5 research outputs found

    Cooperative Cashing? An Economic Analysis of Document Duplication in Cooperative Web Caching

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    Cooperative caching is a popular mechanism to allow an array of distributed caches to cooperate and serve each others\u27 Web requests. Controlling duplication of documents across cooperating caches is a challenging problem faced by cache managers. In this paper, we study the economics of document duplication in strategic and nonstrategic settings. We have three primary findings. First, we find that the optimum level of duplication at a cache is nondecreasing in intercache latency, cache size, and extent of request locality. Second, in situations in which cache peering spans organizations, we find that the interaction between caches is a game of strategic substitutes wherein a cache employs lesser resources towards eliminating duplicate documents when the other caches employs more resources towards eliminating duplicate documents at that cache. Thus, a significant challenge will be to simultaneously induce multiple caches to contribute more resources towards reducing duplicate documents in the system. Finally, centralized decision making, which as expected provides improvements in average latency over a decentralized setup, can entail highly asymmetric duplication levels at the caches. This in turn can benefit one set of users at the expense of the other, and thus will be challenging to implement

    A Survey on Content Retrieval on the Decentralised Web

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    The control, governance, and management of the web have become increasingly centralised, resulting in security, privacy, and censorship concerns. Decentralised initiatives have emerged to address these issues, beginning with decentralised file systems. These systems have gained popularity, with major platforms serving millions of content requests daily. Complementing the file systems are decentralised search engines and name registry infrastructures, together forming the basis of a decentralised web . This survey paper analyses research trends and emerging technologies for content retrieval on the decentralised web, encompassing both academic literature and industrial projects. Several challenges hinder the realisation of a fully decentralised web. Achieving comparable performance to centralised systems without compromising decentralisation is a key challenge. Hybrid infrastructures, blending centralised components with verifiability mechanisms, show promise to improve decentralised initiatives. While decentralised file systems have seen more mature deployments, they still face challenges such as usability, performance, privacy, and content moderation. Integrating these systems with decentralised name-registries offers a potential for improved usability with human-readable and persistent names for content. Further research is needed to address security concerns in decentralised name-registries and enhance governance and crypto-economic incentive mechanisms


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    In this thesis we investigate the topic of the multimedia contents distribution on a geo- graphic network which is a rarefied and huge field. First of all we have to classify the main parts necessary in the multimedia distribution on a geographic network. The main aspects of a geographic network that will be highlighted in this thesis are: the mechanism used to retrieve the sources of the multimedia content; in the case of the peer-to-peer network on geographic network one of the most important mechanism is the query flooding protocol. The kind of overlay network (peer-to-peer) used to distribute the multimedia content. The usage of this overlay network in a multicast network. The security of the overlay network over a geographic network. Therefore the first topic which is investigated in this thesis is the query flooding protocol that can be used in any kind of query operation on a peer-to-peer network. For this protocol we achieve an analytical model through a complex analysis of the proxies network. In this analysis we can see how the proxies permit an improvement in the performance with respect to the routing operations in a generic network of routers. Moreover we address a simple formulation and framework about the performance of the network with and without layer 7 (proxy) and we apply them in three different types of scenarios to show the advantages achieved with the usage of proxies instead of routers. Through the query flooding operation, each peer of the peer-to-peer network can achieve the list of the peers that hold the desired multimedia content. In a multimedia content dis- tribution system, after the previous step in which the list of the peers that hold the desired multimedia content is retrieved, it is necessary to establish the kind of peer-to-peer network used to distribute this multimedia content to the peers that require it. Therefore the second aspect analysed in this thesis, is how the peer-to-peer network is built so that it is possible to provide the multimedia content to the vast majority of peers (that require this content) with the minimum delay. The construction of the peer-to-peer networks used for the distribution of the multimedia contents is not a very investigated field. Thus in this thesis we produce new algorithms used to build peer-to-peer networks in an incremental way on asymmetric and radio channel and we establish which algorithm is better with respect to the maximum delay of the network, the maximization of the number of peers accepted in the network and the minimization of the bit error probability of each peer of the peer-to-peer network. In this thesis, we propose an usage of the overlay network (peer-to-peer network) in a multicast network. We introduce an innovative mechanism that exploits the peer-to-peer network to make reliable a standard unreliable multicast network. Moreover we present an analytical model for this innovative mechanism. Finally the last aspect of a geographic network is the security of the communications among a group of peers. Thus to ensure the maximum level of security with secure commu- nications among a group of three or more peers, in this thesis we propose a new protocol, based on the Massey Omura protocol, which can allow the communications among the peers of a peer-to-peer network in a secure way. Moreover we present the security prob- lems of this Massey Omura Multiple Users Protocol and how it is possible to avoid these issues through a specific encryption function and a specific decryption function by chang- ing the encryption and decryption keys of each peer when the source peer changes. Finally we present a new cryptography protocol which we use to share the decryption shared key that is used in the Massey Omura Multiple Users Protocol

