2 research outputs found


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    Pemrograman Dasar adalah salah satu mata pelajaran di jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak pada SMK yang mengajarkan tentang berpikir logika dan dasardasar pemrograman. Namun, diketahui bahwa siswa sulit untuk memahaminya. Siswa harus memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis untuk memahami algoritma dan pemrograman. Problem Posing merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang dapat menunjang berpikir kritis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang bangun aplikasi multimedia untuk menunjang berpikir kritis, yang disebut computational story, untuk mengajarkan pemrograman dasar dengan pendekatan model problemposing menggunakan permasalahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, model computational story dikembangkan. Dalam meningkatkan berpikir kritis, siswa akan diberikan permasalahan dalam bentuk coding kemudian di translasikan ke dalam rangkaian susunan cerita yang sesuai dengan coding yang diberikan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa multimedia ini dapat meningkatkan critical thinking berdasarkan perbandingan hasil pre-test dan posttest dengan rata-rata 32,9 menjadi 72,47. Dengan rata-rata nilai gain sebesar 0,58 yang termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Basic programming is one of the subjects in the software engineering department at vocational high school that teaches about the logic of thinking and basic programming techniques. However, it is known that students are difficult to understand it. The student must have critical thinking skill to understand algorithm and programming. Problem Posing is one of the learning models that can support critical thinking. This research aims is developing the multimedia aplication to support critical thinking, called computational story, to teach the subject of basic programming with the problem-posing approach use problem in everyday life. To achieve this goal, a computational story model was developed. To support critical thinking, the student will be given a problem with code then translated in composition of story that matches with code. The result from this research are this multimedia can improve critical thinking based on comparison of result pre-test and post-test with an average score from 32,9 to 72,47. With an gain average value 0,58 that include in medium category

    Keberkesanan pengutaraan masalah statistik dalam meningkatkan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi pelajar menengah rendah

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    Fostering students' higher order thinking skills (KBAT) has always been an important aim of education. Recently, reformation in Mathematics education has called for a pedagogy that can generate KBAT among students. One alternative pedagogy that offers improvement of students' HOTS is problem posing. Despite the interest in integrating mathematical problem posing into classroom practice, little is known about the effectiveness of this approach towards studentsā€˜ KBAT, and its process in posing quality mathematical problems. Therefore, this research aims to identify the effectiveness of problem posing approach in generating KBAT among students, and the process of KBAT in posing quality mathematical problems. This study used a quasi-experimental design of control and treatment groups pretest-posttest design. The research samples comprised 94 students, 51 being in the control group, while the rest were in the treatment group. The instruments used were Statistics KBAT Test, studentsā€˜ reflections and interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively to obtain frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation whereas inferential analysis were done through ANCOVA and MANCOVA. Qualitative data were analyzed using deductive content analysis. Findings of the study showed that mathematical problem posing in teaching and learning provided a significant positive impact on generating KBAT among the students. Results of ANCOVA analysis between the mean scores of post-test control group and treatment group showed that there was a significant difference (p 0.05). In addition, the qualitative analysis showed that all the students highlighted the elements of KBAT in posing quality mathematical problems, despite the existence of different elements of KBAT among students. For the element of applying, students were inclined to think about the problem posing strategy but for the element of analyzing, a majority of the students showed their thinking skills by =connecting'. Subsequently, the students made revisions and justifications for the problems posed. There were also some students who highlighted thinking skills of 'producing' in posing mathematical problems. Based on the findings, this research developed a framework that contributes ideas and direction for educators and policy makers to generate KBAT among students through mathematical problem posing