22 research outputs found

    Signal design and Theoretical bounds for Time-Of-Arrival estimation in GNSS applications

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    Positioning accuracy in satellite navigation systems depends on time-delay estimation (TDE) between satellite transmitted codes and local receiver replicas. This thesis is specifically focused on the problem of improving time delay estimation (TDE) accuracy of SS signals, focusing on the fundamental issue of estimation theory and on the properties of the transmitted signal. TDE fundamentals limits are deeply investigated, encompassing the Cram´er Rao Bound and the Ziv-Zakai Bound, and their modified versions to lighten their computation in presence of unknown parameters, in addiction to the time delay. The adoption of the ZZB as benchmark for both acquisition and tracking stage performance is addressed, analyzing innovative or standard signalling waveforms such as Galileo SIS. The main contributions of this thesis are dealt with the analysis of applicability of spread spectrum continuous phase-modulated (SS-CPM) and spread spectrum filtered multitone (SS-FMT) as ranging signals. A special subset of CPM, labeled as “Semi-integer MSK (SiMSK)” obtained by properly setting the modulation parameters, is revealed easily adaptable to the requirements on emissions, intrinsically constant envelope and spectral efficient, while still allowing good tracking performance. Besides, an ad hoc encoding of the SS-SiMSK enables the design of a constant envelope signal bearing two different rate services, without any approximation at the transmitter side. The analysis of the multicarrier (MC) signal revealed the high degree of freedom in its design, proposing the special Filtered Multitone (FMT) modulation as possible candidate for ranging signals. The strictly bandlimited property and the full spectral flexibility possessed by the FMT are exploited in some cases of study to adapt the system to channel conditions or in particular to emulate existing or innovative spectra. For both the SSCPM and SS-FMT modulation schemes investigated, some estimation algorithms are tested and their performance are compared to the correspondent theoretical bound

    Impacto da distorção não linear em sistemas wireless

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesEsta tese esta inserida no domínio dos sistemas não lineares sendo direccionada para sistemas de micro ondas e radio frequência. Neste estudo pretende-se compreender o impacto da distorção não linear em sistemas wireless quando submetidos a sinais digitais modulados. Para fazer o estudo destes fenomenos é necessario efectuar uma correcta carcterização do sinal de excitação, contudo devido á sua natureza aleatoria este processo nem sempre é facil, o que originou simplificações, que no entanto são por vezes aplicadas de modo errado. Neste estudo é aboradado este problema sendo ilustradas as diferenças entre as aproximações e a estatistica real do sinal e ainda exposto o processo para o calculo analitico da estatistica real do sinal. Serão também estudados diversos fenomenos responsaveis pelo aparecimento de distorção não linear, estes fenomenos serão representados através de modelos, tais como, o modelo de Winner-Hammerstein e o modelo multi-slice. ABSTRACT: This thesis is performed under the non-linear electronic systems context, as radio frequency and microwave systems, this study is intended for the understanding of the impact of the non linear distortion in wireless systems when using complex digitally modulated signals. To evaluate it is necessary to make a correct characterization of the excitation signal. However, due to its random nature, these processes are not always easy, which leads to simplifications. Although this simplifications sometimes are used wrongly. These will be discussed and the differences between the real signal statistics and the approximations will be showed, moreover the analytical process to obtain the real signal statistics will be presented. Several non linear phenomena responsible for the non linear distortion will be studied. Each component will be represented by models as the Wiener- Hammerstein and the multi-slice model

    Communications protocols for wireless sensor networks in perturbed environment

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    This thesis is mainly in the Smart Grid (SG) domain. SGs improve the safety of electrical networks and allow a more adapted use of electricity storage, available in a limited way. SGs also increase overall energy efficiency by reducing peak consumption. The use of this technology is the most appropriate solution because it allows more efficient energy management. In this context, manufacturers such as Hydro-Quebec deploy sensor networks in the nerve centers to control major equipment. To reduce deployment costs and cabling complexity, the option of a wireless sensor network seems the most obvious solution. However, deploying a sensor network requires in-depth knowledge of the environment. High voltages substations are strategic points in the power grid and generate impulse noise that can degrade the performance of wireless communications. The works in this thesis are focused on the development of high performance communication protocols for the profoundly disturbed environments. For this purpose, we have proposed an approach based on the concatenation of rank metric and convolutional coding with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. This technique is very efficient in reducing the bursty nature of impulsive noise while having a quite low level of complexity. Another solution based on a multi-antenna system is also designed. We have proposed a cooperative closed-loop coded MIMO system based on rank metric code and max−dmin precoder. The second technique is also an optimal solution for both improving the reliability of the system and energy saving in wireless sensor networks

    MIMO signal processing in offset-QAM based filter bank multicarrier systems

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    Next-generation communication systems have to comply with very strict requirements for increased flexibility in heterogeneous environments, high spectral efficiency, and agility of carrier aggregation. This fact motivates research in advanced multicarrier modulation (MCM) schemes, such as filter bank-based multicarrier (FBMC) modulation. This paper focuses on the offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM)-based FBMC variant, known as FBMC/OQAM, which presents outstanding spectral efficiency and confinement in a number of channels and applications. Its special nature, however, generates a number of new signal processing challenges that are not present in other MCM schemes, notably, in orthogonal-frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). In multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) architectures, which are expected to play a primary role in future communication systems, these challenges are intensified, creating new interesting research problems and calling for new ideas and methods that are adapted to the particularities of the MIMO-FBMC/OQAM system. The goal of this paper is to focus on these signal processing problems and provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the recent advances in this area. Open problems and associated directions for future research are also discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Nanosatellite Store-and-Forward Communication Systems for Remote Data Collection Applications

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    Due to compact design, cost-effectiveness and shorter development time, a nanosatellite constellation is seen as a viable space-based data-relay asset to collect data from remote places that are rather impractical to be linked by terrestrial means. While nanosatellites have these advantages, they have more inherent technical limitations because of limited space for subsystems and payloads. Nanosatellite S&F communication systems are notably challenging in this respect due to requirements on antennas, transceivers, and signal processing. Although nanosatellites can be scaled up for better resources and capabilities, smaller platforms (i.e., ≤6U CubeSat) tend to be used for cost-effectiveness and lower risk. This thesis dealt with the problem of designing a nanosatellite S&F communication system for delay-tolerant remote data collection applications considering: (a) technical constraints in hardware, processing capabilities, energy budget and space in both the nanosatellite and ground sensor terminal (GST) sides; (b) physical communication layer characteristics and constraints such as limited available bandwidth, LEO channel Doppler, attenuation and fading/shadowing effects, low transmit power and data rate, and multi-user interference among asynchronously transmitting terminals. We designed, developed, and operated an amateur radio payload with S&F communication and APRS-DP capabilities, and performed a post-launch communication failure investigation. We also investigated suitability of E-SSA protocol for IoT/M2M terminals to nanosatellite communication by analyzing performance and energy efficiency metrics. The thesis comprises nine chapters. Chapter 1 describes the research background, problem, objectives, state of research, potential contributions of this thesis, and a gist of methodology detailed in later chapters. Chapter 2 and 3 provide an extensive literature review. Chapter 2 reviews the previous research works on using nanosatellites for S&F communication for remote data collection, and the previous nanosatellite S&F missions. Such research works and nanosatellite missions were undertaken primarily in the context of non-commercial/civil applications. Then, Chapter 2 surveys the recent commercial nanosatellite IoT/M2M players and examines their proposed systems in terms of satellite platform, constellation design, communication technology, targeted applications, requirements, and performance. Chapter 3 presents a literature review on communication system architecture, physical layer and random-access schemes, protocols, and technologies relevant to satellite IoT/M2M systems. In the context of IoT/M2M applications, the constraints in energy budget, transmit power and available bandwidth limit the system’s capacity in terms of amount of data that can be received and number of GSTs that can be supported. In both nanosatellite and GST sides, there are stringent limitations in hardware complexity, processing capabilities and energy budget. Addressing these challenges requires a simple, spectrally and energy efficient asynchronous random-access communication protocol. This research investigated using the enhanced spread spectrum Aloha (E-SSA) protocol for satellite IoT/M2M uplink (terminal to satellite) communication and analyzed its performance and suitability for the said application. Chapter 4 discusses the BIRDS-2 CubeSat S&F remote data collection system, payload design, development, tests, and integration with the BIRDS-2 CubeSats. Chapter 5 discusses the investigation on communication design issues of BIRDS-2 CubeSat S&F payload, tackling both the methodology and findings of investigation. It is noted that there are only a few satellites that have carried an APRS-DP payload but even some of these failed due to