100 research outputs found

    On two-echelon inventory systems with Poisson demand and lost sales

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    We derive approximations for the service levels of two-echelon inventory systems with lost sales and Poisson demand. Our method is simple and accurate for a very broad range of problem instances, including cases with both high and low service levels. In contrast, existing methods only perform well for limited problem settings, or under restrictive assumptions.\u

    On characterization of the core of lane covering games via dual solutions

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    The lane covering game (LCG) is a cooperative game where players cooperate to reduce the cost of cycles that cover their required lanes on a network. We discuss the possibilities/impossibilities of a complete characterization of the core via dual solutions in LCGs played among a collection of shippers, each with a number of service require-ments along some lanes, and show that such a complete characterization is possible if each shipper has at most one service requirement

    Analysis of a two-echelon inventory system with two supply modes

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    In this paper, we consider a serial two-echelon periodic review inventory system with two supply modes at the most upstream stock point. As control policy for this system, we propose a natural extension of the dual-index policy, which has three base-stock levels. We consider the minimization of long run average inventory holding, backlogging, and both per unit and fixed emergency ordering costs. We provide nested newsboy characterizations for two of the three base-stock levels involved and show a separability result for the difference with the remaining base-stock level. We use results for the single-echelon system to efficiently approximate the distributions of random variables involved in the newsboy equations and find an asymptotically correct approximation for both the per unit and fixed emergency ordering costs. Based on these results, we provide an algorithm for setting base-stock levels in a computationally efficient manner. In a numerical study, we investigate the value of dual-sourcing in supply chains and show that it is useful to decrease upstream stock levels. In cases with high demand uncertainty, high backlogging cost or long lead times, we conclude that dual-sourcing can lead to significant savings

    A framework for business innovation directions

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    In this report, we present a dimensional framework to analyze and design business innovation directions. Strategists can use this framework to analyze their business and set business innovation directions. Entrepreneurs can use the business innovation directions to start the development of new business models. We contribute to the business model innovation research field, presenting a dimensional framework to select business innovation directions

    Supply chain finance : a conceptual framework to advance research

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    Supply Chain Finance (SCF) arrangements aim to add value by taking a cooperative approach to financing in the supply chain. SCF has recently enjoyed considerable attention from industry, and providers of capital and technology are investing in platforms to facilitate new applications. A limited number of theoretical and empirical studies on the topic have been published. Current trends suggest, however, that the landscape of SCF is becoming increasingly complex and diverse. We describe some key developments and their implications for firms that (may) implement an SCF arrangement. In particular, we show that strategic and tactical considerations may impact the value of these arrangements. Failure to recognize alternatives and associated trade-offs may entail missed opportunities for firms. We present a framework that positions SCF concepts and shows the need for further research. We conclude with observations on managerial relevance

    Condition based spare parts supply

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    We consider a spare parts stock point that serves an installed base of machines. Each machine contains the same critical component, whose degradation behavior is described by a Markov process. We consider condition based spare parts supply, and show that an optimal, condition based inventory policy is 20% more efficient on average than a standard, state-independent base stock policy. We further propose an efficient and effective heuristic policy

    A stochastic variable size bin packing problem with time constraints

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    In this paper, we extend the classical Variable Size Bin Packing Problem (VS-BPP) by adding time features to both bins and items. Speciffically, the bins act as machines that process the assigned batch of items with a fixed processing time. Hence, the items are available for processing at given times and are penalized for tardiness. Within this extension we also consider a stochastic variant, where the arrival times of the items have a discrete probability distribution. To solve these models, we build a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) heuristic. We provide numerical tests to show the different decision making processes when time constraints and stochasticity are added to VSBPP instances. The results show that these new models entail safer and higher cost solutions. We also compare the performance of the MCMC heuristic and an industrial solver to show the effciency and the effcacy of our method

    Tracebook : a dynamic checklist support system

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    It has recently been demonstrated that checklist scan enable significant improvements to patient safety. However, their clinical acceptance is significantly lower than expected. This is due to the lack of good support systems. Specifically, support systems are too static: this holds for paper-based support as well as for electronic systems that digitize paper-based support naively. Both approaches are independent from clinical process and clinical context. In this paper, we propose a process-oriented and context-aware dynamic checklist support system: Tracebook. This system supports the execution of complex clinical processes and rules involving data from Electronic Medical Record systems. Workflow activities and forms are specific to individual patients based on clinical rules and they are dispatched to the right user automatically based on a process model. Besides describing the Tracebook functionality in general, this paper demonstrates the support system specifically on an example application that we are preparing for a controlled clinical evaluation. At last we discuss the difference between Tracebook and other support systems which also rely on a checklist format
