6 research outputs found

    Vehicle on Shoulder and Crash — Correlation or Causation?

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    This study sought to evaluate the relationships between vehicles on shoulder, congestion, and crashes. Three pertinent datasets on interstates were obtained and then integrated using a spatiotemporal approach. The analysis showed that about 36% of the crashes had vehicle on shoulder present in their vicinity, defined as 0.25 miles upstream and downstream of a crash site and 30 minutes before crash occurrence. The percentage increased considerably as spatial/temporal window expanded. In addition, congestion was found to be associated with about 25% of the crashes. The presence of both vehicle on shoulder and congestion was found for 11.7% of the crashes, signifying a high correlation between them and crashes. Based on crash narrative review, 1.8% of all crashes directly involved vehicles on shoulder and 23% of the carshes cited congestion as a contributor. However, there’s little indication in the crash narratives on how vehicles on shoulder contributed to crashes, beyond their direct involvement, or how they contributed to congestion which may led to crashes. Only 6 out of the 512 crashes flagged for review through the keyword search process specified a vehicle on shoulder as a contributor to congestion and subsequent crashes. While a small fraction of crashes were attributed to vehicles on shoulder, these crashes tended to be more severe than average interstate crashes

    Evaluación de Causas Probables de Accidentes de Tránsito Emitida por el Organismo de Tránsito que Opera en la Doble Calzada Buga- Tuluá Entre los años 2017 y 2019

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    Según el informe de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), cada día fallecen a causa de accidentes de tránsito en las vías a nivel mundial alrededor de 3700 personas. Esto genera que millones de seres humanos sufran lesiones y traumatismos cada año a causa de accidentes de tránsito. Los infantes, los peatones, los ciclistas y las personas de la tercera edad son las víctimas más vulnerables, cifras que se mantienen en permanente crecimiento. Los siniestros viales que ocurren en Colombia implican una afectación negativa y preocupante entre la población económicamente activa y joven del territorio, por esta razón se busca mediante este artículo demostrar algunas situaciones que han contribuido de alguna manera al crecimiento de la accidentalidad en el territorio nacional y aportan significativamente al crecimiento de esta problemática a nivel mundial que nos posiciona como uno de los países en el mundo en el que ocurren más accidentes de tránsito. En el año 2019 el Banco Mundial publicó el estudio de mortalidad provocada por lesiones por accidentes de tránsito por cada 100 000 personas, en América del Sur, Venezuela ocupó el primer lugar con 39.0, en segundo lugar Paraguay con 22.0 y en tercer lugar Bolivia con 21.1, Colombia aparece en el sexto lugar con 15.4, a nivel mundial República Dominicana ocupa el primer lugar con 64.6, seguido por Zimbawue con 41.2 y Venezuela con 39.0, entre las potencias mundiales Estados Unidos ocupa el puesto 145 con 12.7, Alemania el 216 con 3.8, Japón el 218 con 3.6, China el 99 con 17.4 y por último Rusia en el puesto 151 con 12.0. Colombia aparece a nivel mundial en el puesto 122 (Banco Mundial, 2019). Con los resultados de la investigación es claro que Colombia no es ajeno a la problemática mundial y por lo tanto se le debe dar importancia a la ocurrencia de siniestros viales, en procura de reducir los índices de accidentalidad que conlleven a la ostensible disminución de las personas lesionadas y fallecidas en el territorio nacional. Por otra parte Colombia tiene un parque automotor bastante amplio con 13.637.663 vehículos, de los cuales el 57 % corresponden a motocicletas, es decir, 7.740.838 y el 43% restante corresponde a 5.896.825, los cuales se encuentran distribuidos en camiones, camionetas, buses, busetas, ciclomotores y maquinaria, cifras registradas por el Registro Único Nacional de Tránsito (RUNT), con corte al 31 de diciembre de 2019, la combinación vehículo y ser humano es un coctel explosivo que requiere de la intervención permanente de las autoridades y entes de control, por lo tanto cualquier esfuerzo que se haga en aras de reducir la siniestralidad vial y que esto conlleve a salvar vidas es suficiente justificación para adelantar una investigación.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Ingeniería -- Especialización en Movilidad y TransporteAccording to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO), every day around 3,700 people die from road traffic accidents worldwide. This causes millions of human beings to suffer injuries and trauma each year from traffic accidents. Infants, pedestrians, cyclists and the elderly are the most vulnerable victims, figures that are constantly growing. The road accidents that occur in Colombia imply a negative and worrying impact on the economically active and young population of the territory, for this reason this article will seek to demonstrate some situations that have contributed in some way to the growth of accidents in the national territory and contribute significantly to the growth of this problem worldwide, positioning us as one of the countries in the world where the most traffic accidents occur. In 2019, the World Bank published the study of mortality caused by traffic injuries per 100,000 people. In South America, Venezuela ranked first with 39.0, Paraguay second with 22.0 and Bolivia third with 21.1, Colombia appears in sixth place with 15.4, worldwide the Dominican Republic ranks first with 64.6, followed by Zimbabwe with 41.2 and Venezuela with 39.0, among the world powers the United States ranks 145 with 12.7, Germany 216 with 3.8, Japan 218 with 3.6, China 99 with 17.4 and lastly Russia in 151 position with 12.0. Colombia appears worldwide in position 122, with the results of the investigation it is clear that Colombia is not alien to the global problem and therefore importance should be given to the occurrence of road accidents, in an attempt to reduce the rates of accidents that lead to the ostensible decrease in injured and deceased persons in the national territory. On the other hand, Colombia has a fairly large fleet with 13,637,663 vehicles, of which 57% correspond to motorcycles, that is, 7,740,838 and the remaining 43% correspond to 5,896,825, which are distributed in trucks , vans, buses, vans, mopeds and machinery, figures registered by the Single National Traffic Registry (RUNT), as of December 31, 2019, the combination of vehicle and human being is an explosive cocktail that requires the permanent intervention of authorities and control entities, therefore any effort made in order to reduce road accidents and that this leads to saving lives is sufficient justification to carry out an investigation

    Exploring the Potentials of Using Crowdsourced Waze Data in Traffic Management: Characteristics and Reliability

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    Real-time traffic information is essential to a variety of practical applications. To obtain traffic data, various traffic monitoring devices, such as loop detectors, infrastructure-mounted sensors, and cameras, have been installed on road networks. However, transportation agencies have sought alternative data sources to monitor traffic, due to the high installation and maintenance cost of conventional data collecting methods. Recently, crowdsourced traffic data has become available and is widely considered to have great potential in intelligent transportation systems. Waze is a crowdsourcing traffic application that enables users to share real-time traffic information. Waze data, including passively collected speed data and actively reported user reports, is valuable for traffic management but has not been explored or evaluated extensively. This dissertation evaluated and explored the potential of Waze data in traffic management from different perspectives. First, this dissertation evaluated and explored Waze traffic speed to understand the characteristics and reliability of Waze traffic speed data. Second, a calibration-free incident detection algorithm with traffic speed data on freeways was proposed, and the results were compared with other commonly used algorithms. Third, a spatial and temporal quality analysis of Waze accident reports to better understand their quality and accuracy was performed. Last, the dissertation proposed a network-based clustering algorithm to identify secondary crashes with Waze user reports, and a case study was performed to demonstrate the applicability of our method and the potential of crowdsourced Waze user reports

    Analysis of urban traffic accidents with ArcGIS. The case of Barcelona

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    Los accidentes de tráfico son una de las principales externalidades de la movilidad urbana y conllevan un coste humano y económico muy importante, por lo que desde hace decadas se estudian con el fin de reducir su número, su gravedad y mitigar sus efectos. Constituyen un fenómeno de gran complejidad debido a la multiplicidad de factores que concurren en ellos. Son eventos geográficos localizados en el espacio y en el tiempo, por lo que los sistemas GIS se han convertido en una herramienta imprescindible para el análisis de sus patrones de distribución y de su relación con las diferentes variables relacionadas con ellos. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar las principales líneas metodológicas y técnicas de análisis de los accidentes de tráfico urbano usando sistemas GIS. Para ilustrar su aplicación se ha elegido como caso de estudio, los accidentes de tráfico recogidos por la Guardia Urbana de la ciudad de Barcelona durante los años 2018 a 2021. El análisis de los accidentes de tráfico con sistemas GIS contribuye a mejorar el conocimiento de las tendencias espaciales y temporales de los accidentes de tráfico urbano y las circunstancias en las que se producen y es la base para un diagnóstico preciso y para el diseño y monitorización de medidas y estrategias de prevención y mitigación.Traffic accidents are one of the main externalities of urban mobility and entail a very important human and economic cost, which is why they have been studied for decades in order to reduce their number, their severity and mitigate their effects. They constitute a phenomenon of great complexity due to the multiplicity of factors that concur in them. They are geographic events located in space and time, which is why GIS systems have become an essential tool for analyzing their distribution patterns and their relationship with the different variables related to them. The objective of this work is to show the main methodological lines and analysis techniques of urban traffic accidents using GIS systems. To illustrate its application, the traffic accidents collected by the Guàrdia Urbana of the city of Barcelona during the years 2018 to 2021 have been chosen as a case study. The analysis of traffic accidents with GIS systems contributes to improving knowledge of the spatial and temporal trends of urban traffic accidents and the circumstances in which they occur and is the basis for an accurate diagnosis and for the design and monitoring of prevention and mitigation measures and strategies.Fac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEunpu