1,877 research outputs found

    Combining deep reinforcement learning and multi-stage stochastic programming to address the supply chain inventory management problem

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    We introduce a novel heuristic designed to address the supply chain inventory management problem in the context of a two-echelon divergent supply chain. The proposed heuristic advances the current state-of-the-art by combining deep reinforcement learning with multi-stage stochastic programming. In particular, deep reinforcement learning is employed to determine the number of batches to produce, while multi-stage stochastic programming is applied to make shipping decisions. To support further research, we release a publicly available software environment that simulates a wide range of two-echelon divergent supply chain settings, allowing the manipulation of various parameter values, including those associated with seasonal demands. We then present a comprehensive set of numerical experiments considering constraints on production and warehouse capacities under fixed and variable logistic costs. The results demonstrate that the proposed heuristic significantly and consistently outperforms pure deep reinforcement learning algorithms in minimizing total costs. Moreover, it overcomes several inherent limitations of multi-stage stochastic programming models, thus underscoring its potential advantages in addressing complex supply chain scenarios

    A multi-objective possibilistic programming approach for locating distribution centers and allocating customers demands in supply chains

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    In this paper, we present a multi-objective possibilistic programming model to locate distribution centers (DCs) and allocate customers' demands in a supply chain network design (SCND) problem. The SCND problem deals with determining locations of facilities (DCs and/or plants), and also shipment quantities between each two consecutive tier of the supply chain. The primary objective of this study is to consider different risk factors which are involved in both locating DCs and shipping products as an objective function. The risk consists of various components: the risks related to each potential DC location, the risk associated with each arc connecting a plant to a DC and the risk of shipment from a DC to a customer. The proposed method of this paper considers the risk phenomenon in fuzzy forms to handle the uncertainties inherent in these factors. A possibilistic programming approach is proposed to solve the resulted multi-objective problem and a numerical example for three levels of possibility is conducted to analyze the model

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer inventory management

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    The One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer (OWMR) system is the prototypical distribution and inventory system. Many OWMR variants exist, e.g. demand in excess of supply may be completely back-ordered, partially back-ordered, or lost. Prior research has focused on the study of heuristic reordering policies such as echelon base-stock levels coupled with heuristic allocation policies. Constructing well-performing policies is time-consuming and must be redone for every problem variant. By contrast, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is a general purpose technique for sequential decision making that has yielded good results for various challenging inventory systems. However, applying DRL to OWMR problems is nontrivial, since allocation involves setting a quantity for each retailer: The number of possible allocations grows exponentially in the number of retailers. Since each action is typically associated with a neural network output node, this renders standard DRL techniques intractable. Our proposed DRL algorithm instead inferences a multi-discrete action distribution which has output nodes that grow linearly in the number of retailers. Moreover, when total retailer orders exceed the available warehouse inventory, we propose a random rationing policy that substantially improves the ability of standard DRL algorithms to train good policies because it promotes the learning of feasible retailer order quantities. The resulting algorithm outperforms general-purpose benchmark policies by ∼1−3% for the lost sales case and by ∼12−20% for the partial back-ordering case. For complete back-ordering, the algorithm cannot consistently outperform the benchmark.</p

    Integrated Location-Production-Distribution Planning in a Multiproducts Supply Chain Network Design Model

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    This paper proposes integrated location, production, and distribution planning for the supply chain network design which focuses on selecting the appropriate locations to build a new plant and distribution center while deciding the production and distribution of the product. We examine a multiechelon supply chain that includes suppliers, plants, and distribution centers and develop a mathematical model that aims at minimizing the total cost of the supply chain. In particular, the mathematical model considers the decision of how many plants and distribution centers to open and where to open them, as well as the allocation in each echelon. The LINGO software is used to solve the model for some problem cases. The study conducts various numerical experiments to illustrate the applicability of the developed model. Results show that, in small and medium size of problem, the optimal solution can be found using this solver. Sensitivity analysis is also conducted and shows that customer demand parameter has the greatest impact on the optimal solution