    Manutenção de Caches para sistemas OLAP

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaNos dias que correm a utilização de sistemas multidimensionais de dados faz parte do quotidiano de qualquer organização de média ou de grande dimensão. Este tipo de sistema, cuja principal finalidade consiste em auxiliar os seus utilizadores nas suas atividades de tomada de decisão, tem por principais características a flexibilidade na exploração de dados e a celeridade na disponibilização de informação. Apesar de todos os mecanismos já existentes, que contribuem para este objetivo, é, por vezes, muito difícil manter os níveis de desempenho desejados pelos utilizadores. Como consequência disto, foram estudadas outras formas para reduzir a carga imposta ao servidor multidimensional de dados – o servidor OLAP. Um destes mecanismos é a criação de caches que armazenam informação já consultada e que, aquando de um pedido, o satisfazem sem terem a necessidade de consultar a sua fonte. Devido à natureza dos utilizadores dos sistemas OLAP, é possível determinar com bastante precisão os seus padrões de acesso e de exploração, isto é, quais as consultas efetuadas por um determinado utilizador ao longo de um dado período de tempo. Levando esta análise para um pouco mais à frente é, ainda, possível prever com antecedência qual a sequência exata de consultas que será efetuada por um determinado utilizador quando este iniciar uma qualquer sessão de exploração de dados. Após esta fase de previsão, consegue-se decidir quais as queries que deverão ser pré-materializadas, armazenando-as numa cache, de forma a servir o maior número possível de pedidos do utilizador a partir desta. A técnica proposta nesta dissertação centra-se na problemática que gira em torno da simplificação do número de queries que deverão ser pré-materializadas. O objetivo final desta técnica consiste em manter um balanço positivo entre o tempo dispendido a realizar esta pré-materialização e o que seria gasto caso tudo fosse calculado apenas quando requisitado.Nowadays, the use of Multidimensional Data Systems has become a part of everyday actions in medium and large companies. This type of system, which concerns mainly in aiding it‟s users in the process of decision making, has a very large flexibility in data exploration and speed of response to queries. Despite all the existing techniques, it is sometimes, very hard to maintain such high levels of performance users demand. With the purpose of tackling these performance losses, other techniques where developed, wich try to reduce central data servers load. One of such mechanisms is the creation of OLAP caches that maintain previous queries and serve them upon subsequent requests without having to ask the central server. Due to OLAP Systems organization, it is possible to identify the characteristics of its users and its exploration patterns – what queries will a user submit during a session. It is, however, possible to go one step further, and to predict exactly wich data will be requested by a specific user and, more important, the sequence of those requests. This is called the prediction phase and is followed by the pre-materialization of views that correspond to the user‟s requests in the future. These views are then stored in the cache and served to the user in the appropriate time. The proposed technique‟s main goal consists in maintaining a positive ration between the time spent to predict and materialize the views, and the time that would be spent if no prediction had been done