communication, power, or software issues. In BIRDS-2 Project, considering tight constraints in a 1U CubeSat equipped with other subsystems and payloads, we developed a S&F/APRS-DP payload and integrated it with each of the three 1U CubeSats of participating countries. After launching the CubeSats from the ISS, several amateur operators confirmed reception downlink beacon messages, but full two-way communication failed due to uplink communication failure. Thus, this research not only studied the design and development of a S&F/APRS-DP payload suitable for a CubeSat platform, but also systematically investigated the causes of communication failure by on-orbit observation results and ground-based tests. We found that uplink failure was caused by two design problems that were overlooked during development, namely, the poor antenna performance and increased payload receiver noise floor due to satellite-radiated EMI coupled to the antenna. Chapter 6 first describes the enhanced spread spectrum Aloha (E-SSA) based nanosatellite IoT/M2M communication model implemented in Matlab and derives the mathematical definitions of packet loss rate (PLR), throughput (THR) and energy efficiency (EE) metrics. Then, it tackles the formulated baseband signal processing algorithm for E-SSA, including packet detection, channel estimation, demodulation and decoding. Chapter 7 presents the simulation results and discussion for Chapter 6. Chapter 8 tackles the S&F nanosatellite constellation design for global coverage and presents the results and findings. Chapter 9 describes the laboratory setups for validating the E-SSA protocol and then presents the findings. Finally, Chapter 9 also gives the summary, conclusions, and recommendations. Simulation results showed that for E-SSA protocol with the formulated algorithm, THR, PLR and EE metrics are more sensitive to MAC load G, received power variation σLN and Eb/N0, due to imperfect detection and channel estimation. With loose power control (σLN=3dB), at Eb/N0=14 dB, the system can be operated up to a maximum load of 1.3 bps/Hz, achieving a maximum THR of 1.25 bps/Hz with PLR<0.03. Without power control (σLN=6dB,9dB), at Eb/N0=14 dB, maximum load is also 1.3 bps/Hz, but achievable THR is lower than ~1 bps/Hz and PLR values can be as high as ~0.23. Worse PLR results are attributed to misdetection of lower power packets and demodulation/decoding errors. Both are caused by the combined effects of MUI, channel estimation errors, imperfect interference cancellation residue power, and noise. The PLR and THR can be improved by operating with higher Eb/N0 at the expense of lower energy efficiency. Then, laboratory validation experiments using a SDR-based platform confirmed that with G=0.1, Eb/N0=14dB, σLN=6dB, the formulated algorithm for E-SSA protocol can still work even with inaccurate oscillator (±2 ppm) at GSTs, obtaining experimental PLR result of 0.0650 compared to simulation result of 0.0352. However, this requires lowering the detection thresholds and takes significantly longer processing time. For the S&F nanosatellite constellation design, it was found that to achieve the target percent coverage time (PCT) of more than 95% across all latitudes, a 9x10 Hybrid constellation or a 10x10 Walker Delta constellation would be required.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第506号 学位授与年月日:令和2年9月25日1: Introduction|2: Nanosatellite S&F Research, Missions and Applications|3: Satellite S&F Communication Systems and Protocols|4: BIRDS-2 CubeSat S&F Data Collection System, Payload Design and Development|5: Investigation on Communication Design Issues of BIRDS-2 CubeSat APRS-DP/S&F Payload, Results and Discussion|6: E-SSA-based Nanosatellite IoT/M2M Communication System Model and Signal Processing Algorithm|7: Simulation Results and Discussion for E-SSA-based Nanosatellite IoT/M2M Communication System|8: Nanosatellite Constellation for Global Coverage|9: Experimental Laboratory Validation for E-SSA Protocol, Research Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations九州工業大学令和2年

    Advanced Modulation and Coding Technology Conference

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    The objectives, approach, and status of all current LeRC-sponsored industry contracts and university grants are presented. The following topics are covered: (1) the LeRC Space Communications Program, and Advanced Modulation and Coding Projects; (2) the status of four contracts for development of proof-of-concept modems; (3) modulation and coding work done under three university grants, two small business innovation research contracts, and two demonstration model hardware development contracts; and (4) technology needs and opportunities for future missions

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression

    Synchronisation in sampled receivers for narrowband digital modulation schemes.

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN0033576 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Detection processes for digital satellite modems

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    The aim of this study is to devise detectors for digital satellite modems, that have tolerances to additive white Gaussian noise which are as close as possible to that for optimal detection, at a fraction of the equipment complexity required for optimal detection. Computer simulation tests and theoretical analyses are used to compare the proposed detectors. [Continues.