3 research outputs found

    Nutrient supply of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) on the open field and indoor comparison between the express method and the traditional methods for leaf analysis

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    Magistritöö Aianduse õppekavalKurk (Cucumis sativus) vajab kasvuks rohkesti toitaineid, eriti lämmastikku, kaaliumi ja kaltsiumi. Leheanalüüside järjepidev tegemine on oluline juhis optimaalses väetamises ja taime tervise ning kasvu seisukohast. Uued analüüsimeetodid, just ekspressmeetodid vajavad katsetamist ja analüüsimist erinevate kultuuridega. Eestis on eelnevalt sarnast uurimust läbiviidud maasika ja küüslauguga. Käesolev magistritöö jätkab 2020. aastal kaitstud bakalaureusetööd kurgi ja küüslaugu leheanalüüside ekspressmeetodite kohta. Antud magistritöö eesmärk oli välja selgitada avamaal ja katmikalal kasvatatavate kurgi sortide toitainetega varustatus leheanalüüsi ekspressmeetodi ja traditsiooniliste meetodite võrdluses. Käesolev töö hõlmab kolme aasta kurgi leheproovide andmestikku (2019, 2020, 2021), lämmastiku korral (2018, 2019, 2020). Toitainete sisaldused määrati lehtedes traditsiooniliste meetoditega ja ekspressmeetoditega. Korrelatsioonanalüüsi abil hinnati traditsiooniliste meetodite ja ekspressmeetodite seose tugevust ning regressioonanalüüsi abil ekspressmeetodil määratud intensiivsusparameetrite hajuvust võrreldes traditsioonilisel meetodil määratud mineraalelementide sisaldusega. Leiti toitainete sisaldus avamaa ja katmikala kurgi lehtedes ja võrreldi neid omavahel. Kolme aasta analüüsi tulemustest selgus, et traditsiooniliste meetodite ja ekspressmeetodite vahel on usaldusväärsed seosed. Lämmastiku (0,96), fosfori (r=0,978), kaaliumi (r=0,95) ja vase (r=0.96) lehe sisalduste vahel olid väga tugevad positiivsed seosed. Tugevad positiivsed seosed olid magneesiumi (r=0,8), tsingi (0,87), raua (0,84) ja mangaani (0,87) puhul. Kaltsiumi (r=0,60) sisalduste vahel olid keskmise tugevusega seosed. Kõige suuremad keskmiste erinevused avamaa ja kasvuhoone kurgi lehtede vahel olid fosfori, kaltsiumi ning raua korral. Ekspressmeetodid on määrava tähtsusega kurgi leheanalüüside tegemisel. Edasistes katsetes tuleks kaasata teisi Eestis kasvatatavaid köögivilju. Samuti peaks tegema analüüse muude kiirmeetoditega, näiteks kaasaskantava X-Ray seadmega ja taimemahla kiirtestidega.Cucumber needs for growth a lot nutrients, especially nitrogen, potassium and calcium. Consistent foliar analysis is an important guide for optimal fertilization and plant health and growth. New methods of analysis, in particular express methods need to be tested and analyzed with different cultures. A similar study has previously been conducted in Estonia with strawberries and garlic. This master's thesis will continue the bachelor's thesis defended in 2020 on the express methods of leaf analysis of cucumber and garlic The aim of this master's thesis was to find out the nutrient supply of open field and indoor cucumber varieties by comparing the express method of leaf analysis and traditional methods. This work covers three years of cucumber leaf sample data (2019, 2020, 2021), for nitrogen (2018, 2019, 2020). Nutrient contents in the leaves were determined by traditional methods and express methods. Correlation analysis was used to assess the strength of the relationship between traditional and express methods. The scatter of the intensity parameters determined by the regression analysis method compared to the content of mineral elements determined by the traditional method.The results of the open-field and indoor cucumber leaf analysis were compared. The results of the three-year analysis showed that there are reliable links between traditional and express methods. There were very strong positive correlations between nitrogen (0.96), phosphorus (r = 0.978), potassium (r = 0.95) and copper (r = 0.96) leaf contents. There were strong positive associations for magnesium (r = 0.8), zinc (0.87), iron (0.84) and manganese (0.87). Calcium (r = 0.60) levels were moderate. The largest differences in mean between open field and greenhouse cucumber leaves were for phosphorus, calcium and iron. Expression methods are crucial for cucumber leaf analysis. Other vegetables grown in Estonia should be included in further experiments. Analyzes could also be performed using other rapid methods, such as a portable X-Ray device and sap quick test

    Analysis of Trace Elements in Leaves Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

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    Part 1: GIS, GPS, RS and Precision FarmingInternational audienceLaser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a new way to analyze the plant ecology. The experimental used a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser to be the laser source and equipped with an eight-channel model spectrometer which’s wavelength range between 200 and 1100 nm. Studying the spectrum of the air-drying leaves and the nature leaves and detected the elements which contain Fe, Ca, Na, Mg, K, Cu, Al and Mn. Displaying the list which shows the all spectrum and elements. Refer to Fe as the benchmark, obtain the relative content of trace elements. At the same time, this technology can be employed for food safety and environment pollution evaluation. It will be the based for studying the portable LIBS instrument of detecting the pollution of heavy metal