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    Classical approaches to the construction of hash function modes, based on the using of iterative procedures, do not allow efficient processing of large amounts of data and can’t be adapted to parallel computing architectures. It applies to both the Russian cryptographic standard GOST R 34.11-2012, which determines the algorithm and procedure for calculating the hash function, as well as many other foreign standards (for example, SHA-3). The absence of standards for parallelized modes for the hash functions of GOST R 34.11-2012 creates an urgent need for the development of the domestic standard of the parallelized mode of hash code. This article is devoted to the research and development of new modes of hash code generation that allow efficient parallelization of the computation process and provide cryptographic resistance satisfying modern requirements. This work continues the research carried out by the authors, and offers a fundamentally new tree mode of hash code generation ("FT-mode"), based on l-ary hash trees and allowed to use any compression mapping for a mechanism of forming tree nodes. The resistance of the mode is completely determined by the resistance of the corresponding compressive mapping. In particular, the FT-mode allows using block ciphers and substitution transformations to form nodes of a hash tree along with compression functions and hash functions. In addition, the FT-mode excludes the main functional disadvantages of the known tree modes of hash code generation that affect their operational, technical and cryptographic quality. Within the framework of the present research a number of characteristics of FT-mode are calculated, and a comparative analysis of the time and computational complexity of implementations of FT-mode and some foreign tree hash modes is carried out. The corresponding results showed that the developed mode is not inferior to any of the considered modes

    Cryptanalysis of Some AES-based Cryptographic Primitives

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    Current information security systems rely heavily on symmetric key cryptographic primitives as one of their basic building blocks. In order to boost the efficiency of the security systems, designers of the underlying primitives often tend to avoid the use of provably secure designs. In fact, they adopt ad hoc designs with claimed security assumptions in the hope that they resist known cryptanalytic attacks. Accordingly, the security evaluation of such primitives continually remains an open field. In this thesis, we analyze the security of two cryptographic hash functions and one block cipher. We primarily focus on the recent AES-based designs used in the new Russian Federation cryptographic hashing and encryption suite GOST because the majority of our work was carried out during the open research competition run by the Russian standardization body TC26 for the analysis of their new cryptographic hash function Streebog. Although, there exist security proofs for the resistance of AES- based primitives against standard differential and linear attacks, other cryptanalytic techniques such as integral, rebound, and meet-in-the-middle attacks have proven to be effective. The results presented in this thesis can be summarized as follows: Initially, we analyze various security aspects of the Russian cryptographic hash function GOST R 34.11-2012, also known as Streebog or Stribog. In particular, our work investigates five security aspects of Streebog. Firstly, we present a collision analysis of the compression function and its in- ternal cipher in the form of a series of modified rebound attacks. Secondly, we propose an integral distinguisher for the 7- and 8-round compression function. Thirdly, we investigate the one wayness of Streebog with respect to two approaches of the meet-in-the-middle attack, where we present a preimage analysis of the compression function and combine the results with a multicollision attack to generate a preimage of the hash function output. Fourthly, we investigate Streebog in the context of malicious hashing and by utilizing a carefully tailored differential path, we present a backdoored version of the hash function where collisions can be generated with practical complexity. Lastly, we propose a fault analysis attack which retrieves the inputs of the compression function and utilize it to recover the secret key when Streebog is used in the keyed simple prefix and secret-IV MACs, HMAC, or NMAC. All the presented results are on reduced round variants of the function except for our analysis of the malicious version of Streebog and our fault analysis attack where both attacks cover the full round hash function. Next, we examine the preimage resistance of the AES-based Maelstrom-0 hash function which is designed to be a lightweight alternative to the ISO standardized hash function Whirlpool. One of the distinguishing features of the Maelstrom-0 design is the proposal of a new chaining construction called 3CM which is based on the 3C/3C+ family. In our analysis, we employ a 4-stage approach that uses a modified technique to defeat the 3CM chaining construction and generates preimages of the 6-round reduced Maelstrom-0 hash function. Finally, we provide a key recovery attack on the new Russian encryption standard GOST R 34.12- 2015, also known as Kuznyechik. Although Kuznyechik adopts an AES-based design, it exhibits a faster diffusion rate as it employs an optimal diffusion transformation. In our analysis, we propose a meet-in-the-middle attack using the idea of efficient differential enumeration where we construct a three round distinguisher and consequently are able to recover 16-bytes of the master key of the reduced 5-round cipher. We also present partial sequence matching, by which we generate, store, and match parts of the compared parameters while maintaining negligible probability of matching error, thus the overall online time complexity of the attack is reduced

