1,824 research outputs found

    The Research of Technological Approach to the Modeling of Information and Analytic Provision of Managing an Enterprise

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    The article is devoted to the solution of actual problems of innovative development of information and analytical provision of managing an enterprise according to the newest technology. A number of recommendations concerning technological upgrading foundation of modernization of information and analytic provision of managing an enterprise are elaborated. Technological approach to the modeling of information provision of business management is substantiated. Actualizing information and analytic provision of managing an enterprise has been carried out in developed flexible information system that is organized as internal network structure. Technological foundation of information and analytical process enterprise to modernize has been considered based on the modern tools of information and communication decisions. Information and analytical provision of managing have been developed through internal and external parallels of impact, which interconnection coordinates theory, methodology and organization of information processes with actualization of its model. The model of information and analytic provision of managing an enterprise according to the individual characteristics of corporate culture, and information environment and development strategy of business entity on the basis of characteristics of technological provision of information process is developed. Information complex has been suggested as developed system with technological process of forming initial data and modernizing processing, transmission and storage of information in accordance with distinctive characteristics of enterprise and general tendencies of its developmen

    The analysis on third party logistics company K using information technology to enhance their core competitiveness

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    Performance Evaluation of Port Logistics Informatization Construction: A Case Study from China

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    Global economic integration has accelerated frequency of trade between different countries and promoted logistics industry to quickly become another development highland. Facts have proved that logistics has been separated from production and circulation as an independent link, driven by existing technology and demand, and with its characteristics and needs of the times, logistics has formed a strong professional field. At the same time, it can also independently undertake corresponding brokerage business activities in trade exchanges. To better understand the role of port and logistics in trade, it is particularly necessary to study port logistics informatization. Considering efficiency of input and output, more attention should be paid to performance evaluation of port logistics informatization construction. Based on analysis of port logistics informatization development, evaluation index system and DEA evaluation model which can represent performance of port logistics informatization were constructed. 17 listed ports in China were taken as examples for empirical study, and suggestions for development of port logistics informatization are put forward. Results show that among 17 ports, only Tangshan port, Shenzhen port, Yantian port and Chongqing port have a technical efficiency value of 1, while the other 13 ports have a certain degree of redundancy in technical efficiency value of information input, indicating that development and construction of port logistics informatization has a very important impact on port logistics income. Efficiency value of average annual net profit indicates that the port has redundant investment in information construction, which means that construction of port logistics informatization can not only blindly pay attention to informatization input, and that shortage of informatization output will be affected by other factors to a certain extent. The more investment in informatization construction is not the better, and different ports are affected by different types of factors. Therefore, it is necessary to combine actual development status of ports and to apply right medicine to avoid insufficiency or redundancy of port input, to realize optimal investment strategy for informatization construction of port logistics. Through this study, it is expected to achieve the purpose of systematically sorting out, concluding and expanding relevant theories of port logistics informatization construction, clarifying management problems that need to be solved, indicating methods for promotion of informatization construction, and providing new ideas and reference basis for reform, transformation and upgrading of port enterprises

    Research on User Resistance Behavior in the Post-Implementation Stage of a Hospital Information System

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    The development of informatization brings great opportunities for the construction of informatization in hospitals. Hospitals are increasingly dependent on information systems. However, in the process of implementing the hospital information system, user resistance has become an important factor hindering the successful implementation of the system. The existing researches on the causes of user resistance mostly stay in the pre-implementation stage before the introduction of the system. However, the pre-implementation stage does not involve the resistance caused by users\u27 real contact with the system, so the research conclusions are limited. Based on the existing three-factor resistance theory, choosing the resistance in the postimplementation stage of a hospital information system as case study object, starting from the three theoretical perspectives, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the reasons for the resistance behavior in the post-implementation stage of the information system, and puts forward that the reasons for the resistance behavior are caused by user motivation, system development technology, network infrastructure, organizational support, organizational management, and other comprehensive caused by multiple factors. Through this study, the conclusions of the existing information system resistance factors research field are further expanded and improved, making the conclusions more comprehensive and specific. This paper not only provides theoretical reference for researchers in related fields, but also provides substantive suggestions for the smooth implementation of information system in hospitals, promotes the transformation of hospital informatization, and improves the level of medical service and social health

    Organization and Application of Information Technologies in Enterprises of Herzegovina Region

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    Rapid development of information technologies has had a big influence on global economy and has activated the series of changes such as: globalization, liberalization, concurrency growth, market expansion, availability of market information to all segments etc. Also, the significance of the Information itself has become larger since information technologies are making the process of gathering, processing, storing and distributing of data much easier with the primary goal of possessing the right information at the right time and at the right place in the organization with minimization of costs. The achievement of this goal is leading to improvement in all segments of business activity such as: research and development of new products, process of supply, supply management, accounting and finance, marketing, sales, control, communication and decision making. Application of information technologies in the modern business does not only include buyingand owning PCs in the company, but also a presence of high quality organization and utilization of information technologies which is a guarantee for successful and competitive existence in the market. What kind of information system should be implemented is dependant on the company size, amount of information and data it operates with, the type of business, future plans etc. The objective of this research is to get the picture of level of enterprise informatization in Herzegovina with respect to amount and manner of information technology utilization. From these goals, the following hypotheses were set: H1 – information technologies are insufficiently used and are not appropriately organized in the companies of Herzegovina region H2 – there are substantial differences in utilization and organization of information technologies in the enterprises of Herzegovina region regarding their size This paper will present the research based on the original questionnaire from the project named "Research and need analysis for training and consultative services for small and medium enterprises in the Herzegovina region" which was carried out by the authors for the Herzegovina regional development agency. The research was conducted in the end of year 2008 and in the beginning of 2009 and it comprised 105 enterprises from the Herzegovina region which spans over Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Srpska. The size of the enterprise (micro, small, medium and large) was defined through a two-dimensional criteria including two variables: number of employees and total income. The research is expected to confirm the hypothesis and create the foundation for undertaking the appropriate actions in order to change the current, unsatisfying situation.Information technologies, organization, enterprise, Herzegovina

    Top-Level Design and Practical Applications of Wisdom Campus in Chinese University—A Case of Wisdom Beihang

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    Wisdom education is the direction of educational informatization development. Wisdom campus is the advanced stage of the development of educational informatization. The construction of wisdom campus is a complicated systematic project, requiring not only strengthening top-level design from the macro level, but also considering the specific operational implementation from the micro level. On the background and connotation of wisdom campus development, this paper reviews the domestic research literature, and analyses the top-level design of wisdom campus. The organization structure is the key; the business process is the main line; the institution standard system is the focus; the campus culture is the essence; the platform construction is the core; the public service is the target; the operation and maintenance is the support; the information security is the basis; the supervision and assessment is the guarantee. At the same time, combined with the practical application of wisdom campus construction of Beihang University, the One-card service, integrated services, One-stop service, wireless network, unified identity authentication, data center, and iHome comprehensive application platform provide a reference case for the top-level design and construction of wisdom campus

    Informatization as a Measure for Improvement of the Education Policy – Case Study: Electronic Content Portal

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    The intensive development of information technology in the new millennium has redesigned the functioning views, rules and principles of educational organizations. They have been set to the challenge of how and in which way information technologies influence the improvement of the effectiveness of the educational surrounding. As a result of this process, the overall improvement of the education system, analyzed as a whole, as well as its compliance with modern trends and needs, inevitably leads to the necessity of improving the process by applying information technologies. The extent by which a geographical area, an economy or a society is becoming information-base, increase in size of its information labor force, is referred to as informatization, whereas the principles and government policy-making in educational sphere, as well as the collection of laws and rules that govern the operation of education systems is an education policy. In this paper, the need of creation of educational policy by using information technology is examined, with particular reference to one of the measures for improvement of the education policy, such as an online resource (www.skoool.mk), as a case study, on the bases of which appropriate conclusions and recommendations are drawn