6 research outputs found

    Energy-Aware Adaptive Four Thresholds Technique for Optimal Virtual Machine Placement

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    With the increasing expansion of cloud data centers and the demand for cloud services, one of the major problems facing these data centers is the “increasing growth in energy consumption ". In this paper, we propose a method to balance the burden of virtual machine resources in order to reduce energy consumption. The proposed technique is based on a four-adaptive threshold model to reduce energy consumption in physical servers and minimize SLA violation in cloud data centers. Based on the proposed technique, hosts will be grouped into five clusters: hosts with low load, hosts with a light load, hosts with a middle load, hosts with high load and finally, hosts with a heavy load. Virtual machines are transferred from the host with high load and heavy load to the hosts with light load. Also, the VMs on low hosts will be migrated to the hosts with middle load, while the host with a light load and hosts with middle load remain unchanged. The values of the thresholds are obtained on the basis of the mathematical modeling approach and the -Means Clustering Algorithm is used for clustering of hosts. Experimental results show that applying the proposed technique will improve the load balancing and reduce the number of VM migration and reduce energy consumption

    An optimization framework for the capacity allocation and admission control of MapReduce jobs in cloud systems

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    Nowadays, we live in a Big Data world and many sectors of our economy are guided by data-driven decision processes. Big Data and Business Intelligence applications are facilitated by the MapReduce programming model, while, at infrastructural layer, cloud computing provides flexible and cost-effective solutions to provide on-demand large clusters. Capacity allocation in such systems, meant as the problem of providing computational power to support concurrent MapReduce applications in a cost-effective fashion, represents a challenge of paramount importance. In this paper we lay the foundation for a solution implementing admission control and capacity allocation for MapReduce jobs with a priori deadline guarantees. In particular, shared Hadoop 2.x clusters supporting batch and/or interactive jobs are targeted. We formulate a linear programming model able to minimize cloud resources costs and rejection penalties for the execution of jobs belonging to multiple classes with deadline guarantees. Scalability analyses demonstrated that the proposed method is able to determine the global optimal solution of the linear problem for systems including up to 10,000 classes in less than 1 s

    Transient provisioning and performance evaluation for cloud computing platforms: A capacity value approach

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    User demand on the computational resources of cloud computing platforms varies over time. These variations in demand can be predictable or unpredictable, resulting in ‘bursty’ fluctuations in demand. Furthermore, demand can arrive in batches, and users whose demands are not met can be impatient. We demonstrate how to compute the expected revenue loss over a finite time horizon in the presence of all these model characteristics through the use of matrix analytic methods. We then illustrate how to use this knowledge to make frequent short term provisioning decisions — transient provisioning. It is seen that taking each of the characteristics of fluctuating user demand (predictable, unpredictable, batchy) into account can result in a substantial reduction of losses. Moreover, our transient provisioning framework allows for a wide variety of system behaviors to be modeled and gives simple expressions for expected revenue loss which are straightforward to evaluate numerically

    Performance Modeling and Optimization of Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Systems

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    Cloud computing offers on-demand network access to the computing resources through virtualization. This paradigm shifts the computer resources to the cloud, which results in cost savings as the users leasing instead of owning these resources. Clouds will also provide power constrained mobile users accessibility to the computing resources. In this thesis, we develop performance models of these systems and optimization of their resource allocation. In the performance modeling, we assume that jobs arrive to the system according to a Poisson process and they may have quite general service time distributions. Each job may consist of multiple number of tasks with each task requiring a virtual machine (VM) for its execution. The size of a job is determined by the number of its tasks, which may be a constant or a variable. In the case of constant job size, we allow different classes of jobs, with each class being determined through their arrival and service rates and number of tasks in a job. In the variable case a job generates randomly new tasks during its service time. The latter requires dynamic assignment of VMs to a job, which will be needed in providing service to mobile users. We model the systems with both constant and variable size jobs using birth-death processes. In the case of constant job size, we determined joint probability distribution of the number of jobs from each class in the system, job blocking probabilities and distribution of the utilization of resources for systems with both homogeneous and heterogeneous types of VMs. We have also analyzed tradeoffs for turning idle servers off for power saving. In the case of variable job sizes, we have determined distribution of the number of jobs in the system and average service time of a job for systems with both infinite and finite amount of resources. We have presented numerical results and any approximations are verified by simulation. The performance results may be used in the dimensioning of cloud computing centers. Next, we have developed an optimization model that determines the job schedule, which minimizes the total power consumption of a cloud computing center. It is assumed that power consumption in a computing center is due to communications and server activities. We have assumed a distributed model, where a job may be assigned VMs on different servers, referred to as fragmented service. In this model, communications among the VMs of a job on different servers is proportional to the product of the number of VMs assigned to the job on each pair of servers which results in a quadratic network power consumption in number of job fragments. Then, we have applied integer quadratic programming and the column generation method to solve the optimization problem for large scale systems in conjunction with two different algorithms to reduce the complexity and the amount of time needed to obtain the solution. In the second phase of this work, we have formulated this optimization problem as a function of discrete-time. At each discrete-time, the job load of the system consists of new arriving jobs during the present slot and unfinished jobs from the previous slots. We have developed a technique to solve this optimization problem with full, partial and no migration of the old jobs in the system. Numerical results show that this optimization results in significant operating costs savings in the cloud computing systems