    Performance analysis of a scalable hardware FPGA Skein implementation

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    Hashing functions are a key cryptographic primitive used in many everyday applications, such as authentication, ensuring data integrity, as well as digital signatures. The current hashing standard is defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as the Secure Hash Standard (SHS), and includes SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 . SHS\u27s level of security is waning as technology and analysis techniques continue to develop over time. As a result, after the 2005 Cryptographic Hash Workshop, NIST called for the creation of a new cryptographic hash algorithm to replace SHS. The new candidate algorithms were submitted on October 31st, 2008, and of them fourteen have advanced to round two of the competition. The competition is expected to produce a final replacement for the SHS standard by 2012. Multi-core processors, and parallel programming are the dominant force in computing, and some of the new hashing algorithms are attempting to take advantage of these resources by offering parallel tree-hashing variants to the algorithms. Tree-hashing allows multiple parts of the data on the same level of a tree to be operated on simultaneously, resulting in the potential to reduce the execution time complexity for hashing from O(n) to O(log n). Designs for tree-hashing require that the scalability and parallelism of the algorithms be researched on all platforms, including multi-core processors (CPUs), graphics processors (GPUs), as well as custom hardware (ASICs and FPGAs). Skein, the hashing function that this work has focused on, offers a tree-hashing mode with different options for the maximum tree height, and leaf node size, as well as the node fan-out. This research focuses on creating and analyzing the performance of scalable hardware designs for Skein\u27s tree hashing mode. Different ideas and approaches on how to modify sequential hashing cores, and create scalable control logic in order to provide for high-speed and low-area parallel hashing hardware are presented and analyzed. Equations were created to help understand the expected performance and potential bottlenecks of Skein in FPGAs. The equations are intended to assist the decision making process during the design phase, as well as potentially provide insight into design considerations for other tree hashing schemes in FPGAs. The results are also compared to current sequential designs of Skein, providing a complete analysis of the performance of Skein in an FPGA

    Application of Fault Analysis to Some Cryptographic Standards

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    Cryptanalysis methods can be classified as pure mathematical attacks, such as linear and differential cryptanalysis, and implementation dependent attacks such as power analysis and fault analysis. Pure mathematical attacks exploit the mathematical structure of the cipher to reveal the secret key inside the cipher. On the other hand, implementation dependent attacks assume that the attacker has access to the cryptographic device to launch the attack. Fault analysis is an example of a side channel attack in which the attacker is assumed to be able to induce faults in the cryptographic device and observe the faulty output. Then, the attacker tries to recover the secret key by combining the information obtained from the faulty and the correct outputs. Even though fault analysis attacks may require access to some specialized equipment to be able to insert faults at specific locations or at specific times during the computation, the resulting attacks usually have time and memory complexities which are far more practical as compared to pure mathematical attacks. Recently, several AES-based primitives were approved as new cryptographic standards throughout the world. For example, Kuznyechik was approved as the standard block cipher in Russian Federation, and Kalyna and Kupyna were approved as the standard block cipher and the hash function, respectively, in Ukraine. Given the importance of these three new primitives, in this thesis, we analyze their resistance against fault analysis attacks. Firstly, we modified a differential fault analysis (DFA) attack that was applied on AES and applied it on Kuzneychik. Application of DFA on Kuznyechik was not a trivial task because of the linear transformation layer used in the last round of Kuznyechik. In order to bypass the effect of this linear transformation operation, we had to use an equivalent representation of the last round which allowed us to recover the last two round keys using a total of four faults and break the cipher. Secondly, we modified the attack we applied on Kuzneychik and applied it on Kalyna. Kalyna has a complicated key scheduling and it uses modulo 264 addition operation for applying the first and last round keys. This makes Kalyna more resistant to DFA as com- pared to AES and Kuznyechik but it is still practically breakable because the number of key candidates that can be recovered by DFA can be brute-forced in a reasonable time. We also considered the case where the SBox entries of Kalyna are not known and showed how to recover a set of candidates for the SBox entries. Lastly, we applied two fault analysis attacks on Kupyna hash function. In the first case, we assumed that the SBoxes and all the other function parameters are known, and in the second case we assumed that the SBoxes were kept secret and attacked the hash function accordingly. Kupyna can be used as the underlying hash function for the construction of MAC schemes such as secret IV, secret prefix, HMAC or NMAC. In our analysis, we showed that secret inputs of Kupyna can be recovered using fault analysis. To conclude, we analyzed two newly accepted standard ciphers (Kuznyechik, Kalyna) and one newly approved standard hash function (Kupyna) for their resistance against fault attacks. We also analyzed Kalyna and Kupyna with the assumption that these ciphers can be deployed with secret user defined SBoxes in order to increase their security

    Grayscale Image Authentication using Neural Hashing

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    Many different approaches for neural network based hash functions have been proposed. Statistical analysis must correlate security of them. This paper proposes novel neural hashing approach for gray scale image authentication. The suggested system is rapid, robust, useful and secure. Proposed hash function generates hash values using neural network one-way property and non-linear techniques. As a result security and performance analysis are performed and satisfying results are achieved. These features are dominant reasons for preferring against traditional ones.Comment: international journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences (NESciences.com) : Image Authentication, Cryptology, Hash Function, Statistical and Security Analysi

    On the Design of Secure and Fast Double Block Length Hash Functions

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    In this work the security of the rate-1 double block length hash functions, which based on a block cipher with a block length of n-bit and a key length of 2n-bit, is reconsidered. Counter-examples and new attacks are presented on this general class of double block length hash functions with rate 1, which disclose uncovered flaws in the necessary conditions given by Satoh et al. and Hirose. Preimage and second preimage attacks are presented on Hirose's two examples which were left as an open problem. Therefore, although all the rate-1 hash functions in this general class are failed to be optimally (second) preimage resistant, the necessary conditions are refined for ensuring this general class of the rate-1 hash functions to be optimally secure against the collision attack. In particular, two typical examples, which designed under the refined conditions, are proven to be indifferentiable from the random oracle in the ideal cipher model. The security results are extended to a new class of double block length hash functions with rate 1, where one block cipher used in the compression function has the key length is equal to the block length, while the other is doubled

    Regular and almost universal hashing: an efficient implementation

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    Random hashing can provide guarantees regarding the performance of data structures such as hash tables---even in an adversarial setting. Many existing families of hash functions are universal: given two data objects, the probability that they have the same hash value is low given that we pick hash functions at random. However, universality fails to ensure that all hash functions are well behaved. We further require regularity: when picking data objects at random they should have a low probability of having the same hash value, for any fixed hash function. We present the efficient implementation of a family of non-cryptographic hash functions (PM+) offering good running times, good memory usage as well as distinguishing theoretical guarantees: almost universality and component-wise regularity. On a variety of platforms, our implementations are comparable to the state of the art in performance. On recent Intel processors, PM+ achieves a speed of 4.7 bytes per cycle for 32-bit outputs and 3.3 bytes per cycle for 64-bit outputs. We review vectorization through SIMD instructions (e.g., AVX2) and optimizations for superscalar execution.Comment: accepted for publication in Software: Practice and Experience in September 201