2 research outputs found

    Pengamanan Data Teks Dengan NTRU Dan Modulus Function Pada Koefisien IHWT Citra Warna

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    The development of digital information have caused the rise of information technology security to protect text data that contains secret. Steganography is one of many solutions for securing text data by hiding the text data on an image so that another party would not know the existence of such data. Criteria of a good steganography involves imperceptibility, fidelity, robustness dan recovery. One steganographic method is CD (Coefficient Difference), adopted from PVD (Pixel Value Differencing) which does hiding in spatial domain using difference of two pixel values that results in large modification of pixel values, reducing imperceptibility. Modulus function is used to solve such shortcoming in CD by using the modulus function on embedding, minimizing pixel modification during the process, resulting in improved imperceptibility. In this final project, IHWT (Integer Haar Wavelet Transform) are used to keep imperceptibility high. To improve the security, cryptographic method NTRU is applied on the secret message before it is hidden in image. The result showed that the combination of NTRU, IHWT and modulus function yields good imperceptibility, with PSNR value above 40 dB while the stego image resist salt and pepper noise attack of 0,002% and contrast addition of maximum amount on

    Analytical study of implementation issues of NTRU

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    Nth-Dimensional Truncated Polynomial Ring (NTRU) is a lattice-based public-key cryptosystem that offers encryption and digital signature solutions. It was designed by Silverman, Hoffstein and Pipher. The NTRU cryptosystem was patented by NTRU Cryptosystems Inc. (which was later acquired by Security Innovations) and available as IEEE 1363.1 and X9.98 standards. NTRU is resistant to attacks based on Quantum computing, to which the standard RSA and ECC public-key cryptosystems are vulnerable to. In addition, NTRU has higher performance advantages over these cryptosystems. Considering this importance of NTRU, it is highly recommended to adopt NTRU as part of a cipher suite along with widely used cryptosystems for internet security protocols and applications. In this paper, we present our analytical study on the implementation of NTRU encryption scheme which serves as a guideline for security practitioners who are novice to lattice-based cryptography or even cryptography. In particular, we show some non-trivial issues that should be considered towards a secure and efficient NTRU implementation