6 research outputs found

    Analysis of distributed ADMM algorithm for consensus optimization in presence of error

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    ADMM is a popular algorithm for solving convex optimization problems. Applying this algorithm to distributed consensus optimization problem results in a fully distributed iterative solution which relies on processing at the nodes and communication between neighbors. Local computations usually suffer from different types of errors, due to e.g., observation or quantization noise, which can degrade the performance of the algorithm. In this work, we focus on analyzing the convergence behavior of distributed ADMM for consensus optimization in presence of additive node error. We specifically show that (a noisy) ADMM converges linearly under certain conditions and also examine the associated convergence point. Numerical results are provided which demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented analysis

    Distributed Solution of Large-Scale Linear Systems via Accelerated Projection-Based Consensus

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    Solving a large-scale system of linear equations is a key step at the heart of many algorithms in machine learning, scientific computing, and beyond. When the problem dimension is large, computational and/or memory constraints make it desirable, or even necessary, to perform the task in a distributed fashion. In this paper, we consider a common scenario in which a taskmaster intends to solve a large-scale system of linear equations by distributing subsets of the equations among a number of computing machines/cores. We propose an accelerated distributed consensus algorithm, in which at each iteration every machine updates its solution by adding a scaled version of the projection of an error signal onto the nullspace of its system of equations, and where the taskmaster conducts an averaging over the solutions with momentum. The convergence behavior of the proposed algorithm is analyzed in detail and analytically shown to compare favorably with the convergence rate of alternative distributed methods, namely distributed gradient descent, distributed versions of Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent and heavy-ball method, the block Cimmino method, and ADMM. On randomly chosen linear systems, as well as on real-world data sets, the proposed method offers significant speed-up relative to all the aforementioned methods. Finally, our analysis suggests a novel variation of the distributed heavy-ball method, which employs a particular distributed preconditioning, and which achieves the same theoretical convergence rate as the proposed consensus-based method

    Distributed Solution of Large-Scale Linear Systems via Accelerated Projection-Based Consensus

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    Solving a large-scale system of linear equations is a key step at the heart of many algorithms in scientific computing, machine learning, and beyond. When the problem dimension is large, computational and/or memory constraints make it desirable, or even necessary, to perform the task in a distributed fashion. In this paper, we consider a common scenario in which a taskmaster intends to solve a large-scale system of linear equations by distributing subsets of the equations among a number of computing machines/cores. We propose a new algorithm called Accelerated Projection-based Consensus , in which at each iteration every machine updates its solution by adding a scaled version of the projection of an error signal onto the nullspace of its system of equations, and the taskmaster conducts an averaging over the solutions with momentum. The convergence behavior of the proposed algorithm is analyzed in detail and analytically shown to compare favorably with the convergence rate of alternative distributed methods, namely distributed gradient descent, distributed versions of Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent and heavy-ball method, the block Cimmino method, and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. On randomly chosen linear systems, as well as on real-world data sets, the proposed method offers significant speed-up relative to all the aforementioned methods. Finally, our analysis suggests a novel variation of the distributed heavy-ball method, which employs a particular distributed preconditioning and achieves the same theoretical convergence rate as that in the proposed consensus-based method