    Tedarik zinciri optimizasyon çalışmaları: Literatür araştırması ve sınıflama

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    Supply chain planning is an integrated process in which a group of several organizations, such as suppliers, producers, distributors and retailers, work together. It comprises procurement, production, distribution and demand planning topics. These topics require taking strategical, tactical and operational decisions. This research aims to reveal which supply chain topics, which decision levels, and which optimization methods are mostly studied in supply chain planning. This paper presents a total of 77 reviewed works published between 1993 and 2016 about supply chain planning. The reviewed works are categorized according to following elements: decision levels, supply chain optimization topics, objectives, optimization models.Tedarik Zinciri, tedarikçiler, üreticiler, dağıtıcılar ve toptancılar gibi bir grup organizasyonu birleştiren entegre bir süreçtir. Tedarik, üretim, dağıtım ve talep planlama konularını içerir. Bu konular stratejik, taktik ve operasyonel kararlar almayı gerektirir. Bu araştırma tedarik zinciri planlamasında hangi tedarik zinciri konularının, hangi karar/planlama seviyelerinin ve hangi optimizasyon metotlarının literatürde en çok çalışıldığını göstermektedir. Çalışma 1993 ve 2016 yılları arasındaki tedarik zinciri planlama konusundaki 77 adet çalışmanın incelenmesine ait sonuçları sunmaktadır. İncelenen çalışmalar şu kriterlere gore kategorize edilmiştir: karar seviyesi, tedarik zinciri optimizasyon konuları, amaçlar, optimizasyon modelleri

    Quantitative analysis of multi-periodic supply chain contracts with options via stochastic programming

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    We propose a stochastic programming approach for quantitative analysis of supply contracts, involving flexibility, between a buyer and a supplier, in a supply chain framework. Specifically, we consider the case of multi-periodic contracts in the face of correlated demands. To design such contracts, one has to estimate the savings or costs induced for both parties, as well as the optimal orders and commitments. We show how to model the stochastic process of the demand and the decision problem for both parties using the algebraic modeling language AMPL. The resulting linear programs are solved with a commercial linear programming solver; we compute the economic performance of these contracts, giving evidence that this methodology allows to gain insight into realistic problems.stochastic programming; supply contract; linear programming; modeling software; decision tree

    A collaborative framework in outbound logistics for the us automakers

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    The competitive landscape of the U.S. automotive market has transformed from the traditional Big Three players to too many viable players. In 2008-2009, the harsh market conditions, excess production capacity, capital asset redundancies, and many inefficient strategies submerged as the roadblocks for the US automakers to stay competitive and profitable in the North American market. In this new competitive era, cross-company collaboration in product development, standardizing and communizing supply base, sharing flexible manufacturing platforms, using common inbound and out bound logistics service providers and warehousing etc. can play vital roles for the US automakers to reduce overall cost and return to profitability. Through the horizontal collaboration in the outbound logistics operations, these companies can create close-knit business partnership and act faster than the foreign rivals in delivering finished vehicles at the optimum cost. The optimization of outbound logistics operations through consolidation and collaboration among OEMs has tremendous potential to contribute to the profitability by lowering the cost of transportation, in-house inventory, transportation time, and facility costs. The collaboration in the intra- and inter-OEM outbound logistics operations is a critical area that the US automakers need to pay attention and prioritize in their cost reduction initiatives. This research presents an integrated collaboration framework for the outbound logistics operations of the US automakers. In our framework, we propose three potential levels for the US automakers to form outbound logistics collaboration: operational, tactical, and strategic. Our research proposition is to improve the performance of outbound logistics systems of automotive OEMs by means of horizontal collaboration between plants and competing OEMs. The proposed research thus relates to the literature on logistics system design and management and horizontal collaboration in supply chain management. The collaboration framework is demonstrated through a real world case study in US automotive industry. The contribution of this research is the introduction of a framework for intra- and inter-OEM collaboration and the development of novel logistics network design and flow models integrated with inventory models, lost sales, and expedited shipment. Besides the contribution to the academic literature, the proposed collaborative distribution system is a new concept in the automotive industry. Hence, this novel research work will also benefit to the practitioners. Keywords: Operational Collaboration, Tactical Collaboration, Strategic Collaboration, Frequency based Inventory, Customer Patience and Lost Sales, Expedited Shipments

    Supply Chain Optimization Studies: A Literature Review and Classification

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    Supply chain planning is an integrated process in which a group of several organizations, such as suppliers, producers, distributors and retailers, work together. It comprises procurement, production, distribution and demand planning topics. These topics require taking strategical, tactical and operational decisions. This research aims to reveal which supply chain topics, which decision levels, and which optimization methods are mostly studied in supply chain planning. This paper presents a total of 77 reviewed works published between 1993 and 2016 about supply chain planning. The reviewed works are categorized according to following elements: decision levels, supply chain optimization topics, objectives, optimization models. 

    Supply Chain Optimization Studies: A Literature Review and Classification

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    Supply chain planning is an integrated process in which a group of several organizations, such as suppliers, producers, distributors and retailers, work together. It comprises procurement, production, distribution and demand planning topics. These topics require taking strategical, tactical and operational decisions. This research aims to reveal which supply chain topics, which decision levels, and which optimization methods are mostly studied in supply chain planning. This paper presents a total of 77 reviewed works published between 1993 and 2016 about supply chain planning. The reviewed works are categorized according to following elements: decision levels, supply chain optimization topics, objectives, optimization models. 