5 research outputs found

    Adesão a recomendações de ingestão de água, em idosos: preditores psicossociais e efeitos da comunicação de informação com uso de âncoras de referência

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    Sendo os idosos um grupo de risco face a desidratação, torna-se particularmente relevante desenvolver estratégias eficazes de comunicação em saúde para o incremento da adesão a recomendações médicas para ingestão de água. Com este objetivo procurámos avaliar os efeitos da comunicação de uma recomendação, com recurso a uma referência familiar (e.g. garrafa de 1.5 Litros) na qual os idosos pudessem “ancorar” o seu julgamento e decisão de adesão à recomendação, com base numa mais eficaz compreensão de informação de quantidade. Dos 70 idosos que participaram no estudo, apenas 56 foram considerados na análise, por cumprirem os critérios de inclusão na amostra. Esta amostra incluiu idosos autónomos, não institucionalizados, responsáveis pelas suas escolhas alimentares e com indicadores de hidratação aceitáveis. Os resultados mostraram que numa condição com âncora familiar (mas não na condição sem), a adesão associada ao próprio nível de consumo existente, do idoso aumentou após a recomendação. Análises adicionais identificaram as crenças face à água e as suas várias funções, como um preditor psicossocial positivo da adesão, o mesmo não acontecendo com atitudes face à água, evitamento de informação alimentar negativa e numeracia; Abstract: Being the elderly a risk group with regard to dehydration it is necessary to develop effective health communication strategies to increase adherence to health recommendations concerning water intake. Accordingly, we aimed to assess the effects of communicating a recommendation with the addition of a familiar reference (e.g. bottle of 1.5 Liters) in which the elderly could anchor their judgment and decision making to adhere to the recommendation, based on a better comprehension of the quantified information presented. From the 70 older adults that have participated in the study, only 56 were considered in the analysis, for fulfilling the sample inclusion criteria. This sample included older adults considered to be autonomous, non-institutionalized, responsible for their good choices and with acceptable hydration levels. Results showed that in a condition with a familiar anchor (but not in a condition without) the adherence in line with the elderly own current consumption level, increased after the recommendation. Additional analysis identified beliefs concerning water and its various functions as a positive psychosocial predictor of adherence, the same not happening for attitudes towards water, avoidance of negative food information and numeracy

    Seedfeed: The Interactive Marketing and Design of a Digital Video Ecosystem

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    seedfeed™ is an interdisciplinary work that explores the business and strategic use of emerging interaction design (IxD) methodologies for understanding the interactive production, use and value of archives of digital media – i.e. digital ecosystems. It attempts to apply non-traditional IxD methods to a developing prototype of digital, non-professional concert video content, a mix of Standard Definition and High Definition content captured with consumer-level equipment. Through the project’s sponsor, Burnaby’s Teradici Corporation and its PCoIP™ remote video protocol, this archive of recorded live music events will be opened up as an interactive online ecosystem for use in an industry co-op program for digital video production. The project’s goals are to investigate emerging IxD methods as ways to better understand the complex and interactive dynamics of digital ecosystems, particularly their sustainability and the role of disruptive innovations in evaluating PCoIP™’s market potential and marketing strategies for higher education and the entertainment industry

    Analysis of Strategic Knowledge in Back of the Envelope Reasoning

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    Back of the envelope (BotE) reasoning involves generating quantitative answers in situations where exact data and models are unavailable and where available data is often incomplete and/or inconsistent. A rough estimate generated quickly is more valuable and useful than a detailed analysis, which might be unnecessary, impractical, or impossible because the situation does not provide enough time, information, or other resources to perform one. Such reasoning is a key component of commonsense reasoning about everyday physical situations. We present an implemented system, BotE-Solver, that can solve about a dozen estimation questions like “What is the annual cost of healthcare in USA? ” from different domains using a library of strategies and the Cyc knowledge base. BotE-Solver is a general-purpose problem solving framework that uses strategies represented as suggestions, and keeps track of problem solving progress in an AND/OR tree. A key contribution of this paper is a knowledge level analysis [Newell, 1982] of the strategic knowledge used in BotE reasoning. We present a core collection of seven powerful estimation strategies that provides broad coverage for such problem solving. We hypothesize that this is the complete set of back of the envelope problem solving strategies. We present twofold support for this hypothesis: 1) an empirical analysis of all problems (n=44) on Force and Pressure

    Analysis of Strategic Knowledge in Back of the Envelope Reasoning

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    Back of the envelope (BotE) reasoning involves generating quantitative answers in situations where exact data and models are unavailable and where available data is often incomplete and/or inconsistent. A rough estimate generated quickly is more valuable and useful than a detailed analysis, which might be unnecessary, impractical, or impossible because the situation does not provide enough time, information, or other resources to perform one. Such reasoning is a key component of commonsense reasoning about everyday physical situations. We present an implemented system, BotE-Solver , that can solve about a dozen estimation questions like "What is the annual cost of healthcare in USA?" from different domains using a library of strategies and the Cyc knowledge base. BotE-Solver is a general-purpose problem solving framework that uses strategies represented as suggestions, and keeps track of problem solving progress in an AND/OR tree. A key contribution of this paper is a knowledge level analysis [Newell, 1982] of the strategic knowledge used in BotE reasoning. We present a core collection of seven powerful estimation strategies that provides broad coverage for such problem solving. We hypothesize that this is the complete set of back of the envelope problem solving strategies. We present twofold support for this hypothesis: 1) an empirical analysis of all problems (n=44) on Force and Pressure, Rotation and Mechanics, Heat, and Astronomy from Clifford Swartz's "Back-of-the-Envelope Physics" [Swartz, 2003], and 2) an analysis of strategies used by BotE-Solver