consumer electronics and mobile phones. To investigate the competitive advantage for Sony Ericsson to implement an Open Source based platform in each of these scenarios. Method: In order to succeed with the purpose, the current market situation is studied and development trends are identified. A prediction of the development of the industry is made on the basis of a Micro Delphi analysis in combination with studying written sources. Future scenarios are constructed and used as a foundation for the analysis. Conclusions: The scenarios presented in this paper all create incentives for Sony Ericsson to initiate an Open Source based platform strategy. Such a strategy would put the company in a good position if an Open Source based platform, especially a Linux platform, would become one of the leading. An Open Source based platform has the potential to become leading due to the nature of Open Source which attracts third party development especially from Internet service providers, crucial for survival in the industry. With an Open Source based platform, there is also an opportunity for Sony Ericsson to create a common platform with Sony and together build an ecosystem of devices for the future Digital Home. However, due to the instable value chain and the uncertainty of its structure in five years, it is the authors’ believe that an Open Source based platform should not constitute the single one, but be one of several in a platform portfolio where an Open Source based platform would be the long-term strategy

    Living labs as a driver for change in regional television

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    Traditional television production and distribution organizations are increasingly being challenged by a rapidly changing technological environment. These evolutions force the television industry to leave their comfort zone. This context in mind, regional television broadcasters often lack the resources, knowledge and organizational flexibility to cope with this external pressure. In this paper, we discuss the use of Living Labs as ‘innovation intermediaries’ and ‘change facilitators’ that foster and enable user-centric innovation development processes, both inside and outside the organization. This phenomenon is approached from both an open innovation and a user innovation point of view. This paper considers Living Labs as open innovation ecosystems, enabling organizations to reach out and collaborate with their (potential) audience and other external actors, but also as an open ‘battle arena’ for the organization itself. The Living Lab process governs different expectations and enables conflicting opinions to come together and to steadily grow towards a mutual solution. Moreover, the innovation development process in the Living Lab seems to have innovation spill-over effects on the organizational level, catalyzing a broader organizational change

    An Open Source Based Data Warehouse Architecture to Support Decision Making in the Tourism Sector

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    In this paper an alternative Tourism oriented Data Warehousing architecture is proposed which makes use of the most recent free and open source technologies like Java, Postgresql and XML. Such architecture's aim will be to support the decision making process and giving an integrated view of the whole Tourism reality in an established context (local, regional, national, etc.) without requesting big investments for getting the necessary software.Tourism, Data warehousing architecture

    Cross-disciplinary lessons for the future internet

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    There are many societal concerns that emerge as a consequence of Future Internet (FI) research and development. A survey identified six key social and economic issues deemed most relevant to European FI projects. During a SESERV-organized workshop, experts in Future Internet technology engaged with social scientists (including economists), policy experts and other stakeholders in analyzing the socio-economic barriers and challenges that affect the Future Internet, and conversely, how the Future Internet will affect society, government, and business. The workshop aimed to bridge the gap between those who study and those who build the Internet. This chapter describes the socio-economic barriers seen by the community itself related to the Future Internet and suggests their resolution, as well as investigating how relevant the EU Digital Agenda is to Future Internet technologists

    The business model: Theoretical roots, recent developments, and future research

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    The paper provides a broad and multifaceted review of the received literature on business models, in which we attempt to explore the origin of the construct and to examine the business model concept through multiple disciplinary and subject-matter lenses. The review reveals that scholars do not agree on what a business model is, and that the literature is developing largely in silos, according to the phenomena of interest to the respective researchers. However, we also found some emerging common ground among students of business models. Specifically, i) the business model is emerging as a new unit of analysis; ii) business models emphasize a system-level, holistic approach towards explaining how firms do business; iii) organizational activities play an important role in the various conceptualizations of business models that have been proposed, and iv) business models seek not only to explain the ways in which value is captured but also how it is created. These emerging themes could serve as important catalysts towards a more unified study of business models.Business model; strategy; technology management; innovation; literature review;

    Strategy for the Cultural Contents Industry to Secure Competitive Advantage Using Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology

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    With the coming of the fourth industrial revolution, cultural contents industry requires a new strategy to enhance its competitive advantages. As a result, governments and companies have been focusing their efforts on finding new business models and expanding the value chain in order to respond to the paradigm shift in a timely manner. This study aims to suggest new business model frameworks and strategies to create a paradigm shift by converging the characteristics of the fourth industrial revolution and cultural contents industry such as publishing, game, broadcasting, and character industry. First, we discuss how to upgrade cultural contents industry with the fourth industrial revolution technology and then suggest new contents business models and the change of value chain in the cultural contents industry. Finally, we consider strategies of innovation process development in the cultural contents industry. This study will contribute not only to economic policy-making but also to the business strategy of the company