2 research outputs found

    Automatic Classification of Functional Gait Disorders

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    This article proposes a comprehensive investigation of the automatic classification of functional gait disorders based solely on ground reaction force (GRF) measurements. The aim of the study is twofold: (1) to investigate the suitability of stateof-the-art GRF parameterization techniques (representations) for the discrimination of functional gait disorders; and (2) to provide a first performance baseline for the automated classification of functional gait disorders for a large-scale dataset. The utilized database comprises GRF measurements from 279 patients with gait disorders (GDs) and data from 161 healthy controls (N). Patients were manually classified into four classes with different functional impairments associated with the "hip", "knee", "ankle", and "calcaneus". Different parameterizations are investigated: GRF parameters, global principal component analysis (PCA)-based representations and a combined representation applying PCA on GRF parameters. The discriminative power of each parameterization for different classes is investigated by linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Based on this analysis, two classification experiments are pursued: (1) distinction between healthy and impaired gait (N vs. GD) and (2) multi-class classification between healthy gait and all four GD classes. Experiments show promising results and reveal among others that several factors, such as imbalanced class cardinalities and varying numbers of measurement sessions per patient have a strong impact on the classification accuracy and therefore need to be taken into account. The results represent a promising first step towards the automated classification of gait disorders and a first performance baseline for future developments in this direction.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatic

    Structural changes in the support phase of the step under the influence of increasing load using pressure shoe insole

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá strukturálními změnami v opěrné fázi kroku pod vlivem zvyšující se zátěže. Měření je zajištěno systémem Medilogic WLAN insole, pomocí něhož lze provést statické a dynamické měření tlaku na chodidlech pomocí tlakových senzorů. V teoretické části jsou popsány informace týkající se vývoje dolní končetiny, především nohy a chodidla, a jejich anatomická stavba. Je zde popsána i biomechanika chůze, včetně hlavních fází krokového cyklu. V praktické části práce je popsána metodika měření, včetně nastavení přístroje a pomůcek užívaných během měření. Dále je zde uveden postup zpracování dat a jeho finální analýza.This bachelor thesis deals with the structural changes in the support phase of the step under the influence of increasing load. The measurements are provided by the "Medilogic WLAN insole" system, which can be used to perform static and dynamic pressure measurements on the feet using pressure sensors. In the theoretical part, information concerning the development of the lower limb, especially the leg and foot, and their anatomical structure is described. The biomechanics of gait is also described, including the main phases of the gait cycle. In the practical part of the thesis, the measurement methodology is described, including the instrument setup and the aids used during the measurements. Furthermore, the data processing procedure and its final analysis are